Tis The Season

Tis The Season

Hakyeon had noticed the black haired the moment he moved into the apartment across the hall from his own. It had been towards the end of October but he didn't know any more not that it was December then he had before other then a his name.


Jung Taekwoon


Having been unable to approach the other because he never seemed to want to leave his apartment aside from what he assumed was the other going to work. Hakyeon had found he worked at the newly opened coffee shop. Though while he seemed friendly enough when he was at work when he came home he had an stoical expression that warded against anyone coming up to him out of fear. As far as Hakyeon was concerned it was December and Taekwoon was acting like a Grinch when it was supposed to be the happiest time of the year and he still didn't even have his Christmas decorations up.


Of course, that goes without saying that Hakyeon had already started decorating the moment Thanksgiving was over so he might have been overdoing the season to begin with. Still, he felt the need to spread the Christmas cheer to his new and mysterious neighbor and maybe get to know him along the way.


Christmas was three weeks away so he had plenty of time to fill Taekwoon with Christmas cheer albeit it being forced.


It started off simple enough with him placing a wreath on the front of his door just before he got home from work. Hakyeon watched through his slightly ajar door to see the other furrow his eyebrows and remove the wreath before entering his home. It didn't appear he knew who had done it so that left him the opportunity to keep going.


So if a wreath wasn't going to do the trick then maybe food would. If it was one thing he had managed to garner about Taekwoon was he liked to eat a lot and presumably cook because he could smell delicious scents coming from his place when he walked by the door. Despite his own cooking skills probably not being on par with his neighbors Hakyeon decided to make him some Christmas cookies.


He shaped in the shapes of snowmen, reindeer, Santa Claus, and presents before decorating them to his liking with sugar and colored frosting. It would only be a few minutes before Taekwoon returned home once more and he wanted them to be soft and warm when he did. Quickly placing them sweets on a plate and wrapping them up to keep them warm longer he sneaked over to the broody male's apartment and set them in front of the door with a little note that wished him a Merry Christmas. He quickly ran back to his door, again leaving it cracked so he could see the others reaction.


But he was to be disappointed yet again.


Taekwoon stopped short of reaching his door to stare down at the plate of cookies waiting for him. He picked up the plate and took it inside with him to which Hakyeon presumed to throw away. Of course his reaction was expected. Who would eat food left for them by an unknown person? His mood may have been slightly deflated but he was by no means giving up on his mission to get Taekwoon into a Christmas mood.


Which is why he left his snow globe at his door the next day for him to find.


And a mistletoe hanging over his door the day after that; which was promptly removed despite the sudden reddening Hakyeon glimpsed on the others usual pale cheeks.


The next time Taekwoon arrived at his apartment door he saw it decorated with lights and tinsel. It was removed but his eyes had a assumed glint to them as if he was glad to still have a secret Santa despite him repeatedly taking down his decorations. Not one to be deterred especially when it seemed like the other secretly enjoyed his gifts despite trying to pretend he didn't.


When the feline-eyed neighbor returned per usual his head dropped to cover up the smile that almost overwhelmed him at seeing a dancing snowman at his door.


A dancing Santa was soon to join the following day.


Hakyeon wondered if Taekwoon had even bothered with getting a Christmas tree. He didn't think it likely so he left him an ornament and light decorated one.


The pair carry on like this until Christmas Eve, Hakyeon leaving Taekwoon little tokens of the holiday, and Taekwoon tossing the kind gestures into a box to be forgotten. This night though Hakyeon was determined to see to it that the other male wouldn't spend it alone. He would introduce himself tonight after making some delicious hot chocolate for them to share and converse over.


Carefully, Hakyeon picked up the two large and hot mugs filled with a combination of hot chocolate, marshmallows, whipped cream decorated with small sprinkles of cinnamon. To top it all off he had added two biscuit sticks of chocolate into the mix. With slow, deliberate steps he made his way across the hall to Taekwoon's door.


It quickly dawned on him that his hands were too full for him to be able to knock on the door. Instead he used his foot to nudge at the door and waited patiently for it to open up. As soon as it did Hakyeon was met with a blank yet handsome face to which he beamed at nonetheless.


“Hello! I'm Hakyeon! You're neighbor! I come bringing delicious hot chocolate!” Hakyeon cheerfully explained.


It seemed to garner no reaction from the male but even without Hakyeon saying anything he quickly deduced that he was the one who had been leaving all this Christmas cheer at his door.


“It was you.” he simply stated as he let the other inside.


“Hmm?” Hakyeon hummed pretending to play innocent while he handed the second hot mug to the taller, begrudgingly he noted, of the two.


Upon entering the homely looking place he noticed a box that had been placed beside an undecorated tree. It was obvious the box was filled with all the trinkets he had given to Taekwoon in an attempt to give him some Christmas cheer. He questioned the other about it as he joined him on the couch to sip at their hot beverages but he wasn't comfortable divulging that information just yet so Hakyeon asked about him personally.


Taekwoon was the same age as him. His love of coffee knew no bounds which is why he chose to work at a coffee shop. He hoped to one day to be able to open his own place instead of working under someone else. He was also interested in sing and play piano so that had been what he chose to take classes on and even gave Hakyeon a taste. After much prodding on Hakyeon's part. He wasn't the only one to talk about himself as he offered up his own interests such as he studied dance and wanted to be a choreographer but would also take to being a back up dancer.


By the time they had finished with the small talk they had also finished their drinks. Taekwoon offered to take the dirty mugs to the kitchen while Hakyeon meandered over to the ignored decorations. He took it upon himself to open the box and began to dig around.


Seconds later he heard Taekwoon return with a sigh, the couch springs reacting to his body reclining into it once again instead of joining Hakyeon.


“This is my first Christmas without my family.” he began softly.


Hakyeon immediately stopped what he was doing to glance back at the raven haired male, facial expression silently urging him to continue.


“My younger brother Sanghyuk died last year, the day after Christmas in car accident.” he hesitantly continued.


Instead of interrupting him Hakyeon began dig throughout the box beside him. He listened silently to the story while he got to work with decorating the tree.


“I had brought home my boyfriend to introduce him to my parents and tell them I was gay. We got into a huge argument and I left the house. They had pretty much disowned me after that. Hyuk had been the only one my side and had driven off to find me when he...”


Hakyeon didn't understand how a family could do that to their child. He couldn't understand such a thing happening because had been fortunate enough to have such a supportive and loving family. Hell, they knew he was gay even before he did but never said anything because they didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by bringing it up if he wasn't ready to talk about it yet. The reason he wasn't spending the holidays with them this year was because of distance and not enough money to travel that distance. He did get to talk to his parents and siblings on the phone though so that was enough for him to get by on. And he found rather quickly and with slightly flushed cheeks that he'd rather spend this Christmas with Taekwoon instead.


After a period of silence to compose himself, Taekwoon continued on as Hakyeon hung up colorful lights and stockings.


“But the roads were snowy and slippery and he ended up sliding about on the road. He slid into the wrong lane and oncoming truck him on the driver's side. He died on the way to the hospital and my parents have blamed me ever since. I know they wish that I had died instead...”


By the time he had finished his story Hakyeon was by his side on the couch taking his pale hand in his own tanned one. It was quite a contrast in color but one that he found he liked.


“It wasn't your fault. Your brother obviously loved you no matter since he went after you.” he told him.


“It's just hard without him. I haven't talked or seen my parents since the funeral.”


“It's for the best if that's how they're going to act. Besides you're not alone anymore when you've got me now!” Hakyeon grinned at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.


“You're going to be a handful aren't you?” Taekwoon deadpanned.


The elder of the two made an appalled expression as if he truly was offended by the accusation.


“Excuse you, you should be so lucky as to have someone as amazing as me come into your life!”




Hakyeon gasped and pouted and Taekwoon hid his face to hide his small smile.


“But I really I am grateful for all of...” he trailed off as he looked around to see the decorations that adorned the living room “...this”


The tree had been decorated and shown brightly. Rainbow colored light mixed in with tinsel were around the room. The snow globe had been placed beside them on the coffee table, surrounded with greenery. The dancing snowman and Santa were on each side of the door so that every time someone walked through it they would set of the sensors. And the bell decorated wreath had been hung up on the door to jingle every time it was opened. But the mistletoe was no where to be seen.


“You work fast don't you?” he questioned once the shock wore off.


“There are some things I like to take my time on. Like wooing handsome and mysterious neighbors with silly Christmas stuff.” Hakyeon said, fingers reaching underneath Taekwoon's chin to bring his attention back to him instead of the decorations.


He stared back at the other for a few seconds before noticing the arm in the air and as he glanced up to see Hakyeon was holding the last missing piece of the Christmas spirit over their heads.


Hakyeon grinned “tis the season right?”


This time Taekwoon didn't feel the need to hide his smile or blushing cheeks anymore and leaned in to join their lips together in a kiss that tasted just like chocolate and new love.






A/N: Yeah I know I have a dozen other stories I need to finish but this one was the easiest to finish. This piece hasn't been proofread cause I'm lazy and just wanted to get something up so I apologize for any errors. I'd really appreciate feedback, it gives me more inspiration to write and I'll love you forever. So I hope you enjoyed it! <3

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greenpixies #1
Chapter 1: I love this!!! ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: This is adorable and I can totally imagine this happening~~ Aside from the whole Hyuk incident of course.
Chapter 1: that was incredibly adorable
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 1: the feelssss
hyukkie tho
starry_diamonds #5
Chapter 1: Awww it's cute <3 and poor Hyukkie
eyesmilegyu #6
Chapter 1: Eheyy that was too cute ;;
KpopWednesdayite #7
Chapter 1: this is just so so cute ^^ <33
yogurt3200 #8
Chapter 1: oh I love this so much
I felt so good reading your story. love the way hakyeon wooing taekwoon with christmas decorations XD
I love christmas feeling and this story is all christmas feeling i love. omg. thank you and Merry Christmas!