╯ sub-units ╭

╯ 7SINS: A Journey to The Top — FNC's first co-ed group [ apply open ] ╭


the GODS

pride, sloth, greed, gluttony

The four males that will show their charismatic, fresh, and y side

the Goddesses

lust, envy, & warth

The three females that will show their y, seductive, playful side

the leaders

lust & pride

The two leaders sub-units that will show both leaders' powerfulness

the deathly

warth, envy, & gluttony

Two female vocalist with one male rapper that will show you their dangerously harmonious voices

The fatale

sloth & gluttony

The two male rappers that will show you their wonderful rapping skill

the trouble

sloth & Greed

The male vocalist and rapper that will show you the awesome skill of both

the sinful

Lust & Gluttony

The triple treath and the rapper that will show you a great performance

the angels

Warth & Envy

The both vocalist that will show you their beautiful voices

the demons

Pride & Greed

The two vocalist of the males that will show you amazing voices

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Chapter 3: is allowed?
Chapter 4: I'm glad you liked JangMi! I can go back and fix the spelling mistakes and the talent twin if you'd like?
Hey~ I have a question, because it's not written in the cheatsheet, I wondered if our characters had to have a love interest of the opposite or if they could have /yuri relationship? I guess no, but I still wanted to ask ^^