melodramatic drama reviews


“All the world's a stage; And all the men and women are merely players.” ―William Shakespeare, As You Like It
waiting for request   waiting for request  waiting for request waiing for request

Welcome to this drama review shop. Here, dramas from all over Asia will be reviewed, most of them will be requested. There will be a link to a form below for a drama review request. Please be patient, as it cannot be done within one day { as I do have a boyfriend, play sport and it is almost Christmas }. Also, can the dramas requested please be completed dramas? Okay, the form is here



this is an idea I've wanted to start for a while now, but have been unable to since I was at school for the year. Now that it's over until January 29th, and my boyfriend doesn't return from Vietnam unil halfway through January, I have a lot of time to complete these. Also, I'll get my boyfriend to watch them with me to help :)


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