Just One Retweet

Christmas Wish


"It’s end now….and I'm going to sleep too" I'm said while yawning after finished my Korean favorite reality show on my pc…

I close my laptop and jump to the bed, and then take out my phone 

"Let’s me see if T-ara unnie upload anything today..."

"Ah, so cute-ah…" I'm exclaiming while scrolling down IG newsfeed which is full of T-ara unnie new selca…

"Here is EunyeonMin’s Selca again…I wish Jiyeon unnie have her own IG so I can get news update from her…I miss u so much"

I'm off the IG and open Twitter which is also full of T-ara Update news since I'm a big fan of them especially Jiyeon…

It's nearly Christmas but here am I, stay home all alone, looking at my unnie face on the screen* I'm thought and continue to scroll down it until I saw an interesting tweet of a magic page…

/Retweet this and write down anything u want and it will come true for this Christmas day/

Oh, god…it's such an old joke by the people...and what if I wish for a million dollar and it gonna come true, huh???…I'm laugh it off while reading the tweet of people who wrote down their own wish even know it just a nonsense things.

"Well, one tweet won't cause any harm" I smile and wrote my own wish and tweet it

*I wish I could be spending happy time together with Jiyeon unnie for Christmas day this year*

Well, even it's just for one day… I won't regret it…^^



***In the morning

I wake up due to the loud voice from the down stairs..can be heard from the kitchen and sound kind of my mum's cooking...but wait, did I tell u I'll staying home alone while all my family was going to abroad for holiday??? So what's about the noise out there? Did my mom coming back to home earlier cos she worries about me??? It's kinda weird...0.o

I’m trying to pull myself self together, get out of the bed and trying to listen to the noise that still going on…

It's true, someone is cooking in my kitchen and I'm home all alone by myself, its must be ghost or else. Or I'm dreaming?????

I pinch myself and ...ouch, it's hurt and it's mean I'm not dreaming…but then who is cooking out there? 

My phone is ringing and I pick it up and my jaw dropped...



“Yeah, sweetheart. What wrong with ur voice? U just woke up?”

“Oh, yeah...I'm just getting up but I want to ask u if everything is ok over there???”

“Yeah, nothing wrong. We are having so much fun now. We kind of regret that u can't come here and watching the snow falling down, it's amazing baby”

“Ah, really??? I guess so..emmmm” I say while thinking of downstairs noise which is stopped now

“Everything ok, honey? U sounds strange today, are u afraid of being alone???”

“Ah, no…Mum don’t worry…just enjoy ur holiday…I will be alright...I'll off now”

“Ok, honey. Have a nice breakfast and enjoy ur self at home…don't forget lock all the door in case someone want to hurt u dear…I love u”

“I know, and I love u too mum”

I off my phone, pick up a vase from bedroom and open the door to downstairs...

Oh, … There is a stranger in my kitchen right now…standing around the dinner table, eating something up…oh god, it's a woman, Look quite tall, with brown wavy hair and white skin…

Are the thief are always this beautiful??? I'm thought to myself…and moving closer and standing behind her back 

“Hey, stop everything u doing now…turn ur face to me now or I'll hit u…I'm already call the police”

Great, that woman stop the all the motion but still don't turn her face to u…so u shout again

“Hey, don't u hear me??? I said u turn ur face to me now, or I'll really hit u with this vase”

Damn it, she keeps standing still like a rock now like she heard nothing and makes me out of patient…

“Well, I told u twice already and this is the last time. Show me ur face or u gonna get hit by this vase…don't say i didn't warn ya… I'll gonna hit u now…yah…”

I'm holding up the vase really high in order to hit her head in time she turning her body and facing to me…

I'm gasping for the air after saw her face while my hands are still in the air…

“Oh??????” I'm shout out so loud and pass out after the vase fall from the hand and hit my own head…@.@

       ***End of Part 1***


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dinoyeonnie #1
Chapter 2: OMG!!Thank you for making this!!I'm over the moon right now!!