The Breakdown

Learning How to Live

The next morning, Hyun Ae couldn’t tell if she was just numb from tiredness or from Bobby’s sweet words. She squealed to herself thinking about yesterday for about the thousandth time as she hurriedly got dressed in order to start the school day.

As soon as she stepped into the classroom, her eyes flickered towards the seat behind hers. She was pleasantly surprised to see Bobby staring right at her with a small smile on his face as he waved. Hyun Ae couldn’t prevent the large grin that broke onto her face as she waved back at him.

“Stop it, Hyun Ae. You’re making it too obvious that you have a crush on him.”

Hyun Ae shook her head to calm her mind down as she felt a tap on her shoulder. Being careful not to seem too eager to turn around, she slowly twisted her body as she changed her facial expression to a calm one.

“My house, same time?”

Hyun Ae nodded with a small smile as Bobby grinned in happiness.

The rest of the school day passed quickly as Hyun Ae took notes with full force. Nothing could stop her at this point, she felt like she was on top of the world. Her inner strength only grew as she saw her math teacher walk into the classroom, holding the results of the tests from the previous day.

“Hello class. As I’m sure you all can see, I have the tests graded. The results were a bit…surprising. It’s quite interesting to-…well, I’ll let you see for yourself.”

The quiet classroom soon became a loud clamor of voices as students tried to decipher what exactly the math teacher meant by his words.

Hyun Ae’s eyes eagerly dashed and scoured every inch of the poster as it was unrolled to show the students that had scored about average on the test. As the bottom portion of the poster was smoothed out, she felt her heart beat faster. The teacher took an excruciatingly slow time smoothing the upper half of the poster as her eyes trailed farther and farther up the ranks. Her smile dropped as her heart suddenly halted.

She started panicking as soon as she saw the test results. At the very top of the poster in shiny gold letters was “Kim Ji Won – 100”. Her vision became blurry as her voice hid itself deep within the back of . Right below Bobby’s name was her own, with a less than stellar score of 95 right next to it. Her whole body tensed as her stomach began to cramp. She felt sick as her mind suddenly caught up to the fact that she had only been surviving on water with no sleep.  

The whole class gasped in unison, witnessing the first time that Hyun Ae had been ranked second. The whispers began as people began congratulating Bobby on his miraculous feat. However, Bobby could not get himself to smile or accept the compliments. He nervously looked at Hyun Ae’s tense body as he saw her lean forward until her forehead hit the desk. He bit his lip, feeling sorry that he had beaten her. He carefully reached over and placed his hand on her head, lightly ruffling her hair to let her know that it was okay. Hyun Ae quickly asked to excuse herself to the bathroom as the tears were threatening to fall. She quickly walked out of the classroom and into a stall to let out her cries of agony. The precious words that Bobby had mentioned to her yesterday disappeared as she fell down to her knees. She began to shake as she realized she would have to face her father momentarily.

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Bobby couldn’t concentrate on the lesson for the day. He kept glancing at the door every time he thought he heard incoming footsteps, only to be disappointed. However, he made sure to take extra detailed notes to give to Hyun Ae later, assuming that she would still show up. By the time the period had ended, everyone was muttering about how Hyun Ae had disappeared out of shame. Bobby’s face twitched as he listened to every single comment. He could have yelled, but that would only make Hyun Ae more embarrassed. He packed up her stuff and swung her backpack over his shoulder as he waited near the girls’ bathroom.

Hyun Ae, making sure that her red eyes and messy appearance were unnoticeable, slowly stepped out of the bathroom only to be greeted by a familiar figure. Bobby’s eyes looked at hers carefully as he handed her backpack over. Hyun Ae grabbed it, turning her face away from Bobby’s soft gaze. She didn’t want him to feel sorry for her.

“Don’t worry, I’m still coming,” she said, as she quickly turned away from him to face her upcoming fate at home.

Bobby watched her disappear before heading to his own house, wondering what he could do to make her feel better as soon as she stepped foot into his house later that day.

Walking towards her house, she noticed a stiff figure looming near the front door. It was her dad. She cast her gaze down to her feet as she slowly approached him.

“So. How was your test?”

Hyun Ae began to tremble as his words piercingly entered her ear. She knew that he knew her score and rank.

“Bad, right?”

Hyun Ae slowly nodded as her dad angrily unrolled the crumpled piece of paper he had squished in his hand.

“A 95...a 95…and right below this…this…this BOY. This boy who came from the States and does nothing better with his time than listen to that stupid rap music of his and composing stupid lyrics that will get him nowhere in life! HOW COULD YOU LOSE TO THIS TYPE OF PERSON? You’re BETTER than this! Are you that stupid? I’m ashamed to have a daughter like you!”

Hyun Ae was sobbing at this point. She hung her head in shame as every word slapped her in the face, breaking down the confidence she had built up the entire day. Every word that went through her head reminded her of that first harsh meeting back in her teenage years. She had failed once again. She had disappointed her father, once again.

A loud smack resonated within the area as Hyun Ae looked at her father in surprise. He had hit her.

“Leave. I can’t bear to see the sight of such a disgusting thing like you. You’re a total failure in my eyes right now.”

Hyun Ae stood glued to her spot as she tried to mutter an indistinguishable, “I’m sorry”.


Hyun Ae picked up her feet at that point and ran. She ran and ran until she stopped at the only other spot she could go to without totally breaking down – Bobby’s house.

She rang the doorbell as if her life depended on it, over and over again until Bobby swung open the door.

Bobby’s heart dropped as his eyes fell on a girl whose face was splotched with tears and a faint red mark on her cheek. He immediately pulled her into his arms, comforting the girl who had always put on a strong face in front of everyone else. He lightly patted her head as he whispered warm words of peace. He waited until she had calmed down a bit before leading her into his room.

He slowly led her to his bed and urged her to sit down as he grabbed a chair and sat right in front of her, near the edge of the bed. Hyun Ae couldn’t bring herself to stare up at him. It was too embarrassing.  He had seen everything, but she had nowhere else to go. At that moment, Bobby’s hand brushed the faint red mark that stained her porcelain cheek as he tucked a few stray hairs behind her ears. His hands then moved to wipe any remaining moisture from both of Hyun Ae’s eyes. His hands trailed to her back as he pulled her in for another hug, patting her back softly.

“I’m so sorry for all of this,” Bobby said, feeling responsible.

Hyun Ae shook her head multiple times, not wanting him to bear the blame.

“You did nothing, this was all my fault. Please don’t blame yourself for this.”

“How can I not? I basically made the smartest girl in the school break down and lose her cool…”

“It’s not because of you that I look like this…”

“Then who…or why?”

She rested her head on his shoulder, not wanting him to remove her from his embrace. She snuggled her nose a bit farther into Bobby’s cotton shirt as she slightly inhaled his manly cologne.

“My dad…you could say he’s a bit OCD over perfect grades…”

Bobby nodded, connecting Hyun Ae’s words about her study habits from yesterday to the situation that was occurring now.

“You see…I’m a failure in his eyes…I can’t do anything right. I’m short, ugly, and make stupid mistakes. I lack social skills because all I have in my life is the knowledge of how to make good grades – but even then, it’s not enough. I’ve failed my dad. I’ve failed myself by failing him…Not only that, but he insulted you…that’s something I couldn’t stand to hear any longer…”

Bobby’s face hardened at her lack of self-appreciation.

“Stop that…you’re not any of those things. You’re only those things in your mind because you MADE yourself believe them. Just because you think of yourself that way doesn’t mean the rest of the world does. And don’t worry about me, I don’t care about the people whom I don’t love.”
Hyun Ae shook her head, refusing to believe in Bobby’s words.

Bobby let out a sigh as he pulled away from her and went to his closet to pull out a full length mirror. He set it right in front of Hyun Ae as he sat right next to her.

“Look carefully at the girl in front of you and tell me what you see.”

“I see a hideous girl who looks like she’s just been through war. I see a failure. I see…someone who will never be good enough in her dad’s eyes. I see a girl who disappointed her mom. And most importantly, I see a girl who has lost all sense of self assurance and safety. She’s gone Bobby…”

Hyun Ae lightly traced the spot where her dad had hit her earlier.

Bobby gently pulled her hand away from her cheek as he looked at her facial features closely. Her eyes had lost all their sparkle as her naturally wavy locks were entangled within one another, making it a jumbled mess. Her uniform was wrinkled. Her eyebrows were arched in disappointment as the color beneath her eyes were a bright red. Her nose was a slight hue of red as well, matching the fading mark on her cheek. Her lips were hardened into a thin line as she intensely stared at her own reflection.

“Really? ‘Cause that’s not what I see. Wanna know what I see?”

Hyun Ae turned to look at him in curiosity, wanting to know his answer.

He held Hyun Ae’s chin as he turned her face back to the mirror.

“I see…a girl trying too hard to please her father. I see…a girl who is STILL unappreciative of herself. I see…a girl who has gotten lost in finding her way to her own happiness as well as a girl who has given up on herself. On top of that, I see a girl who is unwilling to look at her own strengths. I see a girl who only looks at her flaws while making up new ones that don’t even fit who she is.

But even through all of that, I see a warm-hearted girl who wants nothing more than her father’s happiness. I see a hidden strong girl who is overshadowed by her pure heart because she is willing to put her own happiness away in exchange for someone else’s. I see a girl who is beautiful on the OUTSIDE and INSIDE. Sure, this girl whose face I’m holding right now needs more confidence, but she’s still an amazing person in my eyes. This girl right here is the most intelligent person I’ve ever met. She’s managed to make so many achievements over the span of eighteen years, unmatched by anyone else. This girl is the bravest and most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

However, the most important trait I see hidden inside this girl, who only thinks badly of herself, is her mother’s personality. The ability to give life to the people around her, the artistic flair and sense of happiness radiating from her is hidden somewhere deep inside, dying to break free. Hyun Ae…don’t think so negatively of yourself. You have so many strong traits that other people would die to have. You’re one of the sweetest girls I’ve met. Somewhere inside of you is the little eight year old who loved life and lived it to the fullest. I know the real you is there Hyun Ae…you just have to believe in yourself enough to bring it back out.”

As Hyun Ae slowly smiled from Bobby’s encouraging words, he leaned back to grab his Pooh bear.

“A wise man once said, ‘you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think’.”

Bobby leaned in for another hug as Hyun Ae gratefully accepted it, relishing in Bobby’s comments.

“Don’t let one bad grade get you down Hyun Ae…you’re still an amazing person. Besides, it’s a 95! It’s not even bad, like what on earth??? If your dad can’t see that, then you shouldn’t let him get to you. The biggest enemy that is fighting you right now is your own self. Stand up for what YOU want, not for what he wants. In the end, it’s YOUR happiness that will determine your fate. If you’re not happy…, your life isn’t worth living for.”

“…Thank you Bobby.”

Hyun Ae hugged Bobby even tighter, not wanting to go home or let go. However, she knew she had to.

They both stood up simultaneously as they slowly pulled away from the hug.

“Don’t worry about the composition. We’ll work on it later, just let me know when. Go home and get some sleep, you look like a zombie,” Bobby said with a small laugh.

Hyun Ae grinned at his comment as she headed for the door.

“Thanks again for everything Bobby…you’re a great friend.”

Hyun Ae left with a wide smile on her face as Bobby shut the door and slid down to the floor, an equally wide smile on his face.

As Hyun Ae reached her front door, she took in a deep breath and walked in, praying her dad wasn’t awake.

He was.

“Already back I see. Where did you go?”

“A friend’s house.”

“That Bobby kid’s house, right? You never mentioned having any other friends.”

His cold tone started to make her mind waver once again.


He scoffed.

“You know, I bet it’s all because of this music class. Music is what is wrong with this school’s curriculum. What a silly subject. I bet the reason why you did so badly on this test was because that Bobby kid has been tainting your mind with his dirty hip hop music. Your teacher is so stupid, pairing you up with a kid like him. They should just get rid of music class altogether. You know, back in my day, mu-“

“Please stop,” Hyun Ae managed to squeak out, having reached her limit.


“Please…just stop. The more you speak badly of music, the more it hurts me inside,” Hyun Ae started off slowly.

“Dad…I really like that class…I love it, in fact. It’s the only time of day where my mind is at peace. Music makes me happy…composing makes me happy.”

Her dad sharply turned around to look at her, his eyes blazing with betrayal.

“How can you love such a stupid subject like that?”

Hyun Ae’s tears threatened to form. However, with Bobby’s strong words flowing through her veins, her fury gained momentum.

“Mom wouldn’t have thought it was a stupid subject. She would have been proud of me, even if I had failed. She would have loved me unconditionally. I was always a winner in HER eyes. When you insult music, you are insulting Mom.”

The words that she had been dying to say since her first harsh meeting with her dad had finally come out. She felt a huge weight come off her shoulders as her body calmed down for the first time in five years.

Her dad remained silent at her daughter’s harsh tone. Hyun Ae took this chance to quickly run to her room as she slammed the door behind her. She pulled out her composition book and turned to “Miss You”. She carefully took the page out and brought it to her bed. She grabbed the large picture frame sitting next to her alarm clock and brought it close.

“Mom…I miss you…”

She slowly walked to her window, staring out at the dark sky for an endless amount of time, until the sun came out to warn her it was morning.



Phew, sorry for the late update guys! It seems like my chapters get longer as I go haha. Almost 3000 words in this one! 

I'm aiming for two more chapters unless I decide to break it up into more pieces, so I would like to thank the influx of subscribers that have read my story! Ya'll are awesome, and I appreciate every little view I get. It means a lot.


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Thanks to all the readers! LHTL placed first in the contest and I'm currently working on editing the grammar errors still present. This isn't the end though ;)


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Chapter 8: thank you so much for this beautiful and inspiring story ;-; im glad i found this, even tho the story already ended haha glad there's a sequel tho <3
Chapter 8: Loved this story so so much! It's so well written and really eye opening. Very touching too, as I can kind of relate to the main char ^^ Thanks for a great story!
Chapter 8: Authornim ur story made me cry a river ~~~ such a great and inspirational story!!jjang!!
sunfoolfinger #4
Chapter 8: This is inspirational! I am glad that u just make them remain as friend ((even though it isnobvious that they like each other))
Chapter 8: No words can express how much this story has inspired me. Great Job! ♡
Chapter 8: Loved this story
Chapter 8: Ohmygosh i absolutely adored this can't just end like that ;-; author-nim...if you ever have free time or if inspiration hits please write a sequel T-T
Chapter 8: Holy... This is so cute! Sequel plssss
DarkSideHasCookies #9
Chapter 8: Sequal! Pleeeesse. You can't end it. They haven't confessed or started a relationship yet! ㅠ.ㅠ don't end it.