Chapter 4: Marriage Photoshoot

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After Hyomin hunted down Luhan and asked for the money that she paid at the café, the four returned to school, only to be sent back home because their parents had dismissed them early.

“How are my children? I missed you!” Mrs. Oh gushed, hugging her children tightly.

“Gah! Mom! Too. Much. Love!” Hyomin choked, pulling away from the hug.

Ignoring his sister, Sehun pulled away as well and asked. “Why are we here? We still have school.”

“We're having a pre-marriage photoshoot.” Mrs. Xi replied, an excited little smile on her face.

Luhan and Sehun exchanged glances, frowning a little. “Don't you think we're taking this a little too seriously? Isn't hiring a professional photographers expensive?” Luhan asked.

“I have my connections.” Mrs. Oh grinned, waving her phone.

“Oh no... That's why she took my phone.” Sehun face-palmed, coming to realize something.

“What do you mean?” Luhan asked, nudging the younger but, Sehun waved his hand dismissively.

Without another minute to spare, the couple's mothers rushed the four into a van and they started driving to the studio. When they arrived, stylists pulled Luhan and Sehun away to dress them up and apply makeup. While waiting for them, Luxuan and Hyomin took the opportunity to look around.

“Taehyung-hyung! Bring those wires over.” A familiar voice said.

“Got it, Kook.” A lower voice said, shuffling was heard then, a clang. “Ouch!”

Curious about what happened, Luxuan and Hyomin followed the sound and found themselves at the studio with two boys tangled up in wires — it was Jungkook and Taehyung. Luxuan covered Hyomin's mouth before she can squeal and watched as they untangled themselves.

“Hey! I know you! You're from the café, you're Jungkook! And... You're...?” Hyomin asked but in reality, she knew him. Taehyung pouted, sad that she didn't recognize him and was on the verge of tears when Hyomin couldn't help but stop her joke. “Ok, ok! I'm sorry! I know who you are, you're V right?” Hyomin gave an honest smile.

“I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, but you can call me Tae–” 

“I'm not wearing that!” Someone's shout was heard throughout the studio.

“–hyung...?” Taehyung finished his introduction with a puzzled expression written on his face.

Waiting for an explanation, the four inside the studio heard a sigh. “I'll wear the white tux, I'm sorry for his behavior.”

Face-palming, Luxuan sighed. “What did he do this time?”

“Wow... Sehun can be mature?” Hyomin gasped in surprise. “Anyways, why are you guys here?” She asked, pointing at Taehyung and Jungkook.

“We are the...” Taehyung posed weirdly with Jungkook who had a camera in his hand. “... Photographers!” They said and the camera shutter flashed a few times, snapping photos of the two girls.

“What the hell is going on here?” Sehun who is in a white tux, his auburn hair straightened and brushed to the side, looking at the oddly posed Jungkook and Taehyung.

Popping out beside him, Luhan was in a black tux with his dark caramel hair slicked back. “I think they started without us.” He laughed.

“I wish.” Sehun muttered.

“Let's get this photoshoot on the road!” Jungkook cheered, pulling Luhan on to the set.

“Turn up!” Taehyung shouted, pulling Sehun on to the set.

At first, the couple did a few of the typical back-to-back poses, then a few face-to-face poses while looking at the camera. Clicking a few photos of each pose, Jungkook thought of a pose they should do.

“You guys should do a ballroom pose!” Jungkook suggested, making a demonstration with Taehyung. It was the basic ballroom dance position, hand in hand and the free hand on the waist.

Immediately rejecting the idea, Taehyung thought of way to convince them, kind of. “Would you rather do this?” He asked, dipping Jungkook.

“Nope. Luhan get over here.” Sehun got into position.

Silently walking over to Sehun, Luhan place his hand in his and his other hand on his shoulder. “Like this?” He asked.

“Almost, show off your jawline and look the opposite way of your partner, Sehun facing left and Luhan facing right.” Taehyung suggested while Jungkook adjusted the camera angle.

Following his instructions, Sehun and Luhan posed and Jungkook captured a few pictures. Watching from the side, Hyomin came up with a new prank to play on the modeling couple.

Tapping on Taehyung's shoulder, Hyomin whispered. “Tae, I'm going to play a prank on HunHan. Want to help?”

Taehyung blushed at first at the proximity between him and Hyomin, but he kept his cool and nodded. Grinning happily, Hyomin whispered her plan in his ear. He then relayed the plan to Jungkook who also agreed to do it. Standing at opposite sides of where their brothers are facing, Hyomin on the right and Luxuan on the left.


“Pabo Hun!”

“Wha–” Click! As they turned their heads towards the sister who called their name, their noses brushed against one another and Jungkook snapped a photo while Taehyung is being himself, cheering and laughing loudly.

Sehun blushed, tilting his head even lower to cover the faint pink that appeared on his cheeks. Luhan blushed as well, scratching his nape and coughing awkwardly. They stepped back from each other to regain composure.

“That's a wrap! And this one is making the cover page!” Jungkook grinned, proud of his work while showing off his masterpiece to everyone on set.

H-Hey... This isn't normal... My heart is beating too fast... Sehun thought worriedly, noticing his heartbeat started to beat really fast after the incident. Looking around the set, Luhan was nowhere to be found on set.

After the incident, Luhan ran to the washroom. Splashing water in his still-faintly-blushing face, he looked at himself in the mirror. You're like this because what happened was embarrassing. Not because you like the guy or something. It was embarrassing. Yeah, embarrassing. He nodded to himself. Wiping off the excess water, Luhan walked out the washroom. Finding no one on set anymore, he moved to the dressing room where he found a table full of food, and glasses of champagne and sparkling water; however, one of the glasses of champagne was empty.

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SehunnieeYehet #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon this story is awesome! You two being in the story cracks me up too XD and the addition of BTS is great lelel I dig it
Leehan11 #2
Chapter 10: Lol the photoshoot! I figured the girls would eventually switch! And awwww Sehunnie's starting to fall for Lulu~! (≧∇≦)
noddy1 #3
Chapter 6: Oh my god that was cute
DinojiRyeo #4
Omo jinja kyeopta *-* hope you'll update soon agiain :)
Chapter 5: this seems like toplu... *---*
yup! Me and my sis are total ARMYs XD
DinojiRyeo #7
Chapter 3: Omg jinja *-* hope u updates soon again
Chapter 2: love it ♥¤♥