A Christmas Carol (Epilogue)

A Christmas Carol

Kyungsoo woke up with a jolt.
He was hot and sweaty, his heart beating like crazy in his chest, the sheets and the covers were lying on the floor beside his bed. He jumped again when his alarm went off, and he felt a rush of confusion as he saw that it wasn't on the bedside table, but on the floor across the room.
He slowly got up to shut the object off, and sat on the floor looking into space with a look of deep confusion.
He walked to the bathroom, but stopped halfway when he noticed his guitar lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway. His eyes widened as he remembered something. He rushed to the living room, but nothing was different. No decorations, no Christmas tree, everything was just normal. He brought the guitar back in his room, shaking his head.
"I'm never ever drinking again" he muttered to himself.

Kyungsoo tried to distract himself, he really did, but he couldn't stop thinking about the dream he had that night. 
He tried to watch some TV, but nothing seemed to be interesting. His eyes were fixed on the screen, but his mind was elsewhere. All he could think about was Jongin's sad expression. Everything was still so vivid in his mind, everything felt so real.
He needed to see Jongin.
Kyungsoo jumped from the couch to get dressed as quickly as he could.


'Come on Sehun, answer the ing phone'
Kyungsoo was running in the streets, pressing the phone to his ear waiting for his friend to answer.
He was about to hang up when he heard a grunt from the other side of the phone.
"Kyungsoo?" the boy croaked out slightly concerned "What happened? Are you alright?"
"Yes" the other breathed out heavily "I just need to ask you something"
His friend whined in irritation "I was sleeping, Soo"
"We were sleeping" Kyungoo could hear Zitao mumbling, is voice muffled by the pillow.
"Ssh, go back to sleep, baby" Sehun whispered to his boyfriend, then he got up from the bed "Soo, this better be important if you're calling me at such an hour on Christmas day".
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes "I'm sorry okay? Now please, tell me if Jongin was at the party yesterday"
"He wasn't" his friend yawned " 'cause his favourite person wasn't here, you know" .
That sarcastic remark sounded oddly familiar.
"So he's home right now?"
"I don't know" Sehun whined again "did you really wake me up for this? Are you crazy??"
Yes, Kyungsoo thought, I'm going ing crazy.


Jongin wasn't used to waking up at the sound of snowballs thrown at his bedroom window.
Frowning, he got up from the bed ready to scream at whoever was standing under his window, but his jaw dropped when he saw Kyungsoo.
The latter smiled underneath his scarf when he saw confusion all over Jongin's face, and he motioned him to open the door.
He didn't ring the doorbell because he didn't want to wake Jongin's family up. The boy still lived with his family because when his father left, he didn't want his mother to raise his little sister alone. 
It took Jongin a few moments to walk down the stairs to open the door, with a sleepy face and a hoodie thrown over his pajama.
"Hey" Kyungsoo bit his lip "Sorry for waking you up"
Jongin shook his head "Are you ok? Something happened?"
"I'm alright" the shorter lowered his gaze "I just wanted to see you"
Jongin's eyes widened "Are you sure you're alright?"
Kyungsoo sighed "Listen, Jongin. I just...oh God" he chuckled "You'll think I'm crazy"
The other frowned, rubbing his palms against his arms to warm himself up.
"I've been such an " Kyungsoo bit his lip again "but I didn't do it on purpose. I mean, yeah, I did, but because I thought you pitied me and you were just trying to comfort me after all the things I told you last Christmas"
"Pity? I don't-"
"Stop, let me finish" the boy hushed him with an apologetic stare "I know you don't pity me, the spirits told me-"
"Spirits??" Jongin's eyebrows shot up.
"Yeah I...I had kind of a weird dream okay, let me finish" he took a deep breath "I know you probably hate me now and if you don't, well, you should! I just need to say that I'm sorry Jongin. I like you so much and I don't know how I could've been so stupid, oh God, I feel so bad" he hid his face in his hands.
"This morning I woke up and I just wanted to kiss you and damn, I don't want you to marry Park Chanyeol!"
Jongin blinked slowly, still processing Kyungsoo's rushed words.
"I...I don't think I'm going to marry Chanyeol" he blinked again in confusion.
"Yeah" the other grumbled "you say that now"
"Kyungsoo" Jongin  He reached out to touch his forehead "Are you sure you're feeling well?"
"I'm fi-" Kyungsoo swatted the other's hand away turning his head to the side, and his words stopped up in his throat. Three familiar guys were sitting on a bench on the other side of the street, waving at him with amused grins. He stood there with his mouth hanging open, and the three of them laughed at his bewilderment. The one with a very young looking face winked at him. 
"Kyungsoo?" the boy jumped when he heard Jongin's voice.
"I'm...I'm fine" he nodded.
When he looked back at the bench the three guys were already gone.
Kyungsoo broke into a huge smile "Will you forgive me?"
Jongin laughed softly shaking his head. He leaned closer trapping the other in a suffocating embrace, Kyungsoo's arms tightening almost immediately around his waist.
"What's gotten into you?"
"Long story" Kyungsoo chuckled in Jongin's chest "just...stay away from Chanyeol, mh?"
"I'm really curious about this Chanyeol thing, you know" Jongin raised his eyebrow.
"I'll tell you later...maybe"
"Would you like a hot chocolate?"
Kyungsoo nodded, following Jongin inside his house.

That was a very special day for Kyungsoo.
He couldn't stop smiling when Sora dragged him around the house and made him sit on the floor to open the Christmas presents with her, and he couldn't stop laughing when Jongin accused his sister of stealing Kyungsoo from him.
Everything was perfect. 
Outside was snowing, and everything was so...Christmassy, but Kyungsoo was finally happy after a long time, so happy he even agreed to dress up as Santa Claus for his nephews, almost bringing his sister to tears.
And when Jongin kissed him under the mistletoe that night, it was so damn cliché, but oh so perfect.
It finally felt like Christmas again.







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