Uri B.A.P yessir!

Out of this world

Yongguk POV

It was a nice summer day, the brightly shining sun being slightly dimmed by my sunglasses. We decided to go outside to get some fresh air and escape from the practice room that turned into a sauna due to a broken airconditioner. My peaceful state was disturbed by Zelo bursting out in laughter.

'Haha Jongup-hyung, what are you doing?' 

I turned around, barely catching a glimpse of Jongup walking right into a streetlight. I chuckled and shook my head. Sometimes i really wonder how he gets it done. He's such a goofball at times. 

'Yah, Jonguppie, come, i want my iced americano, now don't walk into streetlights or other objects anymore.' 

Himchan said, slightly irritated. I put my hand on his shoulder, chuckling slightly. Himchan tends to be kind of grumpy when he hasn't had his coffee yet.

'Calm down Channie, we'll go and get your coffee right away.' 

He smiled at me and grabbed mine and Youngjae's hand, dragging us towards the coffee shop.


We were chatting casually, just like normal people. My thoughts trailed off, far away from the pointless conversation between Youngjae and Himchan about which Secret member is the prettiest. We have been living here on earth for so long that sometimes we forget that we're not normal people. I chuckled. 

'Hyung, what's up?' 

Daehyun asked. I started whispering this time, so earthlings wouldn't hear us. 

'We're starting to really act like earthlings right now.' 

They laughed. 

'You're right hyung, but it's better for us. This way people won't discover our real identities so easily.' 

Youngjae said. I nodded. He's right. Zelo laughed. 

'Do you guys remember with our TV show that Yongguk-hyung kept yelling earthlings? Luckily he doesn't yell that anymore in public.' 

Everyone laughed. At me, i guess. I lowered my head in embarassment. If people were to discover us, it would've been my fault. Himchan put his arm around my shoulder. 

'It's okay Gukkie, we're safe, that's the most important. So stop thinking that it's your fault or something, arasseo?'

I nodded and he smiled at me. Himchan was the one who would always understand me. Sometimes i wondered if he could smell how i felt or something.

'Good, now let me drink my coffee in peace.'

He turned towards his americano and happily drank it.

I turned my head and looked out the window. I saw a lot of people walking. Since the weather was good today, there were a lot of people. I took a sip of my cappuccino, but almost spat it out. A girl caught my attention. Blonde, curly hair. Something not seen that often in South-Korea, but still not something overly special. The special thing was the mask around her neck. Half blue, half pink. 'So familiar..' I thought. Then she turned towards me and our eyes met. She looked surprised and then smiled widely at me. That was when i remembered.....


I hope you guys like it so far. It's actually impossible to guess who the mystery girl is. She's my matoki OC. More info will be given in the next chapter ^^



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