Chapter 1

A Girl In An All Boys School? -Jimin

        "I've met the school Principal the other day. Don't worry. I've settled everything. All you have to do is wear that bandage around your chest." Her words rang as I walked towards the school. "Make sure to keep your voice low and mainly." Well, that's not going to be a problem. But - "Oh, before I forgot, your new name is Cha Dong." Why did she has to pick that ridiculous name?! She seemed very happy when she told me about it. I guess if she had a son, she might name him Cha Dong. Glad I was born a girl.

       I sighed and right before my eyes were the school gates. The school was nearer than I thought it would be. I took a deep breath, and soon regretted that I did. The school was reeked. But, what could you expect from an all boys school. I'd heard rumors most of the students here are delinquents. I just hope those rumors weren't tr-

        "Watch out!" I felt a hard smack on the right side of my head and I fell to my left side. My head was spinning way too fast to my liking. I sat on the ground, groaning and trying to control the pain at the same time. My eyes were closed shut and my face was facing the cold road. But, as I opened my eyes, I saw a small hand, gesturing me to accept it. At first, I thought it was a girl's hand, but then I looked up and saw a boyish and cheerful smile. "I'm sorry. That ball didn't mean to hit you."

        "You said it as if it was the ball's false. You're the one that kicked it," said a deep voice from the background. "You're the worst kicker ever. You should just stay as a goalkeeper."

        I could see a small vein popping on that so called worst-kicker-ever's forehead, but he kept smiling. "Don't listen to Namjoon. He's just being-"

        Before he could finish his sentence, I slapped his hand away. "Keep that girly hand away from me," keeping my voice as deep as ever. The air was silence. Maybe I should not had said that since there were like four, no, five of his friends staring at me. They had that aura of danger around them, and by the way they were dressing, they looked a lot worst. I stared at the boy crouching in front of me. I expected him to make a comeback, but he stared at me, completely shocked.

        Then, he stood up and looked at his friends, "Jin-hyung, he called my hands girly!"

        What the-? Was he whining? Wait. He said 'he'. So my disguises were working. A taller boy stepped up front and placed his hand on top of that whiner's  head. "Quite, Jimin. You need to apologize to him."

        Him? Yes, the disguises were working perfectly. Now, apologize to me, whiner.



        "I'm not apologizing to that old hag!" He pointed at me with a face of determination. I didn't know why he look so determined. And did he just call me an old hag? I stood up, sweeping some dust of my pants. I should ignore these guys before I get myself in trouble.

        "I'm terribly sorry on behalf of Jimin." The taller guy, Jin, I thought, said and bowed to me. His uniform was cleaner and tidier than the rest. He didn't look like a trouble maker.

        "It's alright," I said. Payback time. "You know how kids are." I stared devilishly at the whiner and walked away towards the entrance. I wasn't planing to waste one more minutes with him. Just get this day over with, Cha Eun. Then you could go to work peacefully.

        "Kid?! He called me a kid?" I still could hear the whiner from the back. "Hey you!" Just ignore him Cha Eun. "Hey old hag!" Now, that caught my attention.

        I turned around and spoke, "What?"

        "Watch your back." There was that aura again. He had a 10-year-old face but he was definitely dangerous. I didn't know why, but I felt threaten by his presence. And by looking at his figure, he could knock me down in seconds. "Old hag."
        Again with the old hag? He seemed older than me. Whatever. I was not going to call him oppa, or, hyung considering the situation I was in right then.

        "That's not how you treat a newbie, Jimin." A new voice piped in. Great, another one of his cronies. I turned, my back was once again facing the baby-faced whiner. "Hello there," the stranger greeted. He seemed very normal and had a very charming smile plastered on his face. What was I saying?! Snap out of it, Eun! You despised guys, remember? So act like it. "I'm the school president. Kim Taehyung. But, you can call me TaeTae."

        "TaeTae?" Was this guy for real? I thought the school president would be more... mature? Maybe this school was different than my last school. Very different. But then, something very odd happened. This TaeTae guy suddenly burst out laughing like a maniac. Okay, I take back of what I had just said. This guy was the definition of weird. I saw a glimpse of white cloth behind. I knew something was wrong. Then, he threw the inside of the sag at me. White powder was all over me. His laugh grew louder. 

        "Hey, Jimin. Come here and look at his face. It's so funny."

        "You're a pro, V." I heard that annoying boyish voice again. And who's V? I thought his name was Taehyung. Which one was it? Ugh, did it matter? I had flour in my eyes. I could not see but I could hear the delinquents were laughing at me. All of them. Some students that passed by were also laughing at me. Don't get mad, Eun. You can't get in trouble on the first day of school. Just try to control your fists.

        "I'm terribly sorry about them." I felt something rubbing on my cheek and when it wiped my eyes, I could see Jin. "Taehung and Jimin are still going through their puberty. That's why they act like kids."

        "What? Stop telling lies!"

        "Yeah! We've been through puberty years ago."

        "Please, just ignore them," Jin said, giving me genuine smile. He seemed nice. Maybe just maybe I could befriend him? Nah. "I'm Jin. The school real and official president. If you need help, just seek me. What's your name?"

        "Cha Eu-. Ahh." I gawked. Great, just great. Everyone was staring at me and I could feel my head boil with embarrassment.

        "I know," said the whiner. Now what? You better stay out of my way, kid. I wanted to say that but couldn't as my head was getting hotter and hotter. "His name is probably Cha Ew." You just hit my boiling point. I walked towards him. He didn't notice my presence as he was laughing his head off along with his friends.

        "Hey." I grabbed his collar with all my might. "You know-," I gave him my deadliest glare. He stared back at me, shocked. I could hear he gulp. "It's been a long time since I's killed someone and I'm dying to kill you."

        "Hey, calm down. You're getting yourself in trouble." Jin said in the background. His voice was soft but that was not going to stop me. I had enough of this kid.

        "Run!" Another voice bugged in. "It's the principal."

        "Come on, Jin. Let's go!"
        "Hey, what about me?!" The whiner yelled. His collar was still in my grip.

        "Sorry, man. But that creep is a fast walker."

        By then, his friends and all the other students were gone. It were just me and him, but I couldn't find the principal. Where was he? He's a fast walker right? The struggle in my grip stopped, so I looked up at the whiner. He looked pale as he stared over my head. He stood froze on his feet. Was there something behind me? I guess so, because I could feel breathing. I let go of his collar and glanced behind me. I regretted that I did. A scary creature was staring at both of us. His eyes were wide open. He was breathing heavily.

        "No fighting in the school ground!" He roared, sending me to fell backwards, hitting the whiner's chest. "You two need a punishment!"

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everykpoplover #1
Chapter 1: More update soon author-nim