Chapter One

To Love you

It was afterschool, and you were walking in the mall with your best friend, Myungsoo. You were smiling, enjoying life and teasing Myungsoo.

"Hey, why do you always look so serious??" you say and pinched his cheek.

"Ouch!" he grimaces and you chuckle. "What are you doing to me now _______!??" he says and pouts. "I don't always look serious...."

"Oh yeah?" you fake surprise. "Then tell me, when? In all the pictures I see, you're always making serious faces like this." YOu demonstrate by copying his facial expressions. "You look sorta scary ya know?? YOu should loosen up more or you'll start looking like an old man." You raise your finger and layed in on your chin thoughtfully. "Maybe you'll start looking like my old grampps..."

"Yah!" He says, "That's not true! I swear I don't always look serious! You just..." his gaze is intently in your eyes and your heart starts throbbing in your chest. You wonder why you've never seen this side of him before. 

"Nevermind." He says and shakes his head, looking away. He puts his hands in his pockets and glances at you, but abrutly turns away. "Yah, I'll just go to the bathroom so.... stay here and wait for me k?"

Your heart still thumps in your chest, but you say steadily: "ok."

He leaves you by the flower shop. 

While waiting for him, you look around the flower shop and start smelling some of the flowers. But then you suddenly turn around. A sudden feeling that someone was watching you creeps over. But when you turned, you saw that no one was there. You sigh and shrug to yourself, telling yourself that it's probably just nothing...

You wait for a few more minutes and Myungsoo comes back.

"YAH!" You give him a playful shove, "What took you so long??"

"I didn't take so long, excuse me." he tells you. 

"Whatever." you say and laugh. He laughs too. Both of you start walking again. But as you do, you look around you and see a glimpse of someone. Someone very familliar.... It was aboy. A very, so very cute boy. And he was looking right at you. Your heart leaped in your chest, not just because he was handsome, but because.... It felt like you knew this boy. 

Your heart starts throbbing. Beating faster, and faster. And you are confused. What is this? This feeling is... mixed. Like love and fear mixed together. Like something, something you don;t want to happen is about to happen. 

Beat. Beat.

Your heartbeat gets slower as time slows down. 

You hold on to Myungsoo's arm, but your eyes stay steady on the boy, and his on yours.

Beat. Beat.

No, you think. NO. NOO!

Suddenly the shop behind the boy explodes.


You gasp, as you wake up from the nightmare you just had. ANOTHER ONE of the same nightmares that you've been having for consecutive nights already. It was that boy again, that same place, that same explotion....

Goosebumps spread across the surface of your arms and you shake your head, trying to shove the thoughts away.

"It's nothing," you thought as you shut off your alarm clock. "These dreams mean nothing."

You start dressing up for school. As you put on your dark blue sweater, you look at yourself in the mirror. 

And smiled.

"Your a normal girl, ______!" You say and made a fist. "Hwaiting!"

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