Chapter I

Leaving me behind

“I love you” he said,

Those words made me feel special. Until--



“Babe,lets go!” I said,

He nodded, 

We didnt talk for a minute. He never asked me what's wrong like before so i was having some thoughts if he's sick or what. 

“Are you okay?” I asked,

“Yeah i am” he said, 

“Suah i--” he said having double thoughts

“Yes?” I said, 

“I have something to tell you” He said,

My heart pound faster, “Is he going to propose?” I told myself,

“Lets St--” He said, but before he continue

/phone rings/  

“Oh wait a minute. I have to answer this” i said,

I moved a little bit from him. It was my friend who's on the phone. As i talked to her, i can't stop looking at chanyeol's move. I mean he dont really act like this. It's new to me. 

“Okay bye” i said the i hang up.

“So what are you saying?" I asked,


“No nothing. Nevermind” He said. 

We walked around the mall like how we do it every week. But this time we're quiet. We don't play around each other anymore. 


Before the day end, i asked him what's wrong. 

“Are you okay?” I asked,

“Yes i am” he replied, 

I stopped, 

“What's wrong?” He asked,

“Chanyeol.” I said,

He faced me,

“Are we okay?” I asked having tears in my eyes


“Suah i just--” he said,

“You just what? Tell me now, because i feel like we have a problem.” I said,

“Im Sorry” He said,


At that very moment i know there's something going on. 


“Sorry for what?” I asked,

He couldn't answer me back.

“Damn it chanyeol. Tell me what's wrong.” I said tearing up,

I kinda know what will happen after, 

“I'm sorry for not loving you. I'm sorry because--” He said,

“Stop. Chanyeol please dont do this” i said,


I turn around trying to tell myslef this is all a prank. 

“So where's the hidden camera? Is it here? ” i said smiling but still my tears are still flowing,

“Suah i didnt mean to hurt you. But i love someone else.” He said,

Those words made me feel like a trash.

“Wha--what?” I asked,

“I'm sorry!” He said,

He turn around while walking away from me.


i feel alone. 


And i was left behind. 



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