

     The day Byun Baekhyun was born, the moon was full and blood red. His mother tried not to think much of it, but in the back of her mind she knew. Her son would not be like the other boys. 

     Growing up, she kept her son on a tight leash. She never let him eat rare meat (in fact it was so well cooked it was dry) or any other food the color red. Baekhyun envied his friends who didn't have crazy mothers. He stared at his friends pulling plump red apples from their gleaming lunch pails reflecting the sunlight ,which he couldn't seem to look at for too long without cringing.

     When he turned 13, the signs started to show. During the day he was unbearably tired, and would uncontrollably fall asleep in almost every one of his classes. His skin sunburned easily, and was eventually forced by his mom to walk to school with an umbrella which he would complain about every day he tried to "forget" it at home. He also noticed his appearance starting to change. His skin started to become paler, translucent even, and was teased by the other kids at school for being "vampire boy".

"It's just puberty honey, you'll get used to it eventually..." his mother cooed and kissed her son's head as he grimaced at his fading reflection. 

     "Is there something you're not telling me about?" Baekhyun suddenly asked his mother one day a few days after his 15th birthday. His dark brown eyes, identical to hers, glowered at her. She smiled weakly, and ran a finger through his hair. "Soon sweetie. Soon you'll know."

 He started craving blood. His mother noticed, and finally let him eat a portion of her rare steaks she ate almost every night, but it was never enough to satisfy him. He always wanted more. 


     On the eve of his 16th birthday, his mother locked him up in his room, saying that it was for his own good. He pounded on the door for what felt like hours until it happened. His all too frequent blood cravings kicked in, only this time, it was different. He crumbled to the ground, and whimpered in pain. Pain there was pain everywhere, right down to his very bones. And he was starving. His mother was calling out his name as he rose up and darted out the window with a new sense of strength he didn't know he had. Hunger. Thats all that ran through his mind. With heightened senses, his eyes dart towards a young girl walking alone almost a mile ahead. Food. An unknown force overtook him, and rushed to tackle the girl to the ground. She let out a horrible shriek as he pinned her arms above her head, hearing the bones in her wrists crush. Ignoring her cries and pleas, he sunk his teeth into her neck. With a newfound thirst, he drinks and drinks the life from her, letting blood trickle down his chin until she was no longer breathing. He unhinged his teeth from her flesh, taking a moment to look over the corpse before reeling back in horror, realizing what he had done. "This is much worse than I thought..." The familiar voice of Baekhyun's mother said behind him. She kneeled down beside him and met her sad gaze with his. "Wh-what...kind of monster am I..." he croaked, tears streaming down his face. She sighed and wiped a bit of blood dripping from his mouth with her finger, then it."You're a vampire."


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Chapter 1: I LIKE THIS!! <3
BriaMillz14 #2
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: OMO so amazing! Please make another! ^_^
Chapter 1: Omo.. Make a sequel and put Kai too.. Hehe :)
I really love it!!! XD can you make a sequel please ~
Seenaa #5
Chapter 1: Will you make the sequel for this story ? I reall love the plot
Chapter 1: oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so good! i hope you'll make a sequel for it!! <3