Chapter one


Hana’s pov

 “Diapers, Check. Wipes, Check. Bib, Check. Pacifier, Check. Change of clothes, Check. Formula, Check. Extra bottles, Check. Plushie, Check”

I smile widely and clap my hands softly as I check everything in the bag to make sure it’s there and nod with a determined looked on my face,

“Alright! Everything is there! Now to get the sleepy head ready”

 Softly giggling, I walk to my make shift bed on the other side of my room and gently pick the baby from the mess of blankets around him. Setting him in front of me, I begin undressing him. The cold air hitting his delicate, creamy skin causes him to stir and whine softly kicking his legs as he wakes up.

“Ah, ah- don’t move around WooHan”

 I softly whisper to him and lean down kissing his forehead, quickly changing his wet diaper and then his clothes, a pale baby blue long sleeve shirt, cozy pants along with a nice puffy jacket and a little beanie on his head full of dark messy hair

“Alright. Time to go!”

I exclaim and woohan giggles clapping cutely. Picking him up along with my school bag and his baby bag, I walk out of my room. Stopping to look at the door in front of mine, I scrunch my face in disgust.
My mother and her lover are there. 
Great, she’s probably going to have a hangover. 
Smirking, I walk out of the rundown, ancient apartment slamming the door behind me causing groans of annoyance to come from inside signaling I had woken them up . Proud of myself I began walking again this time to my destinations, the daycare and my university then later on, work. 
Hugging woohan closely against me, he snuggles his face against my neck wanting his cold nose to get warm. 


 I call out to him. He leans back slightly to look at me smiling, his little puppy like eyes squinting slightly into an eye smile,

“Sister needs to go to school and then work, okay? Be a good boy to the ladies at the nursery and I promise as soon as I pick you up we’ll go to the bath houses!”

I hold his tiny warm hand in mine before poking his rosy, button nose making him giggle and thrash around happily. 

Maybe it was the nice, vibrant looking day that made me feel like something amazing was going to happen.

I held onto WooHan a little tighter and grinned as I strode proudly to his daycare, giving him a last kiss on the forehead before handing him and his bag to the daycare lady who cares for him Rushing to the university after I dropped off WooHan, who kept giving me a sad, teary look that made me stay until he fell asleep, caused me to be extremely late. Classes hadn’t started yet but if I don’t get there on time it will be jam packed with screaming and fainting fangirls.

Of course, lady luck and lady time were not on my side this morning because there was a huge group of girls in the front entrance of the university. Deciding to sneak in from one of the back entrances I hide in the crowd until I reach an alley which takes me to the back entrance of the school. Most people don’t know this entrance unless you are a hiding celerity or one of the most popular kids on the block. Well, I was neither, but I’m always running late because of WooHan so I conveniently found this secret passage.

“There are too many girls, and it’s too damn early in the morning for this…”

I grouchily stalked my way to the entrance, annoyed, displeased and in the starts of getting a headache. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I rush inside to be met with a hard walking wall. The force of the impact caused me to be pushed backwards landing on my with a surprised yelp.

“oh —I’m sorry miss! Are you alright?”

I hear a surprised, honeyed, smooth voice speak up and the person’s hand was placed in front of me to grab, a few snickers from around caused me to blush and smack the supposed brick wall’s hand away and stand up on my own brushing and smoothing my clothes..

“Sorry. I was in a hurry and didn’t look, excuse me”

I spoke nonchalantly and bowed before looking up at the man who was surrounded by some people and I froze from shock.

In front of me, the man I never wanted to see,

the one I detested and was disgusted by,

the man who every girl in this damn place would drop their for,

The one and only,

Jay ing Park and his AOMG gang.

Great, goodbye my peaceful days.

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