
cold fingers; warm hearts

Softly blowing into his hands, warm breath trying to warm his fingers up, Myungsoo can't help but jump a little when he suddenly feels Sunggyu grab one of his hands before lacing his fingers through him. Surprised by the sudden gesture, only to hear the other softly chuckle and hold on even tighter, hands moving against his to create a little friction to warm the appendage up, Myungsoo's shocked expression can't help but change itself from a frown to a huge smile that's a little bit wide and toothy. Looking over to see Sunggyu carefully, yet quickly do his best to warm him up, the older boy willing to brave the stares, the potential looks from passersby all around them, Myungsoo can't help but feel internally ecstatic at the thought.


Sunggyu was being extremely brave about their relationship today that Myungsoo can't help but be delighted, his heart beating a million times faster in his chest. And when Sunggyu goes to grab his other hand to warm it up too, taking small, yet grand measures to keep him warm from the cold, Myungsoo can't help but feel warm at Sunggyu's gestures. Especially when the older boy was always doing his best to avoid the looks that always seemed to accompany the two of them whenever they would go out together, almost as if Sunggyu was afraid to be judged for being open about his and Myungsoo's relationship, almost as if he was okay with letting people have some type of power over him. And Myungsoo who didn't care what people thought, who didn't care if people looked at the two of them a little strangely couldn't help but get hurt from time to time.


He loved Sunggyu, but sometimes it made his heart bleed a little when all Sunggyu would do is hide his feelings for him whenever they went out, putting a distance there that made Myungsoo hurt more often than not. But not wanting to upset Sunggyu or be part of the reason that made him feel caged instead of relaxed and jovial whenever they went out, Myungsoo usually just ignored his feelings for Sunggyu's sake. Sunggyu would come around eventually and be a lot more confident of their relationship, being able to do the things that Myungsoo wanted to do like hold hands or partake in a few kisses after a fun day, not caring about what other people said, that Myungsoo couldn't help but let the other get away with hurting him from time to time.


Myungsoo had never wanted to be one of those boyfriends that made their boyfriend uncomfortable for wanting things that their significant other couldn't give just yet. Myungsoo was a new concept to Sunggyu, having a boyfriend was a new concept to Sunggyu, and unlike Myungsoo who had known how he was and who he liked for most of his own life, sometimes getting beat up for being different (his mother crying whenever he'd come home with a new bruise along his cheek or eye as he'd become melancholy for days because of it), Myungsoo had been relatively happy because he had been truthful to himself throughout the years. But Sunggyu hadn't been like that, and since he had pretty much gone throughout his entire life with telling himself that having feelings for men wasn't a good thing and that he couldn't have them in the first place, Sunggyu wasn't completely comfortable with doing small things like holding his boyfriend's hands just yet.


Even if college had been quite good to Sunggyu and had forced him to acknowledge his feelings and attraction to the same . People like Dongwoo and Woohyun being quite helpful in his discovery and helping him come to terms with liking men wasn't any different than liking girls and wasn't going to kill him. Especially since Dongwoo was a huge supporter of equal rights and the LGBT community, despite having a girlfriend since high school, the slightly younger man not caring if one of his best friends was gay, while Woohyun, who was biual and had a boyfriend named Key, who was pretty much the head of the LGBT club on campus, had also been a good role model and friend to Sunggyu during that time. Woohyun being someone that Sunggyu could talk to, even if Sunggyu and him hadn't started off on the greatest terms at first. But having someone like Woohyun who literally wormed his way into people's hearts quite easily, Sunggyu was glad to have him as a friend, especially when he had went through quite a few crushes and dates on various people as he came to terms with his feelings.


But unlike Myungsoo who had years under his belt of getting used to being ridiculed for his uality, for getting beaten and made fun of, or finding himself in less than ideal relationships where he trusted the wrong people, only to be burned, sometimes it hurt Myungsoo to see his boyfriend do what he did. And while he understood that a lot of this was new to Sunggyu and that Sunggyu hadn't had many relationships before and it was probably new to him that he ended up falling for a younger guy like Myungsoo instead of someone cool and responsible at their school like Yunho or Jaejoong, it still didn't stop Myungsoo from feeling a little terrible for himself from time to time. Because for as much as Myungsoo prided himself on being true and okay with who he was, not caring if people he didn't know hurt him because they couldn't deal with who he liked, Myungsoo still got insecure.


So seeing an almost-there-smile make its way across his boyfriend's face, only to see how steadily it grew, the older boy unable to control himself, Myungsoo couldn't help but be a little dazed at how sincere the smile was. Especially since the two were outside where anyone could see them instead of inside one of their dorms (usually Sunggyu's since he had a single and had a little kitchen area for himself where more often than not, Myungsoo cooked them food, and a little living area where the two could snuggle up on Sunggyu's couch and watch movies).


Feeling better about himself, especially when Sunggyu started to mumble about how careless he was and that he should have grabbed gloves because of the weather, but making no move to stop warming up his hands, Myungsoo couldn't help but grin a little bit more in return. And when Sunggyu went to give him one of his gloves, pushing it onto his right hand, before pulling his other hand to share the other glove with him, silently reassuring him that Sunggyu wasn't going to let go of his hand anytime soon, Myungsoo couldn't help but feel a thousand degrees warmer than he had before. Heart beating a mile a minute in his chest and at such a simple gesture too, Myungsoo couldn't help but wonder happily about what had Sunggyu being so brave today, of being so carefree like this that it didn't matter what other people thought.


Holding Sunggyu's hand even tighter, unable to stop himself from wishing that Sunggyu truly did feel comfortable and okay with this, not caring if other people saw them, Myungsoo hopes that this isn't a one time thing. But when the two of them continued to walk, Myungsoo wearing one of Sunggyu's gloves, the two sharing the other, and Sunggyu keeping his left hand in his pocket to keep it warm, Myungsoo almost falters at the looks that suddenly find the two. Looks that quickly turn themselves into irrational, disgusting opinions and hate as the two walk, something that usually doesn't concern Myungsoo, but something he knows concerns Sunggyu, he can't help but be surprised when Sunggyu continues to walk forward as if he hasn't heard them, as if he doesn't care.


But Sunggyu does care, he cares about those looks and opinions a lot, but when you have Myungsoo braving the stares, the opinions, the terrible treatment that sometimes befalls the two, Myungsoo getting the brunt of it more often than not, but still able to walk on with a smile on his face, Sunggyu can't help but feel stupid for feeling the way he does. Myungsoo has gone through so much, has gone through things that literally make Sunggyu's blood burn, and when Sunggyu learned about how common some of those things were, how dark they could be, he feels even worse. Because what used to be something that he had never had to deal with and was just something that he would occasionally hear from Woohyun when the younger boy was drunk, Woohyun not having a filter at the point and just needing someone to hear him out, Sunggyu can't help but feel like a coward now.


He's been a coward for years and when Myungsoo, his junior, who somehow still manages to smile and be strong in the presence of others, despite having various reasons to hide himself away, Sunggyu can't help but want to stop being like he is. He wants to be stronger, to be someone that Myungsoo can count on and turn to, instead of the other way around. He doesn't want to be afraid of what society he has to say or what people he shouldn't even care for have to say. Because if Myungsoo can brave the stares, can still continue to look as radiant and untrodden as he does, despite everything that he's gone through, then Sunggyu could too.


The words and stares of others that have no business in his life should have no power over him, especially when his friends and family don't care how he is in the first place. Even his father, who he'd always thought would be broken-hearted to learn that his son was the way he was, could accept him (the other man calling him on the phone, drunk out of his mind, but sober enough to tell him that he still loved him, despite him loving men), then he could accept himself too. He could be strong and he would be strong, especially for Myungsoo's sake.


Myungsoo had been strong enough for the two of them, had been strong for so long, that it was more than enough for Sunggyu to want to be strong for him instead.


He really had no reason to be scared, to be nervous, to be how he was before, and with Myungsoo by his side, still able to smile and look at the world like he did, with bright eyes and a big heart, Sunggyu can't help but feel so stupid for doing what he did. He feels stupid for allowing his fears and doubts to cloud himself so much that he couldn't even give his boyfriend a simple little thing, despite having the wonderful friends and family he did.


So unafraid, Sunggyu just lets the other's hand continue to rest against his within the glove, the pleasant warmth of Myungsoo's palm feels heavenly against his. Their hands together feel as if they're two pieces of a puzzle finally able to connect themselves together, as if they were truly meant to be, despite Sunggyu taking a little bit longer than most to understand what Myungsoo truly was to him. To understand that Myungsoo, his friends, and family meant much more than those that he had no connections with.


Unable to stop himself from looking up when he feels a snowflake hit his nose, only to see a couple thousand more that were going to shower him and Myungsoo for the first snow that winter, he can't help but turn to Myungsoo, cheeks pink. Only to see the younger boy laughing a little when a couple of snowflakes decide to tickle his face, getting caught in his eyelashes, causing him to scrunch up his eyes even more when he laughs, making him look even more beautiful than before. Sunggyu's heart warms at the sight of the other's grin so clear, so proud looking on his face, that he can't help but grin even more back.


Because for Sunggyu who had always seemed to have a hard time showing any public displays of affection, let alone, mention his boyfriend in passing, telling others that he even had one, uncomfortable with doing such a thing, he can't help but feel stupid for feeling that way. And for Myungsoo who was used to seeing Sunggyu brush that type of thing off, to feeling insecure and hurt sometimes because of it, afraid that Sunggyu didn't really care for him as much as he did him, especially since Myungsoo would be more than happy to run across campus and shout at the top of his lungs at how much he loved the other boy, Myungsoo couldn't be happier. 


And while it could be the Christmas season making Sunggyu feel this way instead of having the other boy truly feel okay with Myungsoo and his presence, not caring if they held hands or would be able to eventually share a kiss or two here and there in the future, Myungsoo feels like it's something different. He feels that maybe Sunggyu was finally able to make strides with himself and actually become a lot more confident in who he was as person, as well as their relationship. And seeing Sunggyu smile at him as he's doing, nervousness and unease nowhere on his face, he can't help but feel like it's the latter rather than the former.


And when Sunggyu suddenly pulls him in, unable to stop himself from giving Myungsoo a kiss on the cheek, Myungsoo can't help but splutter in response at the gesture, suddenly surprised at such a thing, but also completely happy to receive something like that as well. And when Sunggyu lets out a booming laugh at the shocked face that Myungsoo makes, more than okay with the sudden gesture, as playful and sweet as it is, Myungsoo's cheeks flush, but not at the cold.


Happiness completely warming his heart, his soul, Myungsoo can't help but let out a laugh too. Face scrunching itself up even more as he did so, making him look less aesthetically attractive than what his face usually belied, but making him that much more attractive to Sunggyu, Sunggyu couldn't help but pull Myungsoo even closer to give him another kiss. This time daringly kissing the other on the forehead, showing the other how much he really cared for him and how stupid he had been for the past couple of months of their relationship, he softly ends it with an apology, consciously knowing how much hurt he had put the other boy in because of his selfishness.


Eyes widening at the gesture, the words, Myungsoo can't help but feel his heart tightening itself in his chest and a slight hot feeling settling behind his eyes. Not wanting to shed a few tears, despite them being from happiness and relief, all Myungsoo can do is give the other a hug, as he whispers, “Thanks,” into the other's ear, silently hoping that this wasn't just a one time thing and that he wasn't dreaming about Sunggyu finally being okay with them just being them.


Stilling at the sudden embrace, but quickly relaxing himself to return the hug, Myungsoo's gratitude soft, but the words unspoken still so loud, all Sunggyu can do is continue to return the hug until Myungsoo actually believes that he isn't going to be stupid and constantly run away again. Silently promising himself to do better, to stop being as stupid as he has been, knowing that it's bound to happen but he can at least try to curb it from happening as much, especially since he's already promised himself that he wants to be Myungsoo's strength as well, and finally stop being the coward he's always been, Sunggyu can only hug the other tighter.


Feeling Myungsoo's heartbeat against his chest, being able to feel how fast it's going, how everything that he did made Myungsoo feel, Sunggyu is almost reluctant to pull himself away. But with the snow turning from flurries to what would most likely be a storm that could easily have them locked up in one of their dorms, Sunggyu slowly pulls away, but finds Myungsoo's hand to hold it in his once again, “The snow's getting worse, we should probably go home.”


Softly nodding at the older boy's words, at the other's voice that was slightly shaky from the cold but still strong enough to show him that what had just happened between them wasn't going to stop, that Sunggyu wasn't going to stop this type of thing from happening anymore, Myungsoo can't help but let out a breath of relief. Because despite everything that Sunggyu had said and did that day, months of having the other ignore his feelings for his, too afraid to show he was dating Myungsoo and that Myungsoo wasn't just a secret, it was hard for Myungsoo to keep himself from subconsciously preparing himself for Sunggyu to take his hand away and put it back in his pockets, unaffected by what had just happened. But when Sunggyu doesn't do any of the sort, hand gripping his even more strongly than it had earlier, before he was being pulled along, the two finally finish their walk home. Myungsoo finally able to bask himself in the other's company without having to feel as if he was only Sunggy's little secret, but was someone that Sunggyu actually cared about and didn't care what others thought of their relationship.


Sunggyu finally doing the right thing, even if it had taken him months to realize how stupid he had been, to realize how much he had hurt Myungsoo, and how much of a coward he had been all along, Sunggyu finally realized how important Myungsoo was.


Sunggyu was going to stop being the idiot he had been and do the things that he should have done months ago; be the boyfriend that he should have been, not the coward that Myungsoo had to put up with. Promising himself even more to keep himself from being how he had been all those months of dating Myungsoo or somehow reverting himself back to how he had been during that time later on, Sunggyu can't help but hold onto Myungsoo even tighter, his resolve to be better stronger than ever as he finally stopped being the fool.


Feeling Sunggyu's grip tighten against his, all Myungsoo can do is bashfully hide a grin as the two continue to walk, because after months of everything that had happened, Myungsoo can't help but be happy with the results.


Sunggyu's holding my hand.


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Chapter 1: This is super duper adorbs and sweet and just the right angst

Aww myunggyu is just super lovely together
Chapter 1: Ah...this is a really nice surprise, thank you so much ;__________; It's okay though with updating, I understand haha

This is so fluffy and feels right for the winter (even though there is no winter here). Myungsoo is just so cute. I can see this happening in real life to actual couples, which reminds me how sad it is people are still so judgmental to LGBT. But at the end, this fic is cute and sweet, I can't help but imagining that Myungsoo looked a giggly junior who just noticed that his senpai noticed him when I read the last sentence.

Once again thank you very much, I didn't think that I would get a nice present like this haha ><
Good fic MyungGyu <3 Yeah!!!