The Undying People O.O


There's many secrets in the hidden passage ways... Want to take a look???


In the world of immortals, mortals and other kinds. There are unpeaceful ghosts... Hidden treasures... And others.... :O


Peace and quiet was one of the people wanted who lived at "Dying City". They can not get these basic things, because of "zombies". Only special species can get the zombies to stay... Once a week, one zombie gets "Brainz" as they say. They aren't in peace so they began to be zombies. People from before we're always partying and doesn't like the peace... But, now, they cannot get peace, they get peace when they die....


The characters:

Brokenshire Ku Feith

Ku Fei was one of the most popular people in the "Dying City". She wasn't expected as a black blooded vampire. She doesn't speak so much so she wrote on papers. She has a brother who is Brokenshire Minwoo, he also is a black blooded vampire. She is not shy and agressive.

Brokenshire Minwoo

Minwoo or mostly called Minnie by his little sister... He's kind of getting mad when he's in vampire mode.... O.O I'M SCARED.... >.<



Copyright © RainieBomiGFKm/Ringochan || All Rights Reserved ® 2011 - 2012


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huskyvoicemale #1
you are a good writter!! like the choices of words :::d