Vast's Leader Umma!

✫VAST✫ [Amazing New Girlgroup] [Applications Closed] ~^-^~



Stage Name: Rina

Vast's Insane Smart Diva Umma




Rina's Interview Video


Rina's Dance Videos


Rina's Rapping

(I really love Bora unni!)


Rina's Singing Videos


Rina's Predebut Performance




CAsianfanfics Name: Azzibear

Profile Link:





Full Name: Jazmine Takahashi//Byeon Mi Ri

Nicknames: Mrs.Obvious

Age: 21

Birth Date: January 2nd, 1990

Birth Place: Hong Kong, China

Languages Spoken: Japanese,Korean,English and some Chinese



Personality:   The perfect word to describe Jazmine is Insane!  Jump off a cliff into water...she'll do it! Dance stupidly in public for a dare...dress up as a boy for a performance...she'll do it.! Draw on her members faces....SHE'LL DO IT! she is known as the insane diva for her craziness but still looks cute and y doing it. Often she is very rebellious and normally jokes around and plays pranks on her friends.most people find her hilarious and cute but some doesn't understand and find her quite annoying and stressful. she often gets distracted by the most random things such as Spoons, bugs and nails to make the others laugh. 


She is the type of person who is loved by many and hated by many because of her personality. she knows she isn't the best looking of all  girls but she doesn't let that bother her one bit! She's happy how she is and wouldn't change anything, if people thought different then she would just say "well at least I'm happy!" She is very unpredictable and nobody knows what she's going to do next so everyone is always ready for the outburst of energy she gives off...which sometime makes others wonder where she gets all the energy from, but also she can be very flirty and y..but isn't every girl!? Even when she's sad she'll hide it very well and nobody will notice a thing except when she is really upset then she goes quite and doesn't hardly move (but it has to be something very serious). Sometimes she can be a little sarcastic and very witty and can lose her temper easily depending on the situation she's in, she is very hands on with people and often hugs and kisses them for no reason and occasionally dances around on tables and things.

She is caring and sweet. but she is kind of introverted.people consider her to be like a mother because she tends to nag people a lot (only for good reason) and she will do anything to make the people she cares about happy.she tends to live in her own world and wouldn't even know if you were talking to her.she has a very vivid imagination and it sometimes causes her to think or see things that aren't really there and because of that she is not allowed to play video games for more than 2 hours.she loves to make fun of people and see how the react.If she ever sets her mind to anything she won't stop until she achieved her goal and nobody and i mean Nobody can stop her.She also loves to get revenge on people and most of the time it's for no particular reason so to make a reason she usually says it because she knows that person is going to do something bad in the future to her so it's better to take her revenge now.she also holds grudges and can stay mad at you for the stupidest thing for a long time.

she has so many different personalities that it's hard to tell what type of person she really is. She is very straight forward she will always tell you what's on her mind even if you don't want to hear it. But, sometimes she's really quiet and you wonder what the hell's wrong with her.She is really out-going and funny, she can make anybody laugh. She is the type of person to never admit that she is wrong so don't even bother fighting with her about it because you'll lose. She also hates losing and cannot stand competition. She'll always do anything in her power to succeed and will never give up. She is also the type of person to do whatever,whenever she wants. So, if she wants to go shopping in the middle of the night, she will. She hates being cute even though she's really good at it. And if you're acting cute around her she will slap you and tell you to stop it. She loves her dramas so if she misses even an episode she will go crazy! even crazier than her normally. She lives to eat. Her whole life revolves around food and she loves any food as long as it's edible and not poisonous. She also loves her cartoons and doesn't care if they're for little kids she believes she young at heart. And, don't fall for her short and cute image she can be a total b**ch when she wants too and can beat the life out of you if she wants too.

Family History/Background:  Jazmine was born on January 2nd, 1991 in Hong Kong, China. She is the middle child of four children and came from a high middle-class family. And, even for middle-class her family had quite a lot of money. When she was only three she was sent to a private boarding school in Thailand. While she was there she started to see the world and learn to admire it's beauty and even though she was young she always knew in her heart what she wanted to be. She wanted to be an artist. Not those silly little idols that called themselves artist but real ones that create amazing pieces of music. Her parents always wanted their children to be successful doctors or lawyers,which by the way both of her older siblings did become, but Jazmine wanted to be different and follow her own path. When Jazmine was seven she had her first music class at her boarding school. She was amazed at how something so little could create something bigger than her wildest imaginations. For the next three years Jazmine worked hard day and night practicing her skills and eventually she became better than all of the other children in her entire school. People started to see that she was a young prodigy and that she was going to be a big star someday. But, Jazmine didn't want to be famous and she didn't want the money, all she wanted to do was sing, dance, and rap without having to be put to a standard. So, she left the boarding school which she had stayed at for most of her life and went back to Hong Kong. She had been gone for eight years and now she was eleven. When she had finally gotten back home she saw that it was empty and nobody had bothered to tell her. She also noticed a note on the kitchen counter. The note said " Dearest Jazmine, We will be back soon and please don't worry. Ms. Lee will be over everyday to check on you. We love you, Sincerely Mother and Father." The lady they had talked about never came to Jazmine and she was stuck by herself for 2 whole weeks. During that time Jazmine had time to think about what she wanted to do in the future and she realized that there was nothing she could be better at than music and that it was her life's goal. So, she decided to never let any body get in her way.Including her own family. Then her parents came back and she lived happily....sort of. She stayed with her parents for 6 more years until she finally decided to move out. During those 6 years she acted like the perfect daughter and was the perfect straight "A" student. But, she was really during those years trying to find her escape, so she could do what she wanted. And, without her parents permission she applied for a university in South Korea. She got in and hurriedly signed up for every music class she could afford. She had to get 3 jobs to pay for the cost of the rent and the tuition for university. She didn't want her parents to know she was studying music in Korea when they thought she was studying pre-law, so she tried to hide it from them until they found out. When her parents found out they didn't want to hear Jazmine's side of the story and immediately disowned her as their daughter. But, that hasn't stopped her from her dream, and with or without her family she will reach her goal. No matter what happens.
How She became a trainee: When she was younger she was self taught.She would always learn from watching t.v and seeing random people on the street.When she was six she got her first guitar and began to play it.By the she was 10 she was able to play not only the guitar but the piano and saxophone too.Over the next couple of years she worked hard on getting better at her vocals,rapping,and dancing even though she had no intentions of becoming a singer.Then when she was eighteen she moved away to South Korea to go to college/university.She then got a job at a Music shop in Seoul near the dorm she lived in at the time.She never thought to audition for an idol group until she saw a poster of Super Junior in the music shop she was working in at the time. She then bought all of the Super Junior CD's she could find and then got more, and more into K-pop. She then found out that Super Junior are from SM and decided to go there and see what it (SM) looked like. She went inside and saw girls (& guys) in line for something. She thought it was to meet the SM idols so she hurriedly got in line. After hours of waiting she finally got to the front of the line where got her info. And, they gave her a sticker with a number on it and told her to go stand next to the other people in front of a black wall. They called her name and she went up happily and asked to meet Super Junior. The judges laughed wildly at her and told her to just start singing.Since Jazmine didn't really know what was going on and was scared of the judges she did what was asked.The song she sang was The Grace's"One More Time, Ok". and she even danced to it.Then after that she started to freestyle rap She got called back several times and did what they asked, while all this was going on Jazmine still had no idea what was going on because of her ish Korean. Then they (judges) got an interpreter to tell her she got accepted into SM. Jazmine then went into a state of shock. She started to jump up and down crazily and talk madly in Japanese. She from then on trained in SM for 3 years & 2 months. She had a very fun trainee life because she was always hanging out with SNSD and SHINee.About a year into her trainee time she was offered to be in f(x) but declined the offer because she thought she wasn't ready and all the other girl trainees would've hated her for debuting too soon.Her spot in f(x) was given to Sulli and she continued to train even harder to prove to all the other trainees that she was better and more talented than them.About two months later she moved to KG Entertainment because she thought it was a better fit for her.
Family members:
  •  Byeon Eun Ji//Mother (46 years old) She is a stay at home mother, and she is Cold and Nonchalant. (Picture: Choi Ji Woo)
  • James Takahashi//Father (52 years old) He is a lawyer at a law-firm and He is Strict and Extremely demanding. (Picture: Tim Kang)




  • Mary-anne Takahashi//Byeon Ji Hae, Sister (24 years old) She is a pre-law student and she is annoyed easily and hates competetion.She and Jazmine have an okay relationship and only talk when they have to.She is also currently a stylist for K-pop girl group Miss A. (ulzzang: Ban Nam Gyu)
  • Lucas Takahashi//Byeon Han Kyu, Brother (30 years old) He is a Doctor in a big hospital in Tokyo,Japan, and he is Player and treats women like trash.He and Jazmine have a strained relationship and they are always fighting with each other.He is currently a backround dancer for 4Minute. (ulzzang: Park Ji Ho)
  • Angelina Takahashi//Byeon Seung Mee (Janey) Sister (12 years old) She is currently the youngest (maknae) member & rapper in K-pop girl group G.P Basic and she's in the 7th grade.Janey is funny and extremely out-going.She and Jazmine are extremely close and care about each other a lot. They both have similar personalities and they both like to go to amusement parks like Lotte World together. 


  • Sweets (lollipops)
  • Skin ship
  • Acting crazy
  • Talking a lot
  • Comedy movies
  • Video games 
  • Going on the computer
  • Swimming
  • Pokemon
  • Animes
  •  Music in general


  • Liars
  • Fakes
  • Anything pink she will destroy
  • Flying in airplanes
  • Dresses
  • Putting on a lot of makeup
  • Sharp objects
  • Demanding people 
  • Playing video games
  • Sports
  • Dancing stupidly
  • Sleeping
  • Drawing
  •  Skateboarding


  • Hitting people or things when she's scared
  • Has to eat before going to sleep or exercising
  • Laughing at her own lame jokes
  •  Creating awkward silences



Name of Chosen Idol appearance: Nam Ji Hyun from 4Minute




Stage Name: Rina

Persona: The Insane Smart Diva

  • Lead Rapper
  • Lead Dancer
Trainee Years: 3 years & 2 Months
Trainee Experience:
Known to have?:
  • Powerful Rapping Skills
  • Her Jokes and Comedy//MC-ing
  • Her Curvy Figure
  • Her Video game and Computer Obsession


 Park Jungmin from SS501

Relationship Status: She is currently in a relationship with Big Bang's T.O.P (Choi Seunghyun).They have been dating for 11 months and their about to celebrate their one year anniversary.They have both been having issues in their relationship and things don't seem to be getting any better between them.

  •  Krystal from f(x)They both met in SM during training about 3 years ago when Jazmine first started training.And ever since they have been good friends.Jazmine treats Krystal like a younger sister and helps her out whenever she can.Krystal even considers Jazmine to be a better sister than Jessica.
  • Go Woori from RainbowThey have been friends ever since Jazmine came to Korea and Woori helped Jazmine get the job at the music shop.Woori treats Jazmine like a younger sister and they always go out shopping together.And, they both love to gossip.
  • Dong Young Bae (Taeyang) from Big BangHim and Jazmine have been friends even before she came to Korea. They met online in a group study group thing when she started talking to him.They became fast friends and she never knew he was an idol until they both finally met up.He also had a part in getting Jazmine into k-pop and helping her with her training.


Congratulations to our Leader Umma!



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Unnie~ When are you going to update this story? It's literally been like over three months TT^TT I miss this story :(

Please update this if you find the time, I totally understand if you can't :3
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
What happened to this?
purpleshadeglow #3
hwayoung?<br />
LOL you kept changing your idol XD<br />
i'll do that too if i were you.. i have so manyyyy biases in girlgroups
b1a4cnblueblockb #4
waaaaaaaa!! I got in? seriously? Thank you!!^^ I'll look forward to this.^^
Omg!! Thank you for picking my character and I love you *Huggss* good luck on the story! Hwaiting :DD
purpleshadeglow #6
whoa!<br />
Am i chosen?! O.o<br />
<br />
Kyaaaah THANK YOU!<br />
I Love U<br />
Hwaitiing! *\(^o^)/*
can I still apply? :D
it's ok :)
purpleshadeglow #9
LOL the gifs XD<br />
it's midnight and i laughing hard mwahahahah
lol it's so funny how snsd was like you guys are slow