
Ice Flower
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Narrator's POV


The noise of tires skidding on the road, the sound of the impact as the car hit her body. His audioless scream as he tried to run towards her, the car driving off in the process. Blood had pooled around her delicate frame and his tears had started to form, he shook her gently, hoping that she would respond.



Wu Yifan woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and checked the time. ‘3:38 AM’ it read. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair and got up from his bed, snatching the plastic water bottle from his bed stand and ran to the bathroom. Yifan harshly opened the medicine cabinet, frantically searching for something. When he found it, he unscrewed the lid of the small bottle and poured the remaining contents in his palm, counting them. ‘39 antidepressants left. And within a week, I’ll have to get more from the doctor. Aish, are they even helping?  But who cares anyways?  It’s not as if it even matters…’ Yifan silently thought, staring at the pills in his hand, along with the empty vial in the other. Carefully putting the antidepressants back in their vial, one by one, he exhaled, releasing the breath of air that he didn’t realize that he was holding. ‘Ah right, the other pills Where are they even?’ Going through the medicine cabinet again, he groaned inwardly as several empty vials fall onto the bathroom floor, labeled as antidepressants or some other pill. When Yifan found the vial, it was nearly empty. Ruffling his hair, a heavy sigh escaped from his lips. ‘Aish, only two sleeping pills left. Meh, I’ll manage. Probably won’t do much, but eh whatever, it’ll do.  


And within a few hours, an exhausted Yifan stands at the kitchen counter with a severe migraine, as well as a glass of water, two pain relievers, and six antidepressants were in front of him. Rubbing his temples, he grumbled as a new wave of pain hit him, ‘I knew that I should’ve waited, that two sleeping pills weren’t enough. But still, even if I didn’t take them, I’d still have a migraine, just not as intense.  Aish!  Screw my life.’ Popping the pain relievers in his mouth, he quickly grabbed the glass of water and downed half of it in mere seconds. Staring at the antidepressants before him, Yifan decided that he’ll take four before leaving the house and save the other two for throughout the day, if he needed them.


Just as Yifan was walking up the stairs that led to his bedroom, to perhaps rest a little, so that the pain relievers can work a little faster, his cell phone rang. As he answered the call without checking the caller ID, he was partially relieved and felt partially annoyed as well at himself for answering. For it was Luhan that had called him.


“Duizhang, where are you?!”

“What are you talking about, Lu?”


“You forgot, didn’t you..? We were supposed to meet at the cafe an hour ago, remember? A few hours before practice?”


“Oh … I’m sorry, Lu. It’s not that I forgot, you know that I normally wouldn’t. I’m just a little out of it today.”


“You’re always out of it, duizhang. With your cold exterior and ‘I don’t care about anything’ misjudged personality. No wonder our fans call you ‘cold city man’.”

Luhan didn't mean much of what he had said, but he spat it out since he was a little upset that Yifan had forgotten. However he immediately regretted what he said after hearing Yifan’s rather calm response.


“Actually I have a horrible migraine…”

“Oh.” Silence filled both lines, until it was broken by Yifan.

“Hannie? Are you still there? Luh-”


Luhan’s voice trembled as he spoke since he knew all too well the aftereffects when Yifan has his migraines; it all just depended on how severe it was.


“Kris, how bad is it?”


Yifan sighed. “Hannie, I’m fine. It’s not that bad. Just earlier, I took a couple of painkillers. Within half an hour or so of rest, the painkillers effects will be working by then. Don’t worry.”


But Luhan still pushed at the issue.  “Are you sure, Kris?”


“Yes Hannie, I’m sure. And to convince you, I’ll meet you at the cafe an hour and a half later, okay?”


A heavy sigh was heard from the other side of the line. But nevertheless, Luhan responded with a reluctant ‘okay’.

“Alright, bye Lu.”


Before Luhan could respond, Yifan already had hung up. Running a hand through his hair which had been dyed from the dirty blonde shade of color that he had had during the ‘Miracles of December’ promotions to the light shade of brown for the ‘Overdose’ comeback, Yifan trudged into his room and went straight to the bed, immediately drifting off to a light sleep due to all the tossing and turning he had done the night before.


Luhan was sitting by the cafe window, nursing his now lukewarm mint hot chocolate, the whipped cream had all melted away, while he still waited for Yifan. Looking at his phone for the time and to see if Yifan will call or text that he’s running late, Luhan sighed and slightly shook his head, disappointment filled his mind again. Stuffing his phone back in his pocket, he muttered a few words before getting up from where he was sitting, “Kris didn’t come… Oh come on, it’s not as if it’s within my position to actually expect him to come. Still a text or call saying that he couldn’t make it would’ve been nice. But then again, maybe I’m expecting too much.”  And just as Luhan was about to throw away what was left of his hit chocolate and leave, a disheveled Yifan walked through the cafe doors.


Sitting in a booth seated across from each other, Luhan stared at the leader incredulously, disbelief and shock radiated through Luhan’s eyes possibly because Yifan had indeed came and/or the fact that Yifan actually allowed himself to be seen in public with the unkempt appearance that he had currently.


“Kris, I-“ But before Luhan could speak another word, Yifan interrupted him.


“Lu, I’m sorry that was late. Again. And err, about my messy appearance, I prefer not to talk about it.”


Luhan stared at the leader carefully, immediately sensing that something was off. “Duizhang, something’s been bothering you lately, am I correct?”

Yifan managed to crack a smile. “You know me well, Lu. Or is it that obvious?”


Luhan peered at the leader with mixed emotions, while Yifan’s eyes were clouded with obvious pain and sadness that was dying to finally be free. “Duizhang, how can you joke over a topic as serious as this? Your pain and anguish are just as important to me, even though you refuse to reveal them to me. What’s been bothering you? You know that you can’t hide it from me.” Yifan’s wall, the wall that he had put up to keep everyone out, th

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laierathieyah #1
Chapter 1: good job authornim d^.^b