Afternoon Struggle

Kiss and Tell

That particular day Park Yura woke up in the late morning, having been working all the night before on her thesis ; and she would have probably slept longer if not for her little brother calling her after 3 weeks without a sign. She was actually glad to hear from him even if that meant less sleep and more useless babbling about how his jjajangmyeon had been delivered without danmuji (stress), how classes were boring, how this other random girl looked so cute and pretty, how Jongin ate a whole chicken on his own the other day and so on.

"Yeol-baby~" she cooed, "What's up you monkey?"
A loud incoherent noise was all she got for an answer.
"What? What happened?"
The noises just became louder and louder as apparently her brother had some kind of mental breakdown. She got immediatly up, her mother instinct waking up along with the desperate pleas she heard on the other side. 
"Listen Yeollipop, I'll be there right away ok? Wait for me."
She hung up abruptly, and hurried to get ready within 5 minutes. Whenever her Yeol-baby was involved into something she would panic and rush to his appartement in the blink of an eye. Or at least, as fast as she could. She lived in another town, and had to drive for about an hour to get there.
As she opened the door in a rush, she bumped into her boyfriend who was supposed to come to spend some quality time with her. She cursed her bad luck. "Sorry Baby Yeol needs me I'll be right back I love you see you later!" She blurted out all in one go before kissing him hurriedly and running downstairs.
"Park siblings..." He sighed, as he entered the living-room and made himself comfortable to wait for her to come back.
"You did what?!"
Chanyeol pouts, not looking his sister in the eye. "Don't shout please Yura-jagi, my head hurts..."
"Don't you use that nickname to me you punk! You're telling me you made me come here just for some hook-up you don't even remember bringing home?!"
Chanyeol wants to tell her she's the one who came on her own but he is far too afraid to do it. Yura's eyes are wide and round with anger and she looks like an furious owl ready to eat him alive. 
"You do realise I just ditch my lovely Soo to come look after you, don't you? Don't you?.."
"Please just listen to me!" 
She stops and glares at him suspiciously ; it makes Chanyeol shiver out of fear.
"The thing is, it wasn't just some hook-up. It wasn't even some girl."
Her whole face slowly goes from anger to genuine surprise as she understand what he implies. shapes a silent 'Oh' and Chanyeol just want to be buried alive here and then.
"And I don't remember anything from last night. He said we didn't do anything and I was willing to believe him until I saw some bruise on his collarbone that strangely looked like a hickey." He finishes quietly, staring at the ground.
"... Is this some kind of lame drama playing right now?"
"I wish it was."
They remain silent for a moment, Yura thinking of what should be done, Chanyeol simply dwelling in despair.
"And this boy... Do you think you could have possibly done something with him?"
"Well... He does look like a girl... A bit... I may have mistaken him for one in that club but... He said I thought he was Jongin, and he had those stupid videos of me doing stupid drunk people stuff. Thus it's most unlikely we did things afterwards."
"Heh. I'd pay to see those."
"And I'm supposed to see him again next week ; I lend him some clothes."
"Hm. I'm sorry but I don't think I can be helpful for this case, my Yeol-baby... You must sort this out yourself."
"What?! At least help me remember what I did yesterday night! You must have some tips haven't you?.."
"What do you think I am, some party goddess that gets drunk everynight?! I'm working on a medical thesis for god's sake!" Chanyeol interrupts her with a sad puppy whine. "... Well. Try to remain calm and replay the evening in your head. That's all I know. And now I'll be going because I want to get some rest and be lovey-dovey all evening with my adorable boyfriend, okay? Call me if you need anything."
She kiss him on the cheek, hugs him quickly and then disappear as fast as she came.
"Love you Yeol-baby!" she shouts from the hall.
"And I you Yura-jagi!" he replies before hearing the click of the door.
He's then alone with only silence left.
'Well I'm screwed.' He states.
"Get out of the stage Baekhyun!", the director shouts, "What's gotten into you today? You forgot how to act?"
"No sir. Sorry sir. I'm a bit phased out today. Personnal motive."
"Well I hope you'll get this straight for next time! Go rehearse on your own and don't come back until you get convincing in your acting!"
"Yes sir."
Baekhyun gets silently out of the stage. He doesn't know what's gotten into him either, and that's really bothering him. He hears Luhan in the wings, whistling as usual, probably fixing costumes for the next play. He likes it when the Chinese boy is around during rehearsal ; they always small talk during Baekhyun's break, and go get a meal together sometimes.
"I'm so done with myself right now", he whines, falling on the cushion displayed in what they call the 'Relax Room'.
"What's wrong Baekkie?"
Luhan's head appears in the doorway, smiling softly. 
"Everything. My whole life is wrong!" Baekhyun yells, throwing his arm in the air out of despair.
"Don't be like that! What a diva! Tell me what happened rather than... Than... What's the word again?"
"Lying here handsome as ?"
"Complanining! It's that, isn't it?"
For a split second Baekhyun lifts his head and looks at Luhan who is just standing there, tailor stuff in hand and looking at him expectandly, and he can't help but fall backwards laughing hysterically.
"What! What did I say wrong? Baek, stop laughing! Hey!"
Eventually the Chinese boy, getting confused and offended, comes to him and smacks his head with the nearest pillow ; and ensues a fierce war between the two. But Baekhyun is too weak for he can't stop laughing and soon Luhan is sitting on top of him, like in these wrestling tv shows he often watched when he was younger.
"Stop Luhan! You're too heavy! I can't breathe!" he manages to exclaim between two breathless laughs.
"And you'll stop mocking me and explain everything?"
"I promise! I promise! Just let me go now I beg you!"
"... Fine. So, what's the thing?"
Baekhyun takes a deep breath in order to stop laughing, and he invites Luhan to sit on the pillow in front of him.
"First, the proper word is 'complaining'. Second, it's about this guy I met yesterday night at the club. You see, I wasn't supposed to be there but... It's been so long since I actually had any physical contact with someone, I just wanted to have fun for once. It didn't exactly go as planned. Instead of meeting a handsome, y stranger who would be willing to bring me home, I just got stuck with a giant, silly and drunk guy. Still handsome though, but that's not the point.
At first, I thought that maybe I could have some fun anyway : he was tall and handsome and had all the right junk in the right places ; but then it hit me. This guy was ing straight. As straight as a guy could be. How would I know? Oh, easy, he mistook me for his best pal and talked for ages about random girls he spotted in the club and about how he found them 'super duper attractive' and 'damn girls are so fine I could never get enough of them. I just love them all, so, so much'.
So I was resigned to just look after this dumb lad until he could get home safely ; but when we arrived... That's when all screwed up. I mean, it wasn't like we did anything serious, but still. And since then, something seems off. Like something in me is out of place. But I can't figure out what!"
"Maybe you like him?" Luhan suggests, and Baekhyun wonders where the hell he got that idea.
"Oh god, no. I don't do closet cases. I'm sick of straight dudes getting all flustered about how they are lost in their ual orientation and both want and don't want you. I'm done."
"But, I don't get it... What happened exactly last night?"
Baekhyun shrugs, uneasy.
"A lady doesn't just kiss and tell." He then says with his most convincing diva pose.
It's been nearly three hours since Yura is gone, and Chanyeol is still lying on his bed, eyes wide open, trying to remember at least a bit of his night. But no matter how much effort he puts in it, he just can't recall much after taking this damn fifth Tequila shot. Only blurry sensations comes to him, and he isn't even sure if it really happened or if he just made it up in his dreams. It's the first time he forgets that much of one of his party/clubbing. Maybe he doesn't want to remember. Maybe he passed out and nearly died. Maybe he actually died for a minute and his brain can't process any of these faded memories. Weird and weirder theories cross his mind as he heads to the bathroom to shower, all leading to one conclusion : he will never be able to get his memories back.
"ing Tequila, I'm so never ever going to even lay an eye on you from now on."
The hot water washes his worries away, and he lets his mind wander. Baekhyun really do look like a girl now that Chanyeol thinks about it. His face is as pretty as theirs, his body is slim and his skin seems so smooth to the touch, even his hands are so delicate Chanyeol would like them to linger on his body. Pretending he isn't attracted to the boy would be a lie ; but the fact lets him confused. Of course there is a reason : Baekhyun looks like a girl, and Chanyeol loves girls. He loves seeing them, with their cute faces and soft hair, he loves the curves of their bodies and how his hands seem to fit in perfectly. Wrapping his arms around their waist, lazily letting a hand brushing their back, nibbling on their full and delicious chapped lips with his own ; oh how Chanyeol loves girls.
Some, most in fact, may say he is just a playboy, using girls as it pleases him, breaking their hearts shamelessly, but those, those don't know how Chanyeol is utterly and completely in love with every girl he meets. As soon as he sees one that catch his interest, his heart flutters, and there's nobody on earth anymore but her. Chanyeol wants to know everything about her, wants to feel everything about her, from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. It might be simple curiosity, but to Chanyeol, this is love. 
Every girl he slept with, he loved her ; for the night at least, she was everything to him. He wouldn't tell her, he stopped a while ago when he realised some just wanted to get laid and left him in the early morning ; he would just kiss her on the forehead and that would say everything. 
As he gets out of the shower and wrap himself in the first towel he grabs, he smells a sweet perfume on it, like a girl's.
"Oh my, he even smells like a girl." he giggles while burying his nose in the towel, and he never felt more like a drama heroine than right now.
The fragrance is light and fresh, and as he dries himself he wonders if it is what it would feel like to hug Baekhyun. Maybe it's like hugging a girl. He wonders if he has a slender waist, he wonders how his hands would fit in. Maybe it's the perfect shape, the perfect size. Maybe his skin is as soft as it looks, maybe Chanyeol would enjoy lingering his finger on his flat stomach and the curve of his hips. The more he thinks about it, the more he fears he had done something with the boy the night before. It's not so much the perspective of having been doing things that thrills him, but more the fact that he can't remember anything. And the most disturbing truth, is that he thinks he might have actually enjoyed it.
"But Baekhyun's a boy! He has a ing !" he exclaims to himself, "Who finds that attractive, huh? Who?! Get a grip on yourself, Park Chanyeol!"
Only silence replies to him and so he throws the towel away and gives himself light slaps on the cheek as if it would make up his mind into liking girls again and stop thinking about that shortie. Then he decides to tell Jongin about it, hoping somehow he could help him, and sends him a huge text ; to which his bestfriend replies ten minutes later, with a single sentence :
'Lmao I knew u were gay'
Chanyeol just wants to slam his face on a table.

A/N : ... I'm so sorry this is short again! At least I updated pretty quickly but... Yeah... It hasn't gone as I planned... I planned on writing even more but I couldn't think of anything else that could happens on that day and so... Well. But I began writing the next chapter today so I hope it will come out within a week and will be as long as I intend it to be!

I also edited the previous chapter, removing most of the mistakes my sister pointed out and fixing the grammar a bit.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And... maybe you'll hate, but we won't know what really happened between Chanyeol and Baekhyun that night before 1-2 chapters I think :) I really don't know where I am going with this plot but I hope it'll turn out good!

Reviews are really appreciated so feel free to tell me what you thought of this chapter! It's very motivating and it's only a few minutes of your time that really make my day, I swear, especially with my exams approaching.

See you on the next chapter! Until then, lots of love :) <3

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Chapter 6: it's been a while since i found a good chanbaek fic and i am so glad i found yours!
please update soon, this fanfic deserves everything, it's just perfect. every phrase. this is like my 100000th time reading it.
thanks for sharing this with us
dragonshrimp #2
Chapter 6: are you kidding me. this is taking ing to another level dear author I just want to rip my hair out now how could this happen 12/12
nah jk 20/12
Chapter 5: Wah I'm happy I came across this fic! I really like this, and I like where it's heading <3
I'm looking forward to read the next chapter!
dragonshrimp #5
Chapter 5: yes an update!!! i absolutely love the story so far, they're both so adorable~ thank you for the wonderful update and take care of yourself as well!
vinhae #6
Tonight is the night!!!!!! I am sooo not gonna go to sleep till I see your updates (figuratively) Looking forward to it! Thanks!
This is- in two words- hella cute. I mean omf, the kimjongbros and the xiuchen and ofc the baekyeol, I'm a wreck.
Everything is so cute I just. *attacks you with a bear hug*
dragonshrimp #8
Chapter 4: this is so good! looking forward to more~
vinhae #9
Chapter 4: weeee. An update!!!!! I love updates! and I love this specific update! I sooooo want more chanbaek moments but that can wait. Cliff hangers are soooo in this days it makes you cringe for more. I don't really mind side pairings though. hahaha. If it helps the plot and the main characters then by all means! Thanks for your wonderful update! I'll be looking forward to your next! More power!