Chapter 14 - The First Time Getting So Upset

Appa, How Did You Ask Eomma Out?
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[Primary School]


Who created video games? Why did they make such a thing? How could one get addicted to that? What good did a video game do to anyone? Where did they get ideas to make those useless things called games! They were only good for a few hours entertainment. It had so many negative aspects. How could people not see it?


Video games should be banned — first and most importantly and urgently for Kim Jongdae.


Angrily, Minseok kicked a pebble which was on his way. He put all the strength he possessed in the kick, which resulted in the pebble flying far, far away.




Minseok missed the attention Jongdae used to give him. Now that the latter had video games, he seemed to love them more than his best friend. Minseok also had those games, but he would get tired after playing for an hour. He liked soccer more because it involved exercising both his mind and body.


Grumpily, he sat down on the grass of his school's vast soccer field. It felt good to be there, just a tiny bit good. How he wished if a certain someone would find some time to babble into his ears --


“Long time no see, babe!”



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Another question answered at the last chapter!


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Chapter 33: This is really made my day! Thank you for writing such a cute story!!
dead_man_wonderland #2
Chapter 34: Thank you so much for this great story I enjoyed reading. I'm happy you were able to continue this story with a sweet ending. Thanks again 。^‿^。
Chapter 34: Thank you.. form the bottom of my heart.. this is a very lovely, fluffy, funny and amazing in the same time . Thanks for writing this... <3 <3
Chapter 32: Ohhh my so cuteeeee
Chapter 26: Ah school days huh....
Chapter 24: Wahaha yeah exo minds were s xd
Chapter 12: Wahahha jongdae’s mother passed out bcoz of u jongdae ^o^
Chapter 12: Oh my haha when i read my user name appeared at the end
I told to myself thats me why is it appeared there?

But yeah thanka for this story haha i love the little bully yet so bright jongdae
Chapter 12: You're welcome Maryiestelle !! I really appreciate to read your stories, and they are very brilliant ^^
Thank you, you too you must have a good day every day ❤
Chapter 31: I know this is complete, but this chapter made me feel a little put off.

Jongdae already asked and was rejected, it doesn't matter that Minseok did in fact like him, it's not like he told Jongdae his reasons.

Basically Jongdae already asked so it shouldnt it be Minseok's turn to ask now?