Chapter 5

Sweet November
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Q: What is it you love about her? I'm sure there are a lot--- but what was the most lovable?



He was silent for several minutes, obviously pondering very seriously on what to say.



"I like her personality the most; her angelic looks is just a bonus. It may sound weird, but from simply watching her even before I personally met her, I got an overview of her personality and of course, based on the articles written about her. I love her humility and thoughtfulness, how she takes care of others. How she shows genuine concern..."



"And on the night that I went to her house, she was very concerned. She asked about what's bothering me. She listened to me without judging. She gave me advise on how to handle my problem."



The columnist glanced at her notepad for the next question.



Q: What is your first major fight, if there's any?



In the six months they've been together, there was no major fight. It must be strange but that's the truth. He guessed the distance had something to do with it; the fact that they only see each other occasionally.



"Actually, there's no such thing. But I know there's bound to be something that we'll fight over, eventually---" he trailed off, thinking if he should disclose. It's a known fact: her preference for a secret relationship.



"However, we do have one problem," he finally continued.



The pause made the columnist anticipate it even more. The cause of their misunderstanding is definitely interesting. What could it be?



"It's a known fact that she prefers secret relationship, right?"



The columnist nodded. She heard of it. She couldn't blame Sandara Park.



"It's not that I am unaware of it. After she accepted my feelings, she told me about that. And I agreed, knowing it's something that'll be hard to do."



Flashback (continuation: May 14)


They stood their at the doorstep, staring at each other, both in disbelief. He was holding her hands, not wanting to let go yet. And it seemed she didn't want him to; she didn't attempt to pull her hands from his grip. Their heartbeats were synchronized--- both beating erratically. Her cheeks were flushed while he was trying to articulate what's in his mind.



They just sealed their 'relationship' with a very long and warm hug.



"Does this mean---" he let out a quiet laugh as realization started to sink in. He stared at her. She was looking at him with a small and shy smile.



"You and me, we're a---"



"Ne," she replied and then continued, "Kris-ssi."



He could detect she was teasing him by still calling him that.



He pouted cutely, which earned a quiet laugh from her.



Only when she stopped laughing did he remember to ask about one of the most important matters: "I had to keep this a secret, right?"



"Ne Kris-ssi." She kept calling him that. It's now obvious that she's teasing him.



As expected, he was not surprised when she said it must be kept a secret. He pretended he was not bothered by it, by how she called him.



"For now, it's a secret," she said, resulting to his eyes widening a little but he remained silent. The use of 'for now' only meant one thing---that eventually the public will know about them.



"I would have invited you in. But I'll do that next time, okay? You better go home now, it's late. Get some rest. You have something important to do tomorrow," she reminded him.



They both knew what she was talking about; the filing. He heaved a sigh. If only he could stay longer. But she was right. He wondered if he can even sleep well tonight at the thought of the lawsuit.



He didn't let go of her hands even after she told him to go home. 



He saw how she signaled for him to let go. It seemed she didn't want to be the one to pull away.



"Shiro," he said stubbornly.



"Ya!" she hissed. But there was no hint of anger.



He squeezed her hand and then loosened his grip as if finally letting her hands free. However, he had another plan in mind. He entwined his hands with her hands, their palms facing up. Her eyes widened. How cute.



"Just a moment," he pleaded.



She sighed. "Arasseo."



Silence passed and his gaze remained focused on their hands. Her hands are so small.



"Can I call you tomorrow?" He didn't realize the hilarity of the question, not until she chuckled.



"Of course."



His forehead creased at her reaction. Did he say something funny?



"Call me whenever you want to. It doesn't matter what time. Okay?"






"Yes. Why do you seem so surprised?"



"It's just that I was going to say that to you but you beat me to it."



"Okay. Let's promise to call and message each other whenever possible."




An hour later, he was already laying down in bed when he sat upright and snatched his phone from the bedside table. He tapped the call button. On the third ring, she picked up.



"What is it?" Her voice sounded as though she just woke up.



"Where you asleep? Did I wake you up?" he asked worriedly.



"Ani. I was just about to," she said. "Is there something wrong?" she asked with concern.



"Just checking if what you said earlier was true," he said. He knew what her reply will be.



"Ya! Didn't I tell you to rest well and sleep?" There was a hint of reprimand in her voice.



It was not the real reason behind the call. He just wanted to hear her voice. Besides, he also wanted to be reminded again that what happened earlier was not a dream. It was all real. But she didn't have to know the last reason.



"I just want to hear your voice." If that statement of his made her blush, he had no idea.



"Aigo. This cute kid," she teased. 



"Ya. I'm not a kid." Is that how he was acting?



"I know," she said while trying to stifle a laugh. "So, are we going to sleep now?"



"Alright," he said in a regretful tone. The long-distance relationship was beginning to be difficult and to think that it was only the first day. He wanted to see her, always. "Goodnight Dara, saranghae."



"Alright. Fighting Kris-ssi!" She cheered. 



Just when he was about to ask if that was all, she spoke. "Goodnight, my Yifan," she whispered and then ended the call, as if in a hurry. He guessed she was too embarrassed by what she said.



He heard what she called him even though it was barely above a whisper. He wasn't expecting her to say 'I love you too' not when it seemed she's not ready to tell him those words. That endearment made him smile, because somehow, it was close enough to what he dreamed to hear from her.



He placed his phone on the bedside table, laid down and closed his eyes with a smile.


End of flashback



"I understand that she wanted to keep our relationship private as much as possible. It only concerned me a little. In fact I was willing to keep it a secret for as long as she wanted, but then something happened--- something triggered my desire to no longer keep it secret..."





It was one September morning when he saw it. He was simply curious as to what's up with her. But who was he kidding---he was always curious about her posts and whereabouts. 




His eyes widen after seeing the Instagram post that's become viral. It was about Darahae (one of the famous ships)---and how netizens commented that it's sailing. He recalled back in March when Donghae-hyung uploaded a photo with her. Their ten years of friendship--- who wouldn't be jealous of that?



And he couldn't help but wonder when would be his turn to have a photo with her posted in her SNS accounts. Then he realized---their relationship was supposed to be a secret.



At the thought, his heart felt heavy. He busily tapped on his phone and was about to call her when he realized he was being childish. What was he going to tell her, that he was jealous? He better forget about what he's planning; he had a lot of schedule for the day.


End of flashback



"I admit I was jealous. I am up against a ten-year friendship. Besides our relationship was not only a secret, it's a long-distance as well. It made the situation all the more overwhelming and unbearable sometimes. I am not complaining, but to be honest, it was very difficult. When we met again in October, after their world tour ended, I asked her about our status, if we can finally make it public. At first she was hesitant. After a few more push and reasoning, I finally convinced her..."





He drove to her house to pick her up. They both decide to go to the park near Han River.



He was excited to see her and nervous. What if the topic of their secret relationship being brought up will cause their first major fight?



Then again, he'll never know and he'll never be at ease if they wouldn't be able to talk about it more openly. He'll even admit that he's jealous whenever she was linked to other idols and actors. Maybe that will help convince her of his plan.



When he killed the engine, he saw her by the gate. She must have heard his arrival. The black jacket she wore was big enough to engulf her petite frame. The winds are getting cold not to mention it was night.



He drew in a deep breath to dispel the nervousness. It's now or never. He opened the door, swiftly stepped out and walked to her in big steps.



In a few seconds, he had her wrapped in his warm embrace. She was obviously surprised because she didn't immediately return the hug. It took her a few seconds to put her arms around his waist, just like that first time.



They stayed that way for a long moment.



Long hugs are definitely wonderful. And whenever they see each other, he never forgets to do it despite the limited time they have.



"Let's go?" she mumbled.



He freed her, took her hand and led her to the passenger seat.




All through the drive, he would only let go of her hand when he needed to shift gears. He was so focused in driving that she must have decided to not talk about anything. But he was also busy rehearsing in his mind the things he wanted to say.



It didn't take them long to reach the park. Once parked, they donned their hoodies and masks, to be safe from prying eyes. He opened the door for her, as always.



They looked around the almost deserted park cautiously. When the coast was clear, hands entwined, they walked towards the bench that faced the bridge. Once seated, they remove their masks and pulled back their hoodies a little so they could see each other's faces.



Before he can speak, she asked. "What's wrong? There's somethi

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24Dec: working on chap 2; it's still too short >.


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: GOsh, I love this story. Sighs. I wish KrisDara is real >//_//<
yoonayeon #2
Chapter 1: SO LAMEEEEE
Chapter 6: You are gold!
Chapter 6: Wow.. That would be nice. I'll definitely read that
lightning_TabiSan #5
Chapter 6: Aigoo, i just can't get enough of this!

Re-read it again and I must say, it's still as sweet and close to real as it is, my KrisDara feels!

Can't wait for the sequel and yes, I would love to know EXO's reaction especially Dara's fanboys .... LuHan, Chanyeol, etc.

And of course, engagement, wedding .... babies ..... delutional much :0

Authornim, you are jjang!!!!
Chapter 6: YES...YES...YES!!!!!KRISDARA is my favorite DaraExo pairing ❤❤❤
Big thanks!!! ✿♥‿♥✿
Tieusam #7
Chapter 6: yes yes yes
Chapter 6: thumbssss upppp for the krisdara :-) ^_^>
Chapter 6: Tenx much.... Mooore krisdara
Chapter 6: Looking forward to it and i'll wait on your update to Express it. Simply... i am such a fan of that fanfic of yours author-nim ^_^