Dysfunctional Us

Big fat tears of anger and frustration rolled down from those eyes that had always swirled with love and warm. Never did she think that her most cherished love will break her down into pieces this cruelly. They might have been together for just over a year but he easily became the world to her.

He was everything.

He was her life.  

“What?” Taeyeon gasped, her breathing labored. If not for the tight grip she had on the kitchen counter she would have already sunken down on the floor.


“If you’re just having cold feet, I understand, okay? We can postpone the engagement. We can tell my parents that we need more time.” Taeyeon breathed eyes wide and pleading.

“I’m not. I, believe me. I tried so hard. I tried so damn hard to play the role--”

“Role?” Taeyeon cried in disbelief. She took a step forward, anger surged through her veins. “—play the role, you say?”

“No, I--” The man stuttered with a shake of his head. Regret for saying those words already crawling up to his heart.

“Baekhyun, you are the one who asked me out! You courted me! ing kiss me! And ing ed me on that bed!” She screamed, index finger pointing at their bedroom, her eyes red with fury and pain.

Baekhyun attempted to grab Taeyeon by the arm but the girl took a step back. “No.” She shook her head. “—don’t you dare play the role of the martyr here, Baekhyun.”

“Taeyeon, let me explain, please? I beg you, princess.

“Don’t call me that, you !” Taeyeon screamed in a burst of negative emotions but when she saw the torn look that took over Baekhyun’s face, she froze and opened . She immediately wanted to take it back and apologize. “I, I’m so--”

Baekhyun pulled her close into a hug. “—it’s okay. There’s nothing to apologize. Don’t be sorry for someone like me, princess.”

Taeyeon hiccupped and she started to cry again. Her hand grabbed a handful of Baekhyun’s shirt – the shirt that she gave to her on their first year anniversary. “I love you.”

“And I love you, too.” Baekhyun replied, tightening his hold on Taeyeon. “---so much that’s why I don’t want to lie to you anymore.” Baekhyun pulled away and wiped away the tears from Taeyeon’s eyes. “This is the real me, Taeyeon. I confessed not because I want you to forgive me. My sin is worth a lifetime of hell. It’s too heavy for me to even dare to ask for your forgiveness. I just want you to know the truth because you are worth everything that is bright and pure, princess.”

Taeyeon wiped away the remaining wetness on her eyes with the back of her hand then she inhaled slowly to compose herself. “You’re leaving?” She asked glancing at the familiar suitcases a few feet from where they stood.

Baekhyun nodded, turning his head to his side, his hand moved to scratch something on the back of his neck – a habit he does when nervous.

“What if I want you to stay?”

Baekhyun’s head snapped back to look at Taeyeon. “Taeyeon,”

“Let’s call the engagement off. Let’s starts over again.”

“I don’t think that is the right thing to do.” Baekhyun said, eyes dropping down to look at his sock-covered feet.

“I love you that much. So, let’s not give up. We can go to a doctor and fix you. A friend of mine knows someone -- a respectable psychologist.”

This time, it was Baekhyun who felt wronged and he retorted, his voice thick with venom. “—there’s nothing to fix, Taeyeon. This is not a disease!”

Taeyeon grabbed Baekhyun’s arm with her small dainty hand, her beautiful and well taken care of fingers wrapped tightly around Baekhyun’s bicep– she is a pianist after all. “You can’t just say that you are gay and leave me. You said you love me, a woman; maybe we can get rid of that deviant behavior of yours with therapy and medicine.”  

Baekhyun snatched his arms away from Taeyeon’s hold. “Stop. Just stop, Taeyeon.”

“You ed me once and that meant something, Baekhyun!” Taeyeon cried almost maniacally.

Breathing heavily, Baekhyun roared “—you know what, to be honest, what happened that night is my greatest regret in my entire life!”

She felt like she was drowning in freezing cold water. “You,”

“—you don’t know, how my stomach curled the moment I opened my eyes and remember what happened between us the next morning. How I ran to the toilet to vomit.”

“How dare you!” Taeyeon hollered slapping Baekhyun hard. The man’s face snapped to the side. Another slap and another slap echoed through the four walls that were used to only hear love confessions and sweet nothings from the now broken couple. “Leave! Get out! GET THE OUT!”

Baekhyun grabbed his bags and swiftly left. He didn’t glance back and kept walking further away and out of the building. He hailed a taxi; the driver helping him put his luggage in the trunk. Baekhyun wanted to look up and have a last look of the place he shared with someone he loved but for his sanity he didn’t and get inside the vehicle. “—to the airport please.”


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