

#2, The Morbid and The Lovesick

Sulli sat on her bed inside the cell. She was no longer wearing her prison uniform, and the small cupboard at the corner of her cell was already emptied, the contents were packed inside a large duffel bag her mother had brought her two days ago.

It was her last day at the holding facility. Her parents are going to pick her up today and take care of her release and records. Sulli felt glad. It's been three years since the last time she's seen the outside world. It's been three years since she saw the people she loved; her family, her friends, and him.

Sulli never got over Taemin, even though she thought for sure that the boy hates her for killing his girlfriend, Yoona.

Sulli had spent three years thinking about the incident that got her inside her cell; the murder of Im Yoona. Now, she thinks that she was stupid for killing Yoona in the first place. But of course, she never thought she would be discovered, moreover arrested. Yes, Sulli was reckless. And her recklessness made her lose everything she's ever had. Her friends, her life, Taemin.. those are the things Sulli worries about once she gets out.

How much can the world change in three years? Sulli was glad that her sentence was shorten, because apparently, the prison's psychologist said that she had a mental disorder. Sulli scoffed at the memory. She had known that she was crazy, she didn't need a doctor to prove it. And being in prison usually doesn't really help, but Sulli had quite a piece of a right mind to help her cope with her condition. Three years, and now she's going to start anew.

"Good day, Sulli-ah," greeted Officer Kim Heechul as he unlocked the girl's cell. Its iron door clanked open, and he entered. He took a seat next to Sulli on the bed. "I see you're all ready. Do you really miss the outside world that much?" he chuckled.

Sulli gave a small smile. "Not really," she replied.

"Hm? How come?"

The girl bit her lips. "I don't know what and who awaits for me, once I get out of here," she said, looking down. "I mean, I had probably lost everything, when I was arrested. Even though mom, dad and Minho oppa are still very supportive of me and love me, the rest of my big family still doubt me. My friends are probably scared of a murderer like me, and other people will probably think I'm a crazy murderer. So, I don't know.."

Officer Kim sighed. "It won't be the same, Sulli-ah, that's fact. But, then again, it's your consequence. I'm not gonna sugarcoat my words and make it sound nice, but you did brought this to yourself, in spite of your mental condition."

"I know.."

"But you're okay now. People say, being imprisoned is punishment. It is, but ever they thought why punishments are given? For people who did wrong to learn from their mistakes. Have you learned from your mistake?" he asked, and Sulli nodded. "Well, what did you learn?"

"I was wrong. My envy got the best of me. I should've been myself, and killing Yoona won't get Taemin to love me either," said Sulli bitterly, before a smile formed on her lips, and she looked up at the officer. "But I'm okay now."

"Yes you are. So, would you rather spend the rest of your life inside this dark, narrow cell, or go outside and take a chance?"

Seeing the positive smile Officer Kim had on his face, made Sulli smile more lively. "Let's go, officer. I can't wait to get out of here," she said, and got up from her bed, picking up her bag.

"That's the spirit. Let's go, we'll have to clean your cell for another prisoner," chuckled Officer Kim, and followed Sulli out of the cell. Both of them walked to the front office, where Sulli's parents have been waiting. 

Her mother and father quickly went up to her and hugged her. "Aigoo, Sulli-ah, we've missed you so much," said her mother, smiling. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, umma," she smiled.

"Me and your mother have to take care of your papers first, wait a minute, okay?" said her father, patting her back.

"Yes, appa."

The family went to sit at the front office desk, when suddenly a tall man approached them. "Annyeonghaseyo, abeonim, eomonim," he bowed deeply to them.

"Ah, it's you," Sulli's father slightly bowed in response. How surprised was Sulli when the man lift his head up. "How are you doing, Taemin-ah?"

"I'm fine, abeonim," he replied, and then turned to Sulli, smiling. "Hey, Sulli-ah."

Sulli could've sworn that her heart stopped a beat at the moment. "Taemin.. hi."

"Ah, Taemin-ah, are you free right now?" asked Sulli's mom.

Taemin nodded. "Yes, eomonim, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Can you.. take Sulli home?" Sulli's eyes widened hearing her mother's request. "We were just going take care of her papers first, but that will probably take a while. Minho's home, don't worry," said Sulli's mom again.

Taemin glanced at Sulli, who was avoiding his gaze for a perfect reason. "Of course, eomonim," he replied.

"Oh, gomawoyo, Taemin-ah," said Sulli's father. "Did you perhaps bring a car?"

"No, actually, I took a vespa scooter, abeonim."

"That's fine. Drive safely, okay, Taemin?" Sulli's father patted Taemin's shoulder, then turned to Sulli. "Go home with Taemin, okay?" Sulli just nodded. "Well then, you guys better be on your way. The officer is already waiting," he said, and then went with her wife to the front desk, leaving Sulli with Taemin alone.

"So," said Taemin. "Ready to go now?"

"Huh? Oh, okay," Sulli nodded, still not looking at Taemin. "But wait, I have to say goodbye to someone first."

Taemin followed Sulli until they reached a door with Park Jungsu, Chief, written in silver on it. After knocking and received a murmur of, "Come in," from inside, Sulli entered the room with Taemin. As she expected, Officer Kim was there with the chief.

"Annyeonghaseyo," she bowed, followed by Taemin.

"Oh, Sulli, you haven't went home yet? And Taemin, it's been a long time," greeted Officer Kim, approaching the two young adults.

"How have you been, officer?" asked Taemin, shaking hands with him.

"I'm well, it's Sulli you have to ask," chuckled Officer Kim. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I was just going to say goodbye to you," said Sulli. "Officer Kim, and Chief Park, thank you for taking care of me while I'm here. I'm really grateful and I have learned my lesson," she bowed a full ninety-degree bow.

Chief Jungsu chuckled. "You're welcomed, Sulli. You are actually a nice kid, I'm glad you've learned your lesson. I hope we won't be seeing you here again."

"Yes, chief," Sulli smiled. "Well, I'll be going now. Once again, kamsahamnida," she bowed again and waved to the two men. Taemin followed her again as she left the room.

"You grew close to Officer Kim, didn't you?" he said to Sulli once they were out of the police station, walking towards Taemin's scooter in the parking lot.

Sulli nodded. "He's really nice. I didn't think a police officer would be like that. I expected them to be harsh and stern. But he's not, he's really understanding. He helps me a lot."

They got to the scooter and Taemin handed her a helmet. The two got on, the duffel bag placed on the walk up between Taemin's feet. Sulli was hesitant to hold on to Taemin at first, but he said, "Hey, you'll fall if you don't hang on, so hang on tight," so she did. Don't get it wrong, Sulli was happy, but she was scared too. Taemin should hate her for killing his past girlfriend, and she was confused on why he was acting so nice towards her. The scooter exited the parking lot and went on the streets.

Other than being with Taemin, Sulli felt really happy because she's finally free again. The streets of Seoul were really busy that day, but Sulli liked it. Just like how she had been missing it. Then, she realized something.

"Taemin-ah!" she yelled, because the sound of the engine and the busy street were loud. "You're not taking me home!"

"I know!" Taemin shouted back, grinning. He was driving on a route away from Sulli's house. "We can go home later! Let's go somewhere first!"

Sulli was curious on where Taemin was taking her, but she kept quiet anyway. Until Taemin stopped in front of an ice cream shop.

"Here we are," he said as he turned off the engine. Taemin got off, and took of his helmet, before helping Sulli got off too.

"You're taking me to an ice cream shop?" asked Sulli, giving her helmet to Taemin. "What are we doing here?"

"I just felt like eating ice cream," he shrugged. "Come on, let's go!"

They walked inside and greeted the shop owner. Taemin ordered a cone of vanilla and mint ice cream with sprinkles for him, while Sulli ordered strawberry and chocolate with wafers. Taemin paid for the two of them. When Sulli was looking for a seat, Taemin nudged her. 

"Hey, let's go to that park there. There's too much people here," he suggested, pointing to a park with a playground and a lot of trees. Sulli agreed and the two went out of the shop and to the park.

Sulli sat on one of the swings while Taemin sat on the other. It was complete silence as soon as they arrived, only the sound of the trees rustling, wind blowing, and swings creaking.

"So, how have you been?" asked Taemin, breaking the silence. 

Sulli gave little smile. "I'm good, never been better actually," she said. "I'm happy that I finally got released. Being imprisoned is, well, you might think I'm weird for saying this. It's kind of nice, actually. I can think right in there. Haha," she chuckled. "But it'll never beat being outside like this. Thanks for taking me out."

"You're welcome," smiled Taemin.

"What about you?" Sulli asked. "How are you doing?"

"Well, I'm a college boy, now," said Taemin, spreading his arms as if presenting himself. "Currently majoring in Performing Arts, and preparing to graduate next year. And actually, I just got off campus when I decided to drop by at the police station because I heard you were being released today."

Sulli stared at Taemin. She's just realized now. Taemin wasn't the scrawny teenager he used to be when they were in high school. His body was slender, and she can almost see soft abdomens defined under his almost see through white tee he was wearing under his tartan shirt. His shoulders seemed broad and strong, with clavicles exposed by his v-neck collar. His blonde hair was messy, but it was styled neatly. He's gotten taller, stronger, and more handsome too. Taemin has grown up into a fine young man.

"Oh, wow," Sulli smiled. "That's cool. How's college life, then?"

"Just like high-school, only way more complicated," replied Taemin. "It's not really fun though, because I don't have my best friend with me."

Sulli stared at him.

"I miss you, Sulli. Every day for three years I did. I miss having you by my side, helping me out whenever I have troubles or just buying me ice creams like this whenever I'm sad. Sometimes I think it'll be more fun playing video games with you than playing with Minho hyung, when I know you can't play games, but I just want to see you whining at me for not going easy on you," Taemin blurted out.

The girl froze. Why is he saying this, she thought. Sulli didn't want to mistake this as a hope for her, because deep down she knew that Taemin only misses her as a friend. "I miss you too," she said, smiling. As she was thinking of her feelings for him, a thought crossed her mind. "Oh, Taemin.."


"Do you.. have a girlfriend?"

Taemin froze for a split-second before shaking his head. "I don't."


Awkward silence filled the air once again.

Sulli really wanted to tell Taemin about her feelings, about how she hasn't been able to get over him for three years. About how she had loved him from a long, long time ago, and about how she was sorry. But, Taemin beat her to it.

"Sulli-ah," he said. "Do you know why I haven't had a girlfriend yet?"


Taemin bit his lips. "Well, I've.. I've been.. waiting for you."

Sulli couldn't believe her ears. She stared at Taemin, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Sulli, I want you to be my girlfriend. Not other girls, just you. I've been waiting for you," said Taemin. He expected Sulli to react positively, but instead, she shook her head to his surprise.

"You can't seriously mean that," she blurted out, her voice cracked. It took a while for Taemin to see that she was trying hard to hold back tears, until her effort failed and two drops of tear slipped down her pale white cheeks. "You loved Yoona, Taemin.. you loved her and I killed her.. you should know that I'm sorry.. but, aren't you supposed to be mad at me for that?"

The sight of Sulli crying really breaks Taemin's heart. He got off his swing and kneeled in front of her, before taking her ice cream and put it aside with his. He wiped the tears of Sulli's eyes, and smiled at her. "How can I be mad at you?" he said, chuckling. Sulli was taken aback by his statement. "I mean, I was shocked, yes. But, as twisted as this sounds, I know you did it because of me, aside from your mental troubles, and I'm kind of touched by that. I'm probably as crazy as you are, Sulli."

Hearing Taemin chuckle made Sulli's heart flutter, but she still didn't believe it. "No, you're not crazy, Taemin. That's why you shouldn't fall in love with me.."

"Why do you find my feelings for you hard to believe?" asked Taemin, reaching for her hand, and held it tightly in his.

"Because.. I killed someone.."

"So? That doesn't mean you don't deserve to be loved, right?" said Taemin, smiling. "I've known you for years, Sulli. You may have killed a person, but I know deep down you're still the same old Sulli who would pick to watch cartoons instead of zombie movies. And I would never give up on you."

Sulli stared at Taemin. She wanted to find it in him honesty, and it was there in his glimmering eyes. She gently nodded. "I believe you, Tae."

"I believe in you too, Ssul," smiled Taemin as he got up on his feet. "Come on, let's get you home. Minho hyung is probably waiting, and your parents are probably done on the papers by now."

Taemin handed Sulli her ice cream, and reached for her hand. They walked back to the ice cream shop where his scooter was parked, holding hands. The sun was almost setting back at the park.

"Taemin, can I ask you a question?" said Sulli as they were walking.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Since when have you.. liked me?"

Taemin thought for a moment. "Umm, probably since forever," he said. "Sadly, I've only realized it when you got arrested. I guess the saying, 'you'll only realize how much you love someone until you lose them', is right. I'm glad I did though," he grinned.

"So you're saying me murdering someone is a good thing?" Sulli raised an eyebrow.

"Probably.." Taemin shrugged.

"You know, you're weird," Sulli commented, joking.

"If I'm weird, then what are you? Crazy?" Taemin countered.

"Aren't I?"

Taemin chuckled at his girlfriend's statement. "You are," he said, kissing her forehead. "And I'm too, crazy in love with you, a criminal who just got out of jail, and will probably be in jail again sometime later.."

"Huh? Why?"

"Choi Jinri, you are under arrest for stealing my heart," Taemin stole a small kiss on Sulli's lips, before sticking his tongue at her. "Mehrong!"

"Ew, Taemin, you're so cheesy!" Sulli laughed and hit Taemin's chest. She was trying hard to hide her blushing cheeks, but it was no use.

"You're so cute when you blush," said Taemin, which made her blush more. "And don't worry, Sulli. You're my only cute one now, and forever."




Copyright and Disclaimer

© hellopsr stories, 2011


HERE IT IS, THE SECOND AND REAL FINAL FOR MORBID! It took a lot of time to finish this, but I'm happy with it, because Taemin and Sulli did get together in the end~ Have you seen the picture of Taemin and Sulli for Eichitoo? They're so cute! Taemin may acts childish around his hyungs and noonas, but when he's around her he seems more mature, and that image is what I tried to show in the story. Sulli looks cutely childish, but in real life she does acts mature. But with Taemin that image just disappears.  That's why I like this pairing.  And I hope you guys do too, and the story as well~ Comment and subscribe! 

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tracylp89 #1
love the ending <3
Wolfram_iflameu #2
This was brilliant! Amazing work! :D
Can you make a full story like this?!!! I loved it!!!
oh. I read this oneshot, and I must say, I liked it a lot!<br />
good job! <3