New Job

She's my Manager!?

I woke up feeling excited, I dont even know if I have got enough sleep at all. I went to the coffee shop, it's just a few block away from our place so it's not a bother even though I might wake up late.


"good morning!" I greeted uncle and the staffs that are there.

"Ah! Min Young-ah~ You came early." the Manager said " So, you'll be the one serving the customers alright? Jin Young will you show her to where the locker is. Give her a tour as well" Manager-nim continued then patted the back of someone, who I think is just the same age as me.

"Hi! I'm Luke and I'll be your tour guide for today!" He chuckle as he put his arm around me while he tour me around the place. We went to the kitchen the back yard, the second floor and lastly the locker room. "I hope you enjoyed the tour~ I'll leave you to get dressed okay? Don't worry I won't peek." he said while he winked at me, laughing with him I reached for a small pillow that's on the sofa and threw it at him. "get lost you little maniac."  I told him as he walked out the locker room, still laughing loudly, I can even hear it echoing the whole cafe.


 tsk tsk. stupid little . 


After I finished dressing up, I started to work. It was really fun~ I didn't even realize that it's already 6pm. the end of my shift.


"Min young-ah! You going home?" Jin young asked me.

"Yep. What about you?"

"Uh-huh~ Let me bring you home. I heard your house is just a few blocks away from here." He said

"Okay." I smiled. We're friends, so no malice should be put between us.


As we walk, we've talked about ourselves. I found out that we study at the same university. He's taking up photography nad I'm taking up ComArts.

We have the same likes, attitude, some hobbies and food! Talking to him is very much relaxing and fun at the same time. As I arrived in front of my place, I saw Min Seul, eyeing me curiously.


"Well he're my place. Thank you for walking me home Jin Young-ssi!" I happily told him.

"No problem Min Young-ah! Annyeong!" He said and went to the bus stop. I turned to looked at Min Seul who was now frowning. "Who was that? Is that my one of Unlce's staff? ayiiiee! Min young-ah! I'm soooo excited to tell you something!!" She said as she hugged my arm and pulled me inside the apartment.


"What is it?" I asked. 

"Well, the room in the first floor will now be occupied. I heard its a group of good looking guys!" She said, I just looked at her, "Tha'ts not my thing and you now that Seul. Anyways, I'm going to my room. I'm tired." I said and walked towards my room, not even waiing for any of her answer.

As I jump on my bed, I heard my phone beeped and saw a text from Jin Young,


Good night, Youngie~ Sweet Dreams ;)



 I laughed at what he said and just placed my phone aside, not bothering to reply



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meycaow #1
Chapter 3: OMGGG! Update. :)
Chapter 3: Such a nice story!
Keep update,author!!!
Fighting! ^_^
DarkSideHasCookies #3
Chapter 3: Omg please update! I absolutely LOVE stories like this!!