
5163: Psychopath

Luhan still hadn't recovered from the event he encountered before going to the mall with Jongdae. He kind of notices Jongdae being too desultory. He was used to the energetic Jongdae, the hello-i'll-be-a-pain-in-your- Jongdae, but today, he was just, furtive.

"What has gotten into you lately?" Luhan asked while looking at himself in a life-size mirror.

"Nothing, I'm just stressed out with all these things happening in my life." Jongdae said swiftly.

"Like?" Luhan said with the y tone accent.

"Okay, so you promise to not tell anyone?" Jongdae asked erstwhile.

"Who am I gonna' tell it to? Like I don't have any friends beside you? Right?" Said Luhan with an evocative tone.

Jongdae then pulled Luhan to one of those fitting stalls and immediately told Luhan everything that happened to him before they went to the mall.

"Jongdae, calm, the down, you don't need to rant about a stupid 'stalker' as you say it is. It's just stress, like you said." Stated Luhan

To be honest, Luhan felt deja vu between what happened to him and Jongdae, he wasn't just thinking about it lately. So when they finished fitting and bought all the clothes they've fitted, they stormed out of the store and went out to eat.


Something was still bugging Jongdae to death, was it the one who stared at his soul like it was judgement day or the fact that not only him knows it but also Luhan who might think he's crazy and , he's overthinking it again.

"Can I excuse myself for a minute, I really need to go to the restroom" Jongdae said.

"Sure, not-so-you Jongdae, jeez you're really starting to creep me out." Luhan stated


Its been 30 minutes since Jongdae asked Luhan if it was okay to excuse himself because he needed to go to the restroom. 

"What's taking him so long?" A furious Luhan asked himself. Knowing that Jongdae wasn't the type to go to long comfort rooms session, started to question Jongdae's behavior. He asked one of the waiters if there was someone who entered the restroom and they said yes. But when Luhan asked him if he saw someone exit the restroom, he immediately said no, to know if Jongdae was still in the bathroom, Luhan started to knock on the said door leading to the restroom and got no answer.

"Jongdae are you still there?" Luhan banged the door loudly and got no answer.

"Hey Jongdae open the in' do-" he wasn't able to finish what he was suppose to say.

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1st subscriber! Man, thanks for the cliffhanger! DHWJDBDHDJAAMSKDH