One shot


You woke up abruptly when you heard a crash, like some piece of glass had broken. Your heart raced as you sharpened your hearing; another crash. It was heavily raining and the wind was whistle but you heard it clearly. Your breathing was faltering as you tried to wake up your boyfriend, who was sleeping peacefully beside you.

“Jongin”, you whispered as your shook him softly.

“Jongin”, you said again, your voice raising a little.

“Hmmm”, he murmured.

“Jongin, I think there is a thief”, you said in a rush. He looked at you in disbelief, his eyes half-closed.

“What are you talking about?”, he said sleepy. “I heard a noise”, you replied. “It’s probably the rain and the wind. Go back to sleep”, he replied as he turned, closing his eyes again. You looked at him scared, your heart was still beating fast and you just couldn’t stay there, not knowing what was really happening in your house.

“You’re not going to take a look?”, you asked. “It’s nothing and I have to work tomorrow. Now sleep”, he said calmly. You couldn’t believe it, you were scared to death and he wasn’t going to do anything.

“Ok then, I’ll go myself”, you said as you stood up. Jongin didn’t reply and you began to walk carefully.

You heard a noise again and you knew it came from the kitchen. Fear hit you as you realized you had nothing to protect yourself. You were about to turn around and look for something like some kind of stick when a pair of hands grabbed you.

You screamed loud as if your life depended on that and closed your eyes as you kicked the person behind you.

“Yah! It hurt”, Jongin cried. You opened your eyes when you heard your boyfriend’s voice.

“Jongin?”, you asked softly. “What did you do that?”, he asked rubbing his knee for some comfort.

“I’m so sorry. I thought attacking me”, you apologized. Tears began to fall through your face, releasing all the fear and tension that was accumulating inside you.

“Shhh, it’s ok”, he said as he hugged you.

“If there was any thief he probably went out after hearing your scream”, he teased.

“That’s not funny”, you replied as you buried your head in his chest. “C’mon, let’s go back to sleep”, he said softly. You began to go back to your bedroom when you both heard another strong noise coming from the kitchen. You tensed and raised your head at Jongin.

“Ok, stay in the bedroom”, he said worried as he broke the hug.

“No, I’ll go with you. Please, don’t leave me alone”, you begged. He looked at you for a moment and sighed finally.

“Ok, but stay behind me”, he whispered. You grabbed Jongin’s shirt, following him from behind as you walked slowly to the kitchen. Jongin the lights and you both immediately sighed relieved. There was an open window where there was leaking the rain, some glasses broken in the floor and little black cat hidden beside the table.

“So it was just a cat”, Jongin sighed.

“Kitty, kitty”, you called him as you bent down.

“It’s so beautiful. He’s probably scared because of the rain. Can we…?”, you began.

“No”, Jongin cut you off.

“You don’t know what I was going to say”, you protested.

“We can’t keep it”, he replied.

“Please, I’ll take care of him. You won’t have to do anything”, you replied quickly.

“Don’t you feel sad for him? He’s scared and he’s alone”, you pouted. Jongin sighed deeply, you knew he couldn’t resist your cuteness.

“But we don’t know if he’s alone. He can belong to someone”, he said not looking at you. You put yourself in front of him and obliged him to look at you.

“He doesn’t wear any collar”, you pouted again.

“Ok, ok, you can keep it. Gosh, I can’t say no to you”, he sighed.

“That’s because you love me”, you smiled as you kissed him softly. The kitty allowed you to hold him easily as you began to dry him. He was trembling and curled up in your embrace. You gave him some milk before going back to your bedroom. You both lied down on the bed as you still held the little cat, which was already sleeping in your arms.

“I’ll call him Jongin”, you said.

“Why Jongin?”, he asked faking annoyance.

“Because he’s cute and dark-skinned as you”, you giggled.

“I shouldn’t have said yes so easily”, he sighed. You  smiled at him and kissed him softly.

“I love you so much, you’re the best boyfriend ever”, you smiled. He tried to resist you but gave up easily.

“I love you too”, he replied as he hugged you, the little cat still sleeping peacefully between you both.  

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Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Awwwww so cute the kitty name jong in because the cat is dark. Hehe awwww so sweet.
rieru_mashiro #3
Chapter 1: oh my cute they are. hahaha love this story author. so sweet and romantic.^^ I think if I have pet I'll name him Jongin too. hahaha
gabriella_bella #4
Chapter 1: kyaaa so cute ^.^ thanks for make this story(y)
pandacus #5
Chapter 1: I'm the second comment yay
FlowerBommie #6
Chapter 1: Awwww
Can't believe I'm the first to comment, upvote and subscribe!
Fighting, Authornim!