

There was one thing Minho and Taemin loved to do after their long day, wash up. Not a shower because it was too cold at midnight and plus they definitely already had their shower in the afternoon so wash up was a good choice to refresh their body before they sleep.


One shot, probably contain a little bit fluff (or yeah, 3/5 cup of fluff so don't expect too much of it lol). Please subscribe or comment or vote or all of them. Thank you!


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cmhltm #1
Chapter 1: I didn't know wash up would be that fun ㅋㅋㅋ. I'm smiling ear to ear, just in case you want to know hahaha.
chikilah_92 #2
Chapter 1: You better prepare for it lee taemin,,I'm not going to waste any part of you....
So perfect couple to me,,,2min,,,
keilovetaemin #3
Chapter 1: OMG!!! What is this?!! why my note didnt have notice for this ff aaakkhhh!!!!! im sooo laaattteeee T^T
so sorryyyy huhuhu

this is.....a beautiful n sweet story! omaigaaahhh too sweeeeettttt *till got diabetes* lol
why i can imagine all 2min scenes here?
bcos u r the best, aqcel! i think i saw the real 2min here.....*wink
i love when their cudlling time, so fluffy and......dbglkjgfbaebflkb dunno what to say anymore.
*pinched taemin's cheeks*
and hear the fanacc about SWC on 10th december? when taemin looks really tired and minho so caring..hahaha (are they doing something on ming's day? at night? LOL) XDDD

minho is so caring....i love minho and taemin together like thi. so sweeeetttt >////< *rolling on bed*
Chapter 1: i thought it said in the description that it'd have like 3/5 flUFF BUT LOOK AT THIS HOLY ShTI THIS IS SO FRIKKING CUTE *AAAAAA*
u know what..... apparently today after minho's birthday...... taemin didn't move much/saved his energy kinda, "looked despressed" in that way that he didn't look so energized like always does.... and minho kept rubbing his back and waist and looking concerned at him...... r u thinking what i'm thinking..... hahahahahah <3333 minho is perfect though ! ! ! !! <3
Chapter 1: ohhhhh !! i cant wait tomorrow lol

thank you authornim you made my day ,,,
onyuluva #6
Chapter 1: love it! good job authornim!
onyuluva #7
eagerly waiting!! Hwaiting...
yeaaaay !!!