Our Destiny.

Just as I was peacefully jotting down the notes on the board, I heard someone speaking to me.

“Erm sorry for yesterday by the way, I am just a really curious kid. You were the first person I approached yesterday and I happened to pick up your wallet so please forgive me. ” Hanbin said, reminding me of yesterday’s incident.

Of course, with my cold attitude again, I replied, “k, and please don’t ever stalk me home again, also can you concentrate on the lessons? Its bugging me and i cant concentrate so.. Thank you.”

Soon it was lunch. Class ended and I was on my way to the lockers to put away my books when suddenly a group of really bossy girls bumped into me.

“Yah! Watch where you are going and didnt you know how to say sorry when you bump into someone?!” 

“so…sorry” I timidly answered.

“By the way, just informing you, stay away from our oppa or else you will bear the consequences.”

Goodness sake, this day couldn’t get any worse. After school, it suddenly started pouring heavily and coincidentally, I forgot to bring my umbrella. I was standing by the entrance, looking at students going home one by one. 

“Hey do you want to go home with me? We can share my umbrella.” Hanbin came from behind and said.

“No thanks.”

“Come on, the rain doesnt look like it's going to stop any time soon.”

What he said was actually quite true. The rain kept getting bigger and the sky was still dsrk grey. There was no hint of sun to be spotted anywhere. It was like as if the sky was scolding me for something wrong I had done.


It was a long and quiet way back home. Neither of us spoke. Luckily there was the rain that gave us some background sounds or else it would have been a really awkward walk.

Finally we reached my doorstep.


I went straight to my room and immediately went to take a long, warm shower.It was almost dinner time, i ate my dinner and went back into my room to finish my homework and it was almost time to sleep.

After the battle with the math questions, I was drained. I laid on my bed, closed my eyes and tried to sleep but something kept bothering me.

That something was no other than Kim. Han. Bin.

I kept asking myself questions on why Hanbin was doing all these kind actions to me. It was a war in my mind.

Why was he so nice? Why did he talk to me? Why does he wants to be friends with me? Was he being dared to talk and make friends with me? with the famous ice queen? Why did he offer to take me home? Why did he follow me home?

There were so many ‘Whys’ yet there were no answers. I tried to sleep but to no avail. Finally after tossing and turning around for minutes that felt like hours, I entered dreamland.

Hanbin POV

Many things were on my mind. Most of them were about Ji Eun.

Why did I do all these? Why did I offer to bring her home? Why was I exceptionally nice to her? Why did I want to be friends with her? Why did I follow her home?

There were so many ‘whys’ yet there were no answers to them.

3rd POV

Both of them finally entered dreamland after so many thoughts and questions of each other. They both slept comfortably and soon it was the next day of school.

a/n: heyyyyy sorry for the long wait and the really crappy&short chapter. anyways,pls subscribe and comment! :D
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unfocused #1
Chapter 1: Joey is 'didn't you already go home' not 'didn't you already went home' lah you ah
catdust #2
Chapter 1: FIRST SUBSCRIBER! i really like hanbin and someone just wrote his fic hwaiting authornim im looking forward for an update!!