Chapter 9

I Can't Without You

"Attention ! Attention! Our school will hold singing contest next week so the students can take part in this event. You all can register as a group or solo and also please make sure to contact your homeroom teacher to get more information about the contest. Thank you."



"Haesol ! Do you hear that announcement?" Hyerin asked and feel excited. "Yes, why ? Don't tell me you want to join that contest." Haesol feel weird and curious because she knew that usually Hyerin doesn't like to participate any kine of contest, competition or something like that." Yup! Wanna join me ? Let's make a group." Hyerin nodded. " Are you sure Hyerin-ah? I'm not dreaming, right ? You really want to join this ? Seriously I can't believe that." Heasol slightly slapped her right cheek and blinked her eyes to make sure that she is not dreaming. Actually she was little shocked because Hyerin was the one who asking her to join the contest just now. "Yes ! I really want to do this since it's been a while I didn't take part any kind of contest, right ? So why don't we give a try.." Hyerin smiled and raised her eyesbrows up and down.


"Okay... if you said so but why so sudden ?" Haesol asked. " Aigoo... don't ask me too many questions, babe. I think I want to do this suddenly after I heard that announcement." Hyerin explained. "Ooohhhh.. " Haesol nodded to indicate her understand for Hyerin's explaination. " Why don't we asks Kyungsoo, Chen and Jongin to join us. I think it'll be great with them since they all good in singing and playing music instrument right?" Hyerin came up with a good suggestion. "Great .. but my voice.. it's been awhile I'm singing in front of the people and I'm not confi....." Her words was cut off by Hyerin. " Yahh ! I miss your voice Haesol. It's okay. Don't worry, your voice is still alive." Hyerin said. Back then, actually Haesol like to sing and she alwasy take part in singin competitions when she was in elementary school. But now in high school, she becomes a little bit busy and didn't think to participate any kind of competition. "Still alive ha ? Hahaha, don't kidding me okay." Haesol chuckled when get a compliment from Hyerin. "I'm not joking okay ! By the way, why don't we discuss about this later with them after school? I know they will definitely wanna join us !" Hyerin giggled.





After school, they decided to discuss about the contest at their usual place for hang out is cafe which was just one block away from their school. They walked together to go there. Kyungsoo and Haesol like always stick together and joked around each other while the other three just followed behind them and having some conversation that only they can be heard.


"Guys, don't you think that Kyungsoo and Haesol are quite suits each other, right ?" Hyerin asked and put her hands over Jongin and Chen' shoulder since her position is in the middle between them. " Yes, they looks so cute together." Chen said and glanced at the couple. " Sometimes, I think they should date each other." Jongin said and nodded in agree. "Why don't we just trying to set them up ?" Hyerin raised a littled bit her eyebrows and turn her head left and right to see how the boys react about her suggestion. "Hmm.. Okay ! We should try, right?" Chen smiled. Hyerin also smiled when she realized Chen showed some interest in her suggestion. " I agree with you too. So what's your planning, Monkey ?" Jongin asked and let out a smirk. "Yahh !! Who's you call Monkey huh?" Hyerin widen her eyes. " You ! Because you tie your hair like monkey tail. Hahaha ! "Jongin burst out.

"Yahh , dummy Jongin !"

"Mwo ?! Dummy ... Haish.. you monkey forever "

"Yahh ! you two idiots !Shhhh " Chen

"WHAT ?! IDIOTS ?! Shut up CAMEL !!." Jongin and Hyerin.

"CAMEL ?! Bwoya ~..." Chen stomped his feet.


Meanwhile Kyungsoo and Haesol ..

"What're they talking about ? They're being too noisy ?" Kyungsoo glanced at his friends. " I don't know.. they seems to tease each other. Hahaha, that three dummy.. " Haesol chuckled. " Haesol-ah, let's walk faster and leave them. " Kyungsoo giggled. " Yes ! Let's go !" Haesol said. Kyungsoo then grabbed Haesol's hand and they started to set the pace quickly. " Yah yah, where's they're going ! So fast tho ." Jongin said while pointed his finger to Kyungsoo and Haesol when he realized that two kids walked so fast. " Yah ! Heasol-ah! Bwoya~..." Hyerin shouted and also walked quickly to reach them. "Aigoo.. geez." Chen muffled and followed them.


Aftew a few minutes they arrived there. They quickly ordered their favourites snacks and beverages and then they went straight to their spot while holding the trays on their hands. They sitting down in their usually spot. Kyungsoo, Haesol and Hyerin just sitting in a same row while the other two sit in front of them.


They started to eat their food and discussed about the contest. " So what's thing you want to talk about, Hyerin ?" Kyungsoo asked and turn his head to face Hyerin. "Did you heard an announcement at school earlier about singing contest ?" Hyerin asked and started to tell about her idea. "Yes, So?" Jongin confused. "Actually I and Heasol already agreed to do this, so now I want to ask you guys.. Do you guys wanna join us? Since you guys know how to play instruments, right ?" Hyerin seems little bit excited. "Hmmm, sure. I know how to play drums and Jongin know how to play bass. I think it'll be fantastic." Chen said while gulping his beverage. "Great idea, monkey !" Jongin said and show his thumb up to Hyerin. Hyerin gave him a death glared. "And how about you, Kyungie ?" Haesol asked while chewing her food. "Not bad ! So who'll be in charge of singing ?" Kyungsoo asked. " Haesol and you since both of you have a good voices because I'll be in charge of playing guitar, so just you two only. It's okay, right ?" Hyerin asked. " Owhh, that's great. We'll be singing together Haesol-ah." He raised his right hand to have a high five with Haesol. Haesol happily receive the high five from him. Hyerin winked towards Chen and Jongin. She whispered "My plan !" to them. Chen and Jongin slightly nodded as a sign that they understand what Hyerin trying to do.Fortunately Kyungsoo and Haesol doesn't noticed it.


"So what is the name of our group ?" Haesol asked after finished her food. " How about ' Bestie Band'?" Chen make a suggestion. " So lame.. How about 'Superstar'?" Hyerin asked . Chen then stick out his tounge to Hyerin. "Too common .. " Jongin said. "Haishh.. so what's your ?" Hyerin just rolled her eyes to Jongin. "What about 'The Most Daebak Band Ever'''? Jongin moved his eyesbrows up and down to show how proud himself for suggest that kind of group's name. -Silent for a while- Suddenly ....


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what the heck !. Too long Jongin-ah" Chen laughed.

"Yes ! So funny ! Hahahhah" Hyerin 

"Jongin we didn't need such a long name for our group." Kyungsoo chuckled.

"My belly feel so hurt because laughing so hard. HAhHHa." Haesol laughed.

"Shut up!" Jongin rolled his eyes and stick out his tounge to them.


"Okay.. okay we can stop now. Jongin sulk." Hyerin chuckled and wipe some tears from her eyes because laughing so hard. The other also started to come back to their soul. " Huhh..So what the heck you guys want as a name ?" Jongin asked and sighed. "How about 'Galaxyo'? I think it's nice, right ? It's not too lame or common and not too LONG.." Haesol chuckled when she said 'Long' word and glanced at Jongin, who already pouted. "Not bad! I like it." Kyungsoo raised his hand as a sign that he agreed with Haesol. Chen, Jongin and Hyerin also raised their hands. They all look at Jongin with their curious faces. "What?!" Jongin blinked. "So you agree with this?" Chen chuckled. Jongin already stick out his tounge. They laughing with Jongin action.









A/N: So this is Hyerin plan.. what do you think ? And I put 'Galaxyo' instead because I want galaxy and Yo~ Yo feels because I miss Wuyifan and Luhan. Leaves some comments :)








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Tiakitty #1
Chapter 12: Ohhh!!It's so cute..please update pali pali:):):)
Chapter 12: kyunggggg...confesss... ppali.. aish.. haha
thumbs up authornim
anne_exo #3
Chapter 9: It's really cute story... please do update!! ^_^
EikaZulaikha #4
Chapter 5: Hahaha cute one... Will be waiting for the next chap ~ :))