Yonghwa's POV

That Day, We Fell In Love All Over Again

We stood at the grand stage prepared for us.

We were up stairs, with me here and her at the other end.

The nervousness has creeped inside me.

I looked at her, yet she gave me that smile.

Showing how much she trusted and supported me.

I smiled back at her.

And the intro begun playing.

Our faces appeared on the big screen, along with some our wedding photos and selcas.

The fans cheered even more.

It was funny how the support from our fans could give me so much happiness.

And I closed my eyes, our memories during the WGM days appeared one by one in my mind.

And I began singing while my eyes locked into hers.


The day when I first saw you

Your bright smile full of shyness

we’ll get closer after today

Every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations


I begun to sing earnestly.

After all, this song is our story.

We looked at each other, smiled.

Somehow I knew that she thought about our first meeting too.

I remembered how she walked slowly, step by step, into the lobby.

I could still remember how I was enticed by those pairs of innocent eyes.

I could still remember how random she was, how different she was.

I tried to keep my pace with hers.

And we were genuinely happy, getting close to each other.

And I believe a lot of people could tell how I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever she was near.

And it was her turn to sing


What to say to you

How to get you to laugh

I fear it’ll get awkward when I try to hold your hand

All I can do is smile shyly


I smiled as she sing it, looking through each others' eyes.

Those lyrics clearly showed our feelings towards each others.

It was so hard and awkward at first, when we didn't know what to say and what to do.

And I'm really grateful that she has always accepted me.

And I wonder when it became so natural between us.

That even a single look from her eyes would make me fall even deeper in love. 


Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

Even though it’s still awkward and unfamiliar

Instead of saying ‘thank you’

Talk to me in a friendlier way


It was a wonder how our voices mix perfectly well with each other.

And we did it naturally.

Although it was still hard for her to speak banmal to me,

I promised myself that I will wait patiently.

Back then, and even now, I will always waiting for her.

And I know that she felt thankful about that.


Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

You walk towards me slowly, step by step

Now look at my two eyes and tell me

I love you


We looked at each other's eyes, grasping the meaning between our song.

And she litterally did what I asked her to do last time.

After we ended our WGM shooting, she asked me to wait for her at the park.

After a while, I could see her walking towards me.

Slowly, taking each steps carefully.

'I love you,' she told me, looking into my eyes.

And I knew by then, she is my world.

I smiled widely, unconciously.

'Nado saranghae, Hyun,' I told her back.

And now, I could see how she tried to hold back her tears.


The day when I held your hand

I felt my heart stop beating

I don’t even remember what I said

All I feel is a flutter in my stomach


I don't even remember when was the first time we held hands.

It wasn't even broadcasted.

I did it unconciously to hold her as she fell down.

Classic, you might think.

I could hardly remember what happened after.

All I remember are her cheeks that started to get red,

The softness of her hands,

And my heart that beats like crazy.

I wave at her and smiled.

And I'm happy to see how her cheeks turned slightly pinker.


Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

Even though it’s still awkward and unfamiliar

Instead of saying ‘thank you’

Talk to me in a friendlier way


She nodded at me, signalling that we should go down from the stairs.

It was our choreography, something we contributed as we wanted this performance to be ours.

Both of us could barely stop smiling while going down from the stairs

and searched for each other's eyes as soon as we get into the position.


Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

You walk towards me slowly, step by step

Now look at my two eyes and tell me

I love you


I can hardly cover my chuckle

I can't believe that she almost got her lyrics wrong

Others might do that, but not her

Not the perfect 'Seohyun'

Because I know that this song is our favourite.

I know she sung this a lot behind my back.

I smiled at her and continue to sing

I sung it with all my feelings for her.

And I could see she almost cried

How I wanted to hug her right here right now.

We smiled happily and waved to the fans

and we started walking closer to each other.


Hopefully we can fall in love with each other 

I’ll never let go of your two hands from my grasp 

The light of your eyes, gazing at me

I hope there will only be joyful smiles


It used to be our hope

And now it's a fulfilled dreams

A promise to never let go of each others' hand

And the joyful smile we made everyday.

I unconciously tried to reach her hand but stopping halfway

After all, I knew that she would hate it if it became a scandal

Yet she smiled so beautifuly, reaching out her hand.

I was shocked, but I immediately take her hand.

Holding it softly in mine.


We can probably fall in love with each other

We can lean on one another and take care of each other

Looking into your eyes, my two eyes

They’re talking to you

I love you

The song is nearing the end.
We still held each other's hand, facing the fans.
We wanted to show how much we love each other.
And then we looked at each other's eyes again
Conveying feelings, more that words can explain.
I love you, Hyun, my forever.
Although you might not be my first time lover
Somehow I knew, that we will always be together.
Just like how we are now.
Little did you know,
That day, I fell in love with you all over again.
-Jung Yong Hwa, 2014-
Author's Note
Sorry guys for dragging this so long. I just finished my exam and got my new laptop. The old laptop is broken, and is one of the reason I can't continue writting my stories.
So, this is Yong's POV. and it's finisheeeddd~~~!!! YAY~!
I hope that you like it guys.
Thanks for reading my probably-crappy-fanfic-with-a-lot-of-grammar-mistake HAHA!
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pipopanda #1
Chapter 2: O.M.G.
Its so sweet and Romantic.
Chapter 2: sweet..............
i watch nigata duet again because your story.. and still that was one best duet i know.
their love is showing...
ommmmaaa TT_TT my OTP so REAL
i miss them ever more...........
thank you :D
ayasdfgghjkl #3
Chapter 1: Update soon~ i love it. Yong's POV !!
Chapter 1: Update soon