A Wolf's Love

A Wolf's Love

A little girl with long golden brown hair, blessed with a pair of twinkling silver eyes was told by her loving mother never to enter the forest alone. She always adore the forest in her backyard, when her mother isn't looking, she would always slip away into the forest. Bringing back tiny little animals that are wounded, and nurture them back to health.Yet here she was looking down at the tiny little black wolf that was laying on the cold bare snowy ground. It was whining and whimpering as its half golden brown eyes looked up at her. Her tiny little hand reached out to it, only to received a weak hiss.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." She told it. It looked at her like it understood her words perfectly, and decided to lie still, as it's eyes watching her with every move."Trust me." She placed her hands around it, and embraced it with kindness and warmth. It looked at her, and blinked. Only to fall asleep in her gentle and tender embrace.

"See?" She whispered."I said you could trust me." She held it up against her chest, giving it the warmth that it needed. And walked out out of the forest with it in her arms.


"Honey! I told not to enter the forest without my permission." Her mother pinched her rosy pink cheeks and her red little nose. "You love that forest don't you?" Her mother pinched her a little harder, earning a whimper from her.

"Owe Mommy." She giggles, getting out of her Mother's grip.

"Sorry, Mommy." She replied, looking up at her mother with a wide smiled.Her mom looked down at her, and sighed. "So what did you bring back this time?" She patted her head, looking down at the little creature lying in her daughter's arms.

"Honey? Where did you find him?" Her mother gasped, finding a wolf lying in her daughter's arms. She was shocked to see her own daughter carrying such a creature in her arms without any worries.

"In the forest." She replied." He was crying, and I couldn't help it but to bring him home." She said.

"But Honey, you can't keep it, he's different from the rest you brought back. He's danger..."

"Just when he gets better... Let me keep him until he gets better. Then I'll let him go." She looked up at the Mother,who was looking down at her.

"Only when he get better, okay?" Her mother gave up with a deflated sigh, seeing her pouting puppy face.

"Yeah,I'll let Kai go when he's all better." She nodded already naming him with a bright smile, plastered on her face.

And so she did let him go, as the days grew older so did she but never once did she saw the tiny black wolf again. Not until...


10 years later...

The cold winter weather was nipping at her red little nose and her pale slender fingers. The deep blanket of snow covered up everything with its frosty color. And the freezing wind that decided to pass by every once in a while, patted her blushing pink cheeks. But the cold didn't seem to  bothered her, she sighed and took a deep breath before releasing a warm puff of cloud into the air. She closes her silvery eyes, taking in the image of the evergreen forest, now coated with layers of snow. Her feet sunk into the deep snow, as she found herself moving deeper into the majestic forest that she'd always loved ever so dearly. There's something about the forest that had always captivated her, the whispering of the trees, the enchanted sounds of songbirds singing and communicating to one another, the tiny grey squirrels, now big and chubby. The fluffy brown rabbits, now was as white as snow itself.And the many wonder of mysteries that lay hidden beyond the end of the forest. Silver eyes blinked opened and feet quickens as she found herself running past the trees, now were only green and white blurs. The cold that used to hugged her disappeared,yet replaced with an overwhelming feeling of rush, and excitement. A big smile appeared on her face as she ran past the little white rabbit, sitting at the root of the evergreen tree. As she ran deeper and deeper, the more the smile on her face grew. Running became walking and walking came to a complete halt. She was at the end of the deep forest.


The view in front of her was breath taken. Behind the deep green forest lay a blank white field of snow lying on the edge of a cliff.She smiled at the wonderful sight that was display right before her.

"Oh it's beautiful." She took a step, crossing the field. Her footsteps left a white trail, that she imprinted on the freshly white snow.

A sudden snap of a tree branch echoed from behind her,dark lurking shadows gloomed from the forest. The sound of heavy hungry breathing was ringing against her ears.

"Who's there?" She whimpered. Along the dark forest lurks two hungry wolves, trotting their way closer her. It's  eyes were wild and bloodthirsty. Streams of saliva was endlessly running down from it's bare jaws, revealing sharp teeth that could surely seep through her flesh and could crush her bones.They way they walk towards her could only mean one thing, she was their prey.


Their teeth sunk into her thighs and arms, crushing a few of her bones. Bite marks and scratches display all over her body. Her blood was dying the snow red. The unbearable pain continues to torture her. She cried out for help,but the pain from the bite marks on prevented her to do so. The world around her slowly began to fade, she couldn't fight off the sleepiness, that her eyes are given into.  She was sure that illusion is playing a trick on her. As a huge loud roar from a few feet away could be heard, but she was sure that her own ears were hearing things. The coldness that she didn't feel before was now overtaking her body, wrapping it's icy coat around her. She no longer feels the pain that the wolves have left on her, all she could feel was the numbness of the lingering pain and the numbness of the snow. Whimpers, followed by a tenderness warmth was the last thing she could remembered, before everything fades to black.


Warmth. A nostalgic sensation wraps around her small frame, giving her comfort and safety. She was sure that she was no longer existing in the world, but that didn't matter at the moment. She was willing to give up to the tenderness warmth that had embrace her ever so dearly in its arms.

The sounds of heavy breathing could be heard, the sound of a loud thumping heart was ringing against her ears, and the tiny little crackling sound of the wood burning in the flame, was calling out to her. Slowly, her eyes started to fluttered, and the image of the burning fire in front of her comes to view. She looked around at her surrounding,the big and grey stone wall was stack high and tall, and the hard floor around her was coated with different furs of all textures and colors. Her eyes continued to explore the environment around her, only to realize she was in a cave of some kind. Snow was falling heavier as it continue to cover the world with nothing but the color white. Cold wind blew past her, as she found herself cuddling up to it for warmth. Just when her eyes was about to close on her again, a deep rumble woke her, she looked up to only find a pair of big and bright golden brown eyes staring back down at her.


The creature in front of her was bigger than anything she had seen before, it big black coat of fur was shining as the flame of the fire reflected on it. It's huge black paw was wrapped around her tiny waist, cuddling her close to it. It's black fluffy tail was flicking back and forth behind it. And it's lowered head was right beside to her, it's eyes just above her level. She gasped, as fear overtook her body, she jerked away from it, only to sway and fall back down due to the huge amount of pain in her weak legs,that the other wolves had left her. But it caught her with its snout. It's strong paws reached out to embrace her waist, earning a small whimper from her, it stopped. Only lowering her to the ground and back off, lying back down on its paws. Her closed eyes opened as nothing seemed to happened. She looked at it, something was familiar about this creature. It looked like she'd seen it somewhere before. This feeling that it gave off reminded her of someone.

"...Kai?" She mumbled under her shaky breath.It's ears perked up, head raised in her direction. The wolf looked at her, as it's eyes gleamed with joy. Kai the black little wolf she'd found in the forest when she was just a child, now was bigger than any other wolves she had ever saw. The wolf that she had never seen again after she let him go, was now standing in front of her. The wolf that she ever so dearly missed was standing in front of her. The wolf that made her loved the forest even more was embracing her in his loving embrace.

"Kai?" She asked again, her hand raised up to him. The pain was piercing through her, but she didn't care and dismissed it. He her hand in response again and again.

"I missed you too... A lot." She smiled as her hand reached for his snout. Only to fall back down. She could hear his whimpers.


She awoke, finding a boy half with only a pair of black sweatpants hanging below his dark toned tanned waist. His choppy black hair covered his eyes, as he was her arms over and over again. She jerked her arms away, as his head turned towards her.

He smiled, it was charming the way his pink lips curved to a crooked smile."You're awake." He came closer, but she scouted away.

"Who are you?What did you do to me?" She hugged her arm, finding the some of marks from her arms that was there  before had now disappeared. And the marks on some part of her body was no longer there.

"It's me... I'm Kai." He responded, a disappointed pout had replaced his cheerful smile. “I healed your wounds that they left on you.”He explained, head low.

She looked at him with confusion. "No, you’re not Kai.”. He was disappointed, but he raised his head to answer her.

"I'm a werewolf." He explained. He came closer, with a little more caution. “I can prove it.” He said.

"How?" She asked, scared and confusion overtook her.

"Remembered 10 years ago...? You found me in the forest alone? You saved me, you took care of me, and you treated me with care and love. I was so thankful." He smiled, he reached out for her."I missed you since the day we parted, so much. But I knew if I came back I won't be able to part away from you." He took her hand and held it up to his cheek, then placing a kiss in the palm of her hand. "I kept having the desire to come back to you, but I could never bring myself to do so." He placed circles of kisses on her palm. “I would always watch you from afar, every times you enter the forest, I could feel your presence. But all I could do was to watch you.” He placed a longer, deeper and lasting kiss in the center of her palm. “But, finally I can approach you.” He sighed.

“I was so scare of losing you when I found you laying there, you wouldn’t stop bleeding. I thought I would lose you.” He whimpered, as he reached out, pulling her closer for assurance.

Her hands rise to caress his face, and parted his hair that covered his eyes away to reveal his beautiful face.

"Kai, thank you." She placed a soft kiss on his eyelid. "Thank you for saving me, and thank you for keep watching over me."She hugged him, she could trust him now.That he was the Kai she’d love since 10 years ago.

“Can I talk to the other Kai for a minute. I missed him.” she pleaded.He looked at her, not wanting to.

"...Okay." He responded after a moment of silent. "But only for a bit." He pouted."I want to spend my time with you in this form." He said. She nodded. "Just for a while." He hugged her once last time before parting away.

The transformation was astounding, his arms and legs were replaced by big and strong paws,his toned tan body was covered by a luxurious coat of the night's sky, big beautiful ears and tails flicking back and forth due to the amount of happiness.

"Kai... I missed you." She smiled. With a big leap, he landed on top of her. Pinning her down onto the ground with his paws. her passionately. Nuzzling his nose against her.

"I missed you so much, Kai." She giggles, wrapping her arms around his big neck. His tails and ears flickered.

"Times up." He spoke, turning back into his human form. He was laying on top of her. Bare skin came in contact with her.His warm arms embracing her from behind. The warmth of his body heat wrapped around her.Her arms was wrapped around his neck, as he lower himself closer to her.

"But..." She spoke, but he hushed her.The distance between them inches closer.

“Kai...That’s not fair.” she blushed as he came closer to her.

"Ssshhhhh.Give this Kai some love too." He placed loving kisses on her neck and jawlines. "This Kai loves you too you know?" He jealously , kissing and the remaining marks on her neck and throat, then caressing her face in his big warm hands as he trace small circles on her bare skin.

"Yeah I know. And I might love this Kai just a little bit more." She giggles. He places a sweet kiss on her, biting and on her lips until they turn pink.

"I love you." He whispered smoothly in her ears. "More than you could ever imagine." He kisses her forehead, trailing back down to her pouty pink lips. Taking them more passionately.

"I love you too." She smiled, responding to his kiss with the same amount of love he's giving her.

Outside the snow continued to dye everything with its color white.

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Rima000 #1
Chapter 1: This was beautiful! ^_^