
( cøde academy — a spy school )ー apply open 。
  cøded reviews
There's not much to say, really. I don't do the three strikes thingy, but I will reject apps if I have too. If you get a 'pending', then there are mistakes that must be corrected. Accepted means there are no visible errors and you jst need to wait for me to reveal the characters. That's it, I guess. 

Oh, and I'm not the best at reviewing, so please don't be disappointed by short reviews or if I don't spaz about your character or anything like that. It all depends on my current mood, me hearties. Ok bye.
  #spy code, character name。
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima.
#16191098 bi yumi
    runner-  ♡  iu  ♡  soh taekook    accuracy   rain 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  My character, Miss Bi Yumi. She's a fiesty one, so you don't wanna get on her bad side. Just warning you now.
chosen LAST REVIEWED 12/08/14
  #16578329 kang haneyl。
    dreamx--♡  park gi rim  ♡  applicant  ♡  combat  ♡  heaven 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Lina. Before anything else, thank you for applying. I read the first few lines of your app and I just burst out laughing, cos Haneul's birthdate is my birthdate, too xD And, clicking your username, I see you have the same birthday. Same year, though? Ahem, alright, I must now be serious. Park Girim really suits Haneul's personality, since she has that glint in her eyes that hints of a mischievous person, so good job with that. I find her to be a really likeable character, and, though I like the badass y ones, I suppose she'll have to do :) Thanks again for applying.
  #11241997 lee soohyun。
    lillyanna  ♡  park su eun  ♡  kim jiwook ♡  agility ♡  moon 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Lyne. I have two things that I'd like you to correct and/or fix up. One, she's quite underweight. Well, I do understand that they're spies and all that and she's an agility-type, so if you don't want to change it, then I'd be happy to leave it like that, though I'd mention at any possible interval that she's a skinny little rodent. Two, please include a backup love interest, unless the backup is that she doesn't have a lover. Too conclude, I guess there isn't really anything wrong with your app for Soohyun. So, I was going to mention a third thing but facepalmed myself before actually writing it out here. I was reading Soohyun's background, right at the start, because you mentioned that she's a 'cake mania' in her nicknames, I thought you said that her whole family attended 'Cake Academy'. I guess I really am a blind old bat. Your idea of a Christmas Ball is a sweet idea, so I'd probably put that into action. And yeah, lol, sorry for being a bit confusing, but you were meant to write your app so it connected with the year 2015. You understood my confuzzling-ness so good job. :) Thanks for applying. 
  #317717 nam taejin。
    delusionalexotic  ♡  winner's taehyun  ♡  n/a  ♡  martial arts ♡  silver 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Raven. I'm just going to confirm that he has no love interest, right? Would you mind if, if he's chosen of course, that I matched him up with someone as the story progresses along? Biual, right? Ok, so I found his banana tatto and his obvious love for his little sister really adorable. And that spy code of his is really a work of art. He really seems flamboyant, if you get what I'm saying. A sweetie-pie, if you will. Taejin and Yumi being best friends is actually a relatively nice touch, so thank you for including her in his friends section. That last trivia made me laugh out loud. But he's still underage. Is the first person in his 'family' part his father? Plus, I think you may or may not have forgotten his name. Either that or you accidentally undid it. Thanks for applying.
  #03193098 kwon jinah。
    --pinkduckdaisies  ♡  gong soo ah  ♡  ahn hakkun  ♡  agility ♡  danggeun 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Pearlie. Can I just say that Jinah seems like she'd be an excellent leader? She has all those amazing leadership qualities and ergh, I just want to obey her or something. Like one of the applicants above, you didn't add a backup love interest. Yeah, I guess that he'd definitely be chosen as the love interest if Jinah is chosen, but I'd still like you to fill in the app. If you meant that the backup is that she doesn't have a lover, please tell me so. Ach. That conclusion for Jinah and Hakkun is adorable. Let me cry in peace, now. And omfg, yes Guilun is love. Guilun is life. Thanks for applying.
  #11071210, kwon yoojin。
    stratusfan1  ♡  jung min hee  ♡  applicant    LANguages  acacia 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Joclyn. Yoojin is quite the life of a party, as you described her to be. I got the sense that, before entering Cøde Academy, she was a spoilt brat of some sort, and, being the only female child in her family, being a thorough arguer, always fighting against her brothers. I love those spoilt princess-type characters <3 It just makes me want to write about how they eventually show another side to themselves that no one knows about. I was wondering, because this story is to be set in 2015, did you mean that her best friend is the same age as her? Because I'm quite sure you set her age according to 2014. Also, her love interest; Is it an applicant? Or none? I'm quite sure it's an applicant, cos you filled in the part that people with an applicant lover were meant to fill out. Whatever it is, please change the title of the overall section accordingly. Thanks for applying.
  #19110435, go aejung。
    mooncastles  ♡  aoa's hyejeong  ♡  applicant    intelligence   BLADE 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Essie. Yes! A female character who isn't necessarily happy or funny. I've been waiting for a badass-ish girl, so thank you. Hey... What year is Aejung born in? Because it appears that you didn't exactly type it in. I'm assuming she's born in 1997, though? And, to answer your question which I've been desparately waiting for someone to ask, the chosen people will form two to three teams, depending on how many apps I choose. Haha sorry about that; the layout itself is beautiful, but while I was experimenting with sombody else's coding, I kinda stuffed it up and wasn't bothered to fix it, so poof. It went all funny. I think I'll really enjoy writing about her development from a cold-ish brainy girl to a girl who is a bit warmer. YEs! Guilun is life. Omf- them on Pi Li Mit, though- The chemistry is beautiful <3 Haha exactly my reaction. I was like 'wait wut-' when I found out he got a kid. Yep, adding scene suggestions leter is totally fine. Please tell me when you do, though, cos I'd like to see what goes through your mind. Thanks for applying.
  #17145135, sang jihan。
    missprocrastinator  ♡  lee soo hyuk  ♡  applicant    intelligence   joker 
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi Hannah. Oooh i could totally see Jihan hating Yumi. But do you think it’d be possible if, if chosen, I make both of them hate each other? Like Jihan begins to hate her cos she was being all authoritative towards him, and then she begins to hate him cos he’s so annoying or something. And then they could have major sass wars with each other. Ooh and then at one point in the story, they get stuck together and eventually come to terms that they’re teammates and give each other an awkward high five or hug or something at the end. Oh and Jihan and Yumi’s love interest, Taekook, could team up or something against Yumi cos i planned on giving Taekook and Yumi a love-hate relationship. Anyways, on to your real review; In regards to your ‘famous last words’… YEs. I am dying right now cos I really want to get on with Jihan’s character development. Asdsdkjhgls. Oh, and Woobin and Jihan’s friendship seems cute. I choose J-Law over Watson. Tell me who picked who. Sangji as his nickname is kawaii. Maybe Yumi can call him that to piss him off. I'm quite sure you put the same trivia twice at one point. His spy code is really amazing xD Thanks for applying.
  #07311783, maeng lingty。
REVIEWED BY RUNNER-  Hi (insert name here), first thing I'd like to say is I'm really sorry for reviewing so late. I had an exam so yeah. Well, I'm here now. Do you think you could fill in that section right under your character's name? I'd like to have a name to call you :) I had no problems with Lingtu, honestly. I really love her personality. She's not an unnecessarily cheerful or funny person that applicants love to write about, but she's a masculine girl. And /fist in the air/ a 98 liner! Thanks for applying.
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when are you going to update this......
Chapter 3: "bald held shining" Okjk. funny how the headmaster has
the hots for ms. jung and then make it seem like he doesn't.
excited for the official start of this already! have a pleasant day. <3
Chapter 1: We can change our love interest's age to fit the story right?
Chapter 3: I think that the headmasters interactions with ms.jung are going to be cute
Can't wait for the story to start.
Good luck with applications :)
Lillyanna #5
Chapter 3: Aaaah~! I'm so excited for the story to start!!!! And this teaser made me even more curious of how the story will be!! ><
That headmaster sure is something with that personality of his. And he has a thing on Ms. Jung!!! I feel sorry for her! :p
Chapter 2: oh god yes, i can already sense the amount insults that they would be putting out in the air
taekook and jihan would probably end up being friends because of yumi tbvh, taekook would
be an addition to jihan and woobin's 'holy trinity' hahaha. and that means yes, you're free
to have them both as rivals, do as you please, pls. and awkward reconciliations are always
the best. oh god, jihan has an ego issue and he needs someone other than woobin around him tbh
which the love interest might take a role in or just a soon-to-be close to friend. : ) if he
were chosen, i couldn't wait for his dramatic moments rly. i'm all over j-law tbh, but jihan
was on emma watson and woobin was with j-law. trololol. jihan's main goal in life is to either
annoy yumi or just ignore her pmsl. and oh yes, i didn't notice that otl. haha- the code name
is a result of jihan's immaturity tbh. thank you for the review rly! : ) < 3
Chapter 2: I'm going to apply with a satirical little diva ;)
mooncastles #8
Chapter 2: ooh yes my bad how did i not put in that last number lol yeah she's a 97 liner!
shes going to destroy everyone with her lowkey sass tbh omg
and yell at the the impulsive field agents who don't listen to her oh god
ooh ok thanks for clarifying, i was wondering how it was going to be written