Time to just let go

Time to just let go

Life is like a game. Except this game have no stop or quit button.

This game is a platform game…where your life goes up and down.

But always forward


I study the piece of paper in my hand. It’s turning yellow from the years which I kept it. My eyes trace the fading words, never failing to make me smile with delight.

When time comes, be prepare my love

I never knew what the words meant, but…it was a happy day when I receive it anyway.

“What are you doing?” A shadow falls against the paper and I look up to the bright light in winter in Korea.

“Nothing much,” I reply truthfully. Amelia crouches down with her hands on her knees. “You sure? Are you doing well?” concern etches in her eyes.

“Shouldn’t you be asking your boys?” I nod my head to the group of boys playing.

“Nah, they’re fine,” she gestures her hand like she’s swatting a fly. I look at them thoughtfully. “How’s your job?” I suddenly ask. My cousin slowly lowers herself next to me. “It’s…fine, I guess,” she hesitantly replies.

“So! Big producer huh? Rose Water is a big hit,” I tell her, playing around with the piece of paper in my hand, careful not to crease it.

“It was hectic to film that,” she grumbles “I guess it’s worth it though,” she gives in after a thought.

“Why are you still with them?” I gesture to the people playing around in the snow.

“Friends?” she questionably replies. “More like close friends,” I comment then a wicked idea floats into my mind. “Or…boyfriend?” I swiftly and slyly turn to her with a huge grin on my face. She didn’t react and stare at me before a sly smile curves up on her face. “Maybe,” she waves the topic aside, her head turning slowly away.

“Why?” she snaps her head back “You interest?” she teases. I snort in contempt, “As if!” Her lively eyes slowly become dull ones as she stare at me. She sighs, “Move on…” she hesitantly pats my head and joins the other people.

Move on. The words echo in my mind. Can I really just step off from the platform I’m content with?

“Hey!” somebody pants next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Hi,” I reply, uncertain about this person.

“So, you’re Amelia’s cousin?” he rhetorically asks. I nod. He’s beautiful. Just like him- Move on…

“Sitting down is cold…aren’t you cold?” he grins, looking at me. I start to shake my head when I feel a shiver down my spine. I stop in mid-shake. Then I slowly nod.

“Then come! You can’t sit down all your life! You got to move!” he enthusiastically says, jumping up and down.

“But, you’re throwing snowball at each other, isn’t that cold?” I point out to a shrieking Amelia as she jumps up and down to get rid of the snow that was stuffed down her jacket.

“Well…” he bit his bottom lip “It’s fun!” he brightens up. He grabs my hand and then a sound of ripping can be heard. We both look down, surprise. It was the paper I was holding…its rip in the corner. My hand holds the corner while we watch the other larger piece floats down into the snow, soaking up the wetness.

I gasp and the boy looks at me with apology. “Sorry,” he mutters as he bents down to pick it up. I beat him to it and slap his hands away. He looks at me with hurt in his eyes, but I wouldn’t care less.

“Sorry,” he says again, bowing. I press my lips together and try to force back the tears forming in my eyes.

“What happened?” Amelia jogs over to us and takes in the scene. “Oh…” is what she can say. I take a deep breath as I shakily wipe the surface as gentle as I could without tearing it apart.

“…Good riddance,” Amelia says with no emotion. She snatches the paper off me. My head snap up to face her, “Excuse me?!” I yell.

“I said: Good riddance,” she snaps with the same ferocity.

“What? Why?” I repeatedly ask her.

She sighs and looks at me, cupping my face with her hands. “It’s…time to just let go,” she whisper.

“I knew it,” I mutter darkly. “You never cared! You never cared!” I shove her hands away and run back into the house.

“I care! I really care! It’s reality! Face it!” she screams through the door.

“Shut up…shut up…shut up!” I throw a tantrum.

We didn’t talk for the rest of the day.

Somebody knocks the door. “Come in,” I respond, monotone. The boy enters with a tray and a nervous smile.

“Food,” he states, showing me the contents. “Thanks,” I mutter as my eye take in the view of the food layout.

“Aren’t you going to eat it?” he hesitantly asks as he stands there watching me. I look at him pointedly and he shakes his head.

“Not until you eat,” he firmly says. I sigh and pick up the spoon.

“Happy?” I mumble through my last mouthful. He chuckles, “Very happy,”

He leaves the tray and digs into his pocket. “When time comes, be prepare my love,” he starts reading. My eyes widen as I jump up and rush to him. I glare at him when he lifts his hand up along with the piece of paper.

“How tall are you?” I pant while jumping. He shrugs, “Never really notice,” with a teasing smile.

“To have time to just let go, and be content with another,” he suddenly says. I look at him with confusing in my eyes.


“You never flip the other side of the paper, did you?” he asks. I shake my head, “There’s no writing there,” I wave the statement aside.

“Until you soak it into water, or wet it” he replies, bringing the paper down. I take it off him.

“Good night,” he whispers as he pecks my cheek. He closes the door after him. I stare at him for a while, touch my forehead and then shake my head before turning my attention to the paper.

When time comes, be prepare my love

To have time to just let go, and be content with another.

Because life is just a game, without stop or quit.

Love the man who helps you see.

I turn a corner and into his room. I walk in after he gives his consent. I head towards him and kiss him on his forehead.

“I still haven’t paid my respect. Good night, Minho,”

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great fic, thank you!
This story is fun !! XD
sakura4li #3
Ahaha, yep!<br />
Alzina #4
oooh it was Minho...<br />
i had a feeling when she asked about the height!!