Take Care

Take Care

 You sat there waiting for him to come home. How long you've waited just for him to walk through that door. You lost track of time yet still you waited. Just then the door opens and he walks through looking so tired. " Yesung, you're home..." you said as he entered the room. He stood there a moment then proceeded to place his things in the entry way. " You look so tired. Was work hard today?"

"It's been a long day. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Is there even anything to eat?" he asks as he walks past you and into the kitchen.

"There's still some leftovers from the other night. You just have to heat it up." you say as you walk next to him. He grabs the leftovers from the fridge a places them in the microwave. As he waits he leans over the kitchen sink placing his hands in his head. "Are you feeling all right?" you ask as you place your hand on his shoulder. "You should get more sleep. You work a lot so if you don't get enough rest you'll just make yourself sick. And please try not to skip meals. I know it's hard with all you schedules and all." The microwave beeped and he grabbed his food and went to the couch to eat and watch tv. You followed him. You sat down next to him and watched whatever he put on. "It's late. You should sleep after you finish eating."

"Wow. It is late. Maybe sleeping isn't such a bad idea..." he said. Soon after he got up and place his dish in the sink. He stood ther looking out the window deep in thought. All you could do was watch him. After a few minutes he walked back to the couch and sat down and continued watching tv. You continued to sit with him. Minutes later you got up and started heading to the front door. Half way there you stopped and walked back to him and gently kissed the back of his head and then went back to the door. With the knob in your hand you looked back once more and said,

"It's time for me to go now. Take care, Yesung. Remember that I'll always love you. Saranghae." And with that you walked out the door.


Yesung's POV

I just got home. Funny. No one's here. I set my stuff down and tried to remember if I had anything to eat in this house. Then I remembered the leftovers from the other night when Minki was over. I heated them up and as I waited I thought about the fight I had with her this morning. Again it was about something stupid. It always is. I'm just too stubborn to just let things go and be wrong. All of a sudden I felt a chill run down my spine.

My food finished and I decided to eat it and watch tv. Nothing really good was on so I just left it on a re-run of Strong Heart. I noticed the time. "Wow. It is late. Maybe sleep isn't such a bad idea..." I got up and place my dish in the sink then just starred out the window. Why can't I just tell her I'm sorry... Maybe I should call her. She's probably asleep right now. I'll just tell her tomorrow and surprise her with flowers. Yea, shell definitely love that. And she's sure to forgive me then.

I walked back to the couch and just kept watching tv. After a few minutes I felt a warm comforting feeling come over me. Then I guess I fell asleep... The next morning I woke up and the tv was still on. I showered, got changed and switched the channel to the news. Mostly for the weather but some stories are interesting. As soon as I turned it on the featured story caught my attention. There had been a huge car accident. A few were badly injured and two died. The reporter read off the names of the deceased. When she did the tears just came and didn't stop. Choi Minki. The accident happened yesterday evening around nine. I was still at work... So that's it. She's gone. I'll never see her smile again. Hear he laugh. Fell her warm embrace. We shouldn't have fought. If we didn't she would've been at home! Here! Waiting for me...

"Minki, wherever you are now, take care. And always remember that I love you. Saranghae..."

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Chapter 1: Engrish...so depressed.
Chapter 1: Omo...I'm do depressed...:(((
Chapter 1: Sweet stry:-)
That means whenever we are just believe that we love our partner and they also do like that..