
The Ballroom
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[CONTENTID3] That night Jihae’s mind was whirling, she still couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. Not only was her heart beating at a faster rate than normal, she felt her cheeks warm with just thinking about it. She smacked her hands on her face lightly to snap herself out of it. She told herself that she only felt this way because no one had done that to her in a very very long time.

Surprising her out of the blue was no help either. She didn’t know if that forehead kiss was a symbol for their close friendship or whether it meant much more than that. She was confused, yes but also disturbed that it had not been Sehun. The person she had risked her second life for.

Upon the thought of Sehun, she felt her heart throb in pain as she remembered the sole reason why she had encountered Baekhyun in the first place. Why everything had happened. How could she have stayed out in the park for so long with only one thing in mind?

Maybe she did feel something for him, but she began to question herself whether it was love or whether it was longing for someone from her past.


Jihae walked out of her apartment building to see Baekhyun standing there, smiling and waving when they met eyes. Jihae however was still awkward about the kiss from last night. She slowly waved and forced a smile on her face before looking away.

They both silently walked to school, Jihae’s gaze was fixed forwards as she tried to avoid anything unnecessary, such as the awkward eye contact session that she had experienced that morning.

Baekhyun having noticed Jihae’s odd behaviour decided to question her.

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun’s lips curved downwards as he patiently waited for her reply. He put all his attention on Jihae’s walking figure.

However Jihae didn’t opt to respond to his question, not that she didn’t hear it, it was more like she didn’t want to answer him afraid that she’d say something completely needless.

“Jihae?” Baekhyun called after her lack of response. Assuming that she had not heard him, he decided to repeat the question to her again.

Jihae let out a soft sigh and opened ready to reply to him when she felt relief run through her when the boys went up to them, grinning and waving. They furrowed their eye brows when they realised that Jihae and Baekhyun had walked through the school gates together.

Luckily for them, fan girls didn’t run up to them taking pictures or even having noticed their presence.

“Why are you guys together?” Kai immediately questioned as he suspiciously looked at the two.

“We...” Jihae started but was instantly cut off.

“We saw each other on the way here” Baekhyun replied.

“How do you even? Don’t you get here by car?” Kai asked as he narrowed his eyes. Kai was the type of person who caught onto things fairly fast.

“Can’t I walk?” Baekhyun challenged as he shot a look at Kai. Baekhyun was over reacting to his simple question causin

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