Silent Sehun

The Ballroom
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[CONTENTID3] “Where did you go yesterday” Minhee asked as she slammed her hands on the table. Jihae glanced up at her and then towards the classroom entrance as if expecting someone to walk through the doors and help her out, yet to her dismay no one did.

“I went home” Jihae replied bluntly as she pulled out her books and pens and placed them on the table completely ignoring her presence.

“YAH, answer me properly” Minhee glared at her. By than a crowd had started to form around them. Jihae glanced towards them and sighed. It was as if wherever Minhee was there, there would always be a large number of people waiting to watch.  

“I told you I went home” She responded again as she rolled her eyes and diverted her attention to placing her books neatly on the table.

In just seconds Minhee had swiped her hand against the table pushing everything off of it. It all fell to the floor with a loud thud. Jihae’s gasped as she watched her pens roll further away from her.

“YAH” Jihae screamed as she abruptly stood up from her seat. The chair screeching backwards as she glared at her. Minhee however was smirking as she glanced towards her classmates as she had managed to make her react in some way or another. They all were nodding their heads at each other approving of such acts.

“Move” Jihae muttered loud enough for only Minhee to hear.

“What if I don’t?” Jihae asked as she placed her arms on her hips and tilted her head to the side with a devious smile playing on her lips.

“Whatever” Jihae replied as she pushed Minhee roughly out of the way.

“Do not touch me, ” Minhee screamed emphasising each syllable as she pushed Jihae backwards. She fell onto the chair, and fell backwards. Jihae groaned as she felt the pain surge through her. She attempted to stand up but felt straight down on the ground. Wincing she attempted again.

Sehun who had pushed through the crowd was horrified at the scene. Minhee was smirking and scoffing at her failed attempt of getting up.

“Hey Jihae, are you okay?” Sehun asked as he placed a hand out for her to grab. Jihae gratefully took his hand and managed to stand up. Behind them, Minhee was absolutely fuming with anger, she clenched and unclenched her hand as she turned around and stormed off.

Jihae couldn’t help but feel glad that Sehun had appeared at the right time, like a knight in shining armour. She winced when she tried to straighten her back.

“What happened?” Sehun asked as he glanced at the books and pens stationed around them messily. And then at the chair that was toppled over.

“Minhee” Jihae whispered as she slowly bent down to pick up all her stuff. The crowd had already returned to their table and didn’t have the decency to even help her pick up her stuff. Another reason why she was thankful that Sehun had come.

“I’ll tell her off later” Sehun replied as he too bent down and helped.

“Thankyou” Jihae managed to utter. Although she was relieved, she felt bad that Sehun was forced to marry a person like her. Like Korean dramas, the girl in the arranged marriage was always the violent type and sought to the ends of the earth to get what they want, but in the end lose everything.

It was chemistry class and Minhee just happened to storm into her classroom. Sehun was also in her chemistry class, the same class she had first met Sehun. Her heart warmed and her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as Sehun helped her to her seat signalling to her that he’d pick everything up.

Jihae sat in complete awe as she watched Sehun pick up her belongings and neatly place it on the table. For not even a second did she take her eyes off of him. It was simply bliss.

Throughout class, Sehun was sighing as he scribbled down notes and attempted to figure out questions. He let out a grunt when he realised he had don’t it wrong for the nth time nth time. Jihae continued to steal glances off him as she giggled at his expressions.

Sehun turned towards her with an unreadably expression on his face. He looked as if he wanted to cry. Jihae let out a small giggle again earning a hard glare from Sehun.


“Please stop laughing at me

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