Chapter 1

Falling In Love

Today is my first day in a new school in Seoul.

Some people would be dying of happiness but not me. I hate the capitol so much. Especially the schools. There are just too many girls that are the wonna be famous and wear skirts that makes them look desperate. I am one of those girls that don't like talking to other girls or most guys. Humans just annoy me. Well one human doesn’t. She is my best friend and her name is Myunghee. Not the best name but the girl is great. I know her for almost 8 years but now I can't see her because she is far away from me. All because of my parents. They just think that they do what is the best for me and I can't make any good decision about my life. One day when I come back from school they just tell me we are moving next week because this town will not get me anywhere in life. That town is my entire childhood and all my friends. In the new school I have to make new friends.

Right now I am looking at myself in the mirror. The uniform is worse than I expected it to be. If any of my friends saw me in this they would probably start laughing at me. But here all of the schools have similar uniforms.  Suddenly my mum enters the room with a dumb smile on her face.

‘’Oh honey you look so good and smart. The new school will be wonderful. I can already see it.’’ She said. That’s what I mean. She knows how good the school is and she sees how well it will affect me. Also I look smart? I am smart and she just notices because of the uniform.  I don’t look smart but I look like a .

‘’Mum I don’t like the uniform it makes me feel dirty… And you don’t know if the school is wonderful if you haven’t been in the school. So stop trying to make me happy like you and dad are cuz I’m not and I will never be.’’ I am trying to make my mum understand that it’s not working for me here and I want to go back. I could live with Myunghee. Her parents wouldn’t mind. They love me. ‘’ I need to go now. See you later.’’ I said with a poker face and exited the house.

The school is quite close. About 10 minutes away. After few minutes I see more people with the same uniform on. And when I get to the school I forgot all about the students. The school is big like big big. I never saw a school like that in my life. I think I will get lost in few minutes and I won’t be able to find my way out. So I start to walk to reception and I see a lovely old lady sitting there smiling at everyone around. Maybe this school isn’t that bad.

‘’Hello. My name is Haewon.  I am a new student.’’ I said to the lady. I don’t know what else to say so I awkwardly stood there waiting for her to answer.

‘’Hello young lady! We are really happy a student with such a good grades decided to join our school. Here take this. These are your books, school map for you not to get lost and your locker key to put all of the stuff inside. If you have any more questions please ask.’’ The lady said while giving me all of the things. For a second I thought that my arms are going to fall off. This is heavy.

‘’Thank you. I will be going now.’’ And as I turn around I nearly hit someone. Not really my fault I can barely see because of these books.  ‘’Sorry.. I can’t really see…’’

‘’Ok let me help you with that.’’ I can tell it’s a guy because of his honey voice. And soon he takes most of the books leaving me with only three. I want to say thank you but I lost my voice. His face is gorgeous to the point you may think you died and an angel is standing in front of you.  ‘’Ok then… Well hello my name is Daehyun.  I will help you carry this to your locker. You don’t seem that strong to take all of this.

‘’Tha thank you.  My name is Haewon. I am new here but I guess you can see that.’’ I said awkwardly. I don’t know how to speak to a guy that could kill you just by his smile.

‘’Ok so what is the number of your locker?’’ Daehyun asked.

‘’113. Do you know where that is? Sorry fo-‘’

‘’113! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s next to my best friend’s locker. Have fun having him next to you.’’ Is his friend that bad to have around or something. What is he mental or extremely dumb? I think you could see how terrified I am as the guy stopped laughing at look worryingly at me. ‘’Don’t worry he is not annoying or anything it just he may be hard to be around unless you know him. Oh he is right there.’’ He then pointed at a guy that is also like an angel. ‘’Youngjae came here and help me. The girl is having a locker next to you!’’ Daehyun shouted. He has an extremely loud voice. I guess the guy name is Youngjae.

‘’Hello lady. Welcome to our school and let me take that.’’ He then token the rest of the books of me. ‘’My name is Youngjae so what’s your name?’’ His voice is as sweet as Daehyuns voice.  How many more gorgeous guys are there in this school?!

‘’My name is Haewon.’’

‘’Ok that’s your locker just put the key in and we will put the books inside.’’ I followed Youngjaes instructions.  And I didn’t take my eyes of Youngjae and Daehyun even for a second. I noticed some girls stared at me like they wish for me to die or something. ‘’Don’t worry about the girls they are just envious of you cuz we are helping you. We are in a group called B.A.P. There are 4 more members so you can guess we are popular.’’ So there is 4 more guys that look like angels. I don’t think I can survive till the end of this day.

‘’Oh ok… Well thank you for your help. I don’t think I would be able to find the locker or carry all of the books without your help.’’ I smiled. If they are popular they are probably s but still they are some good eye candy.

‘’Ok. Looking at your plan you class is right there.’’ Daehyun then pointed at a classroom. ‘’And if you want you can have your lunch with us you seem really nice. We will be going now Bye!’’

‘’Bye’’ I then entered the classroom and the number of the class was correct. All of the tables were taken apart from one. I guess I am going to sit there. After I sit there a tall guy comes into the classroom. He is the best looking so far. And he starts to come towards me with an angry face.

‘’Why are you in my seat and who do you think you are just to sit down there without my permission!’’ I guess not everyone is nice in this school and I shouldn’t be nice either when he started first.

‘’Well I am new here and I will sit here because I like this place. If you have a problem with it then you should move!’’ I raised my voice.

‘’For your knowledge I am popular in this school and you are not. So I can destroy the rest of your school year in a matter of seconds so move you !’’ Did he just call me that? Did that just call me a ?! Oh he is going to get it. I slapped him right across the face. His check start to get red and he hissed in pain. I am week but when I am angry magically a lot of strength appears. The class was shocked with my actions towards the popular guy.

‘’If you call me a one more time I will slap you again and I am not moving!’’ I sat there and waited for his reaction.

‘’Fine but I will also not move.’’ At that moment he sat down on the chair next to me. Well this will be a fabulous first day of school…

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Chapter 1: You're an awesome writer; keep it going!
Chapter 1: OMG YASS AN UPDATE! Sah good cant wait for another update