The One Shot from the Badman

There is many gangs in Detroit, but among them is one it's name is B.A.P. The leader of this gang is Bang Yongguk.The rest of the gang members names are Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo. This gang is one of the most dangerous gangs in the US. 

One day BAP was walkinng to their HQ and the realized something the Brain of the group is missing, they were in the middle of a Gang war at the moment so they hoped he was just late. When they got their they all went inside except for Jongup and when he was standing gaurd when the rival gang, got7, came and attacked him, Yongguk saw and ran toward him.

He yelled, "Jongup!" Jongup was bleeding from the head and Got7 threw a flash drive at him. 

After Jongup was all bandaged up they watched the video on the flash drive and it was them attacking Youngjae. They hung a sign around his neck and it said $10,000,000. Yongguk couldn't watch anymore and he slamed the laptop shut and they planned how they are going to get the money. They were planing to rob the next money truck that passed by. 

The night of the robbery has come. The plan was for Himchan and Zelo to distract the drivers get the key, when they got they key Daehyun and Jongup would unlock the truck get the money and they would all run.

The counted the money out and they had exactly the amount they needed. They decided to meet at the abandoned subway stop and get Youngjae back then. They meet and the minuet they gave them the money they let Youngjae go and when BAP and Youngjae were destracted they shot him.

 BAP were so shocked and they all backed up and it became an all out gun war. Yongguk was the first to shoot he got shot. Daehyun came in and got shot 3 times in a row. Jongup was shooting and got shot in the stomach, Zelo shot and got hit rightin the heart, lastly Himchan got shot in the lungs and was coughing up blood. It all ended with the leader of Got7 tried to escape and Yongguk got all his energy together and he shot him it all was done and over with no survivors.




A/N: first one shot I hope you enjoy

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