

Mark POV

‘Okay, okay class, settle down now’ said Ms. Erica trying to calm everyone down. 
‘So.. we have a new student with us here today!’ she said excitedly.
I looked over to (Y/N), she seemed to be a little bit flustered, she looked really cute. 
‘Come on here (Y/N) and introduce yourself’ she said gesturing her in front of the class. 
(Y/N) walked quickly, avoiding any type of eye contact
‘H-hi there, my name is (Y/N), uh- i’m from (insert home country), and i can also speak Korean so.. you can talk to me in Korean.. (Speaks in Korean) and please take care of me in the future’ she said shyly
The room is filled with cheers and applause, i clapped my hands harder than expected, crap, i hope she didn’t notice. (Y/N) returned to her seat next to me, and i smiled at her, she looked away quickly.
(Y/N)'s POV 
'OMG that was so embarrassing ahhh i can’t stop blushing’ i thought to myself. Ms. Erica gave me my schedule after I introduced myself. When i returned to my seat, Mark was smiling at me.. i can’t look at him (panicking). His smile kills me.. (Y/N) what are you saying?! you can’t have feelings for a guy in the first day! 
*First Period Bell Rings*
‘Hey (Y/N) what class do you have next?’ Mark asked
‘I have English class, it’s an Extended class..?’ i answered him and gave him my schedule paper
‘Oh wow, we almost have the same classes, except for science.. you take biology’ he said while examining my schedule
‘What do you take?’ i asked 
‘I take Chemistry’ he answered
‘Oh that’s cool’ i answered and gave him a smile
‘Do you wanna go to English class together?’ he asked me
‘Yea, of course, you’re kind of my only friend now’ I replied. 
Again, he blinded me with his charming smile. 
He led me to English class
Skip to lunch time.. 
'ah great.. no where to sit' i told myself while holding my lunch tray.
I felt a nudge on my arm ‘Hey, sit with me (Y/N)’ said Mark. He grabbed my arm and led me towards his lunch tables filled with 6 other boys. 
‘Yo guys, this is my new friend (Y/N)’ said Mark introducing you to his friends
‘Hi there..’ i said awkwardly
‘Oh! it’s the pretty lady! hey wassup girll *wink wink*’ said Jackson making space for me to sit next to him 
‘H-hey Jackson’ i replied shyly, i set down my lunch tray next to Jackson’s, but Mark grabbed my tray and move it next to him (in front of Jackson)
‘Dude, i wanna sit next to (Y/N)’ Jackson said glaring at Mark
‘Too bad man, she’s closer to me’ Mark replied with confident. I blushed like crazy again, omg i can never get use to this.. 
‘Hey there noona, are you a foreigner like me?’ said a guy with spiked up black hair.
‘Yeah, i’m from ______ , but i can also speak Korean fluently, so don’t hesitate to start a Korean conversation with me haha’ i replied 
‘omo jinja? let’s speak Korean then! nice to meet you noona! my name is BamBam and i’m from Thailand!’ (speaking in Korean) he said doing his aegyo. 
‘Ah you’re so cute! how old are you?’ i asked (in Korean)
‘I’m 2 years younger than you noona’ he replied cheerfully, getting closer to me, when all of the sudden Mark is trying to push him away. 
‘Hey nice to meet you’ a hand reached mine, ‘My name is Jinyoung, but you can call me JR’ he said with his attractive smile. ‘My name is (Y/N)’ i replied back.
‘Anyeong! i’m JB’ a guy furthest from the table waved at me. 
‘Hi noona! i’m Yugyeom, y-you’re really pretty’ he said
‘Ahahahaha what are you talking about, nice to meet you anyway’ i said trying to look away so they don’t notice my tomato face
‘Hi i’m Youngjae! the guy with the beautiful voice’ he said, i replied by smiling and nodding. 
‘And together we’re GOT7!’ Jackson stood from the table and did a backflip
He surprised me and my mouth was open wide, and i was so confused.. 
‘What’s GOT7?’ i asked them. All of them started looking at me like i was retarded
‘Uh hello? the most good looking, talented, awesome JYP boyband’ said BamBam with his cuteness. 
‘OMG JYP! that’s my second favourite music agency’ i replied fangirling
‘So what’s your first?’ Mark asked in a serious tone 
‘uh.. YG.. entertainment, i-i’m sorry are you guys mad?’ i asked
*HAHAHAHAHAHA* they all laughed
‘OMG look at her face, she’s so serious, omg it’s so cute’ said Jackson
‘So.. you guys aren’t mad right?’ i asked again
‘Of course not hahah, never take us seriously, we’re never serious’ Mark replied, and i sighed in relief
Skip to end of school.. 
‘Ah finally! school’s over’ said Mark while stretching.
‘It’s only been my first day and i have all of these homework?’ i whined
‘Don’t worry, i can help if you want’ Mark replied
‘Really?’ I said looking at him with my puppy eyes
Mark’s POV
‘Really?’ she said, and her eyes lit up 
‘Yeah, sure why not’ I replied. After lunchtime (Y/N) and I are pretty close to each other, even though it’s only been one day, we grew closer together really fast. 
‘Wait, i’m not gonna let a boy whom I just met today go inside my apartment’ she said pointing her ‘no-no’ fingers at me
‘I’m not gonna do anything to you -__- i’m here to help, don’t think of that kind of stuff pabo!’ i replied jokingly
‘Well, i don’t know what uncle is going to say about this..’ she replied
‘You live with your uncle?’ I asked
‘Not exactly, he’s my dad’s friend.. he’s staying next door to me.. i’m under his ‘supervision’ (air quote)’ she said 
‘Well.. let me just walk you home then’ i suggested
‘No you don’t have to, it’s not far from here, i don—‘ she said but i interrupted
‘No, I want to..’ i said looking at her pretty eyes
‘Ok then.. it’s this way’ she led the way
(10 mins later)
Wait.. isn’t this my apartment building... i thought to myself
‘Hey (Y/N) you live in this building?’ i asked pointing at the building 
‘Yep’ she replied
‘This is also where i live, with the other GOT7 members..’ i replied
‘Wait… do you have a manager? and is it Kim Woojin?’ she replied
‘OMG how do you know? have you been stalking us??’ i replied in suprise
she laughed ‘No, my dad’s friend is your manager, i can’t believe that i haven’t noticed it, you’re from JYP…’ she replied
‘so.. that means.. we’re neighbours?’ i replied 
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Amerithaikonggg #1
Chapter 3: Update soon pls :)
Chapter 2: Omg I