She's here

How's Life Again?


" I can't even show Yuri my face, I'm afraid I'll tell her", Minho groaned.


He was eating breakfast at his house.


 Not the dormitory he shared with the rest of SHINee but the house he bought.


"You promised" Yoona reminded.





After She  paid the bell for the cakes she ate with Minho and Minzy, Yoona made her way out of KBS.


 She was surprised to see Minho sitting in the lobby.


 He looked nervous and troubled so Yoona decided to take this chance to humiliate him.


"Why are you still here?" she asked, she approaching him.


"Nothing", he grunted


"Don't you have a CF to shoot with f(x)? Krystal told me you its important today" Yoona said recalling the conversation she had with her little sister last night.


"I do" he replied, dreading the next question he knew she'll ask."Why didn't you go then?"


"Uh...”He stuttered nervously, making Yoona grin even wider. "I don't have a ride"


"Not only you didn't have money to pay for the cakes but you don't have ride too?" Yoona chuckled, "I guess all these promotions in Japan were for nothing"


Minho wanted to shoot something back  at her but decided he won't bother. He has enough problems to deal with.


"Just leave me alone" he sighed


"I guess you don't need me..."Yoona said, turning around to leave


Manager Hyung will get me in so much trouble~,Minho's mind cried.


"Wait" Minho called, causing Yoona's lips to curve up in a grin.


"Yes?" she asked innocently


"Can you give me a ride?" he asked his eyes on the ground. "I'll repay you for this. I promise. I'll do anything."


"Anything?" Yoona asked, a little more serious.


"Yes. Except breaking up with Yuri."


"Really?" She repeated


"I promise"

"Remember this Cho  Minho" She said as she turned to walk to her car, knowing that he's following her, "Because I don't know how longer can I handle this."


(End of Flashback)


"Yoona please!. The girls want you!" Minho whined.


"I don't know if I should tell you this or if it makes any sense to you but the girls don't like it. I mean, They like being SNSD but they don't like what they have to do to sty SNSD. They want to disband. Even if they don't say it or they don't admit it but the only way Seohyun could date Kyuhyun without lee So Man threatening to hurt her family is if we end. The only way Leetuek and Taeyeon, Sunny and Sungmin could date without having to make sure Lee So Man doesn't find out is if we disband. Tiffany wants to spend more time with her dad but she can't. And Hyoyeon Unnie, she's not allowed to complain a her hairstyles because she's afraid. She doesn't even have the same screen time as the rest of us. They never said what they want but we all know that but we don't do anything because....we love SNSD....We love SNSD so much we can't give it up, One of us has to take the first ove and I'm doing it..."Yoona said darkly, her voice creaked every time she said "SNSD".


Minho didn't know what to say.


 He have always believed that SNSD were the happiest group.


 As long as his memory can take him, SNSD were always smiling and having fun.


 Hearing Yoona whose smile never faded say this made him think about Yuri. ‘is she suffering too?’ he thought.


"You can't stay here forever you know, " Minho reasoned


"I know. That’s not the only reason though. There was a lot of things that I hate...I had a problem and I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing the person that I love begging another girl, made me realize how pathetic I am. Sometimes...I feel like....I don't know myself" Yoona said, her eyes blank as if she's in a different world, "Just when I thought I liked that...Fish....the other one had to hurt me again...he had to hurt me so much that I believe I can't possibly be ready for a new relationship"


Minho felt like Yoona didn't know she's saying this out loud, the silent tears falling from her eyes told him that she's talking to herself more than to him.


 Because, from his knowledge, Yoona NEVER cried.


"I'm in so much pain I feel like dying" she muttered.


She remembered the time she saw Changmin pleading for Victoria.


 She didn’t hate him for it.


 She hated herself for being hurt even though there’s nothing between them.


 There WAS nothing between them to start with.


 They never went out on dates, they never kissed or anything.


But she was still hurt. 


She shook herself quickly and thumped her tears away.


"I'll stay here for a while, I won't bother you for long," Yoona said, giving him a brave look," I'll stay until the storm inside of me calms down."


She didn't think of the chances the storm won't come to rest, She wanted to believe that time can help her.



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Hehe I didn't even see that I was featured till I saw all the comments. Thanks for subscribing and commenting. Hope you like my story!
congrats :)
SUJU4ever13 #3
Chapter 27: Awesome story!!
Arisa_Ameiru #4
Congrats!~~~ =D
sianasangma #5
Chapter 27: Cool . . . .i realy like dis story. .
SilverChocolatte #6
940412_ #8
TaoRisPandaLove #9
Congrats :)