What Everybody but My Heart Wants

Suho My Guardian Angel

Irene POV 

I was still busy thinking about that engagement thing. I felt like things were happening too fast. I was getting wedding dresses fitted on me and talks about who to invite  we're also happening.  I didn't even say yes. Where was my say in who I marry and do not marry? 

His parents were nice but who did they think they were marrying me off to their son that I only knew for a month. I think I have made my decision to say no.While I was upset with all of this, I realized that I wasn't at school anymore. It scared me. I was sitting down on the edge of a cliff. 

Suddenly there was a black mist circling me. I saw Suho appear out of nowhere. 

"Irene I'll explain later but we have to leave."He said. How dare he not speak to me for a month and then decide to talk again. 

"Trust me and close your eyes." Since I was scared of that dark thing I closed my eyes like he told me to. I felt weird like I was flying or something. 

I opened my eyes and saw Suho had angel wings and we were flying. 

"Don't be afraid he said soft and gently." I guess he was talking about him and not the fact that we are flying. Like a baby I cried into his arms afraid of him, afraid of getting married so young and afraid of how comfortable his existence in this form was to me. 

"I will protect you no matter what Joohyun." My heart skipped a beat the way he said my name. I realized that this was wrong. 

"Suho we can't do this. We are both in a relationship with someone." I said still tightly holding onto him not wanting to fall. 

"Do you know why I was so cold to you?" I shrugged. 

"It was because I saw you kiss Woohyun and so all hope was lost for me. Seohyun had appeared out of nowhere and kissed me. Since I am too nice I decided to let her be my girlfriend. I didn't know it would get so serious to the point where her parents want me to marry her." I gasped. I thought I was the only one. 

"So they had you try on stuff and discussed with you the guest list too?" I asked. 

"Yeah and what do you mean by too." 

"The same thing is happening to me too. I don't have no say in anything." I told him. Knowing what it was like. 

We talked the whole flight. I couldn't believe this. Like a fool I only used Kyuhyun oppa just to help me move on. Soon I'm gonna have to tell him the truth. I didn't realize it but I fell asleep in Suho's arms snuggling in his Angel soft wings.  

I woke up in a hospital with everyone looking at me. 

"Unnie are you okay?" Joy said hugging me. So it was all a dream? I didn't know why but it felt too real and something seemed very odd about me being in the hospital. 

Suho POV 

I watched everyone freak out from afar. I watched as Irene was confused. I was the one who put her in the hospital. It was true that she dreamt about everything we did. I went in her dreams because I wanted to remove our akward tension and hear the truth. 

She looked at me with big eyes and and vanished before she could find me out. The next day at school she ran up to me with teary eyes.  

"H-Help, Seungwan is in trouble." Using my telepathy I contacted Jongdae. He really needed to take better care of his assignment. In an instant he dashed to the scene. I ran to just make sure he properly did his job. 

The black mist was trying to swallow her. Chen used his specialty, lightning to distract everyone who was watching. 

"Lightning in January? How is that possible?" Key asked. Sometimes he could be very forgetful. He was also an angel but not the same as us. Very very different from our kind. 

Chen than flashed his wings into lightning bolts that made the mist run away again. Wendy fell in his arms afraid. He then had to erase her memory of what happened. After that he couldn't erase her memory anymore since he did it already. 

He was glad to see she was okay. He turned off the lightning show and paid their attention back on the two. 

"What happened again?" One girl asked. Everyone shrugged and went back to class. 

"Seungwan why are you almost always the victim." Chen whispered while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Yah! Let me go. Don't forget your boundaries." She strutted off with her friends. The only one who didn't move was Irene. She stared at me for a long time. Soon we stood inches away from each other. As if I was controlled by some force, I pulled her into a kiss. It was passionate but still powerful and angry. Behind that kiss was anger, passion and jealousy all in one. Anger from our distanced relationship with each other, passion from how we missed each other and jealousy of what we were giving away to somebody else.

"I missed you." Irene said while being all teary and tomato faced. 

"Not as much as I missed you." I said wiping away her tears. While there were tears of joy, throughout the corner of my eye I saw tears of betrayal. I chased after the crying girl. 

"Y-You used me." Seohyun said squirming out of my hug. 

"Mianhae." I said knowing how bad I felt and what was all I can say. 

"Since you are so nice I am letting you go. I now realized my entire high school that your true love is Irene. I can see it.  Don't worry about it, I will tell my parents about our breakup. I liked you and all but not to the point where I wanted to marry you." She kissed me on the cheek and walked away with one last look at me before she left. 

I was stunned. Was Seo Joohyun finally maturing? I was very proud of her.


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TheYooniverse #1
Chapter 6: wait may i ask why you put seohyun as y cuz i cant imagine
Kyunggiexxo12 #2
Chapter 12: I love this and I totally ship Kyungsoo with Joy.
InaAdlina #3
I love it.... update soon ^_<
Horene (Suho+Irene)
It's interesting.
Update soon ^^