Obstacle Course


It wasn't a secret that Eddy had it bad for Henry. So when Henry comes to the doe-eyed young man for help, life seems to really look up for him.


The sudden slamming of open palms on the table in front of him nearly made Eddy jump a foot out of his seat. Wide-eyed, he looked up at someone he'd never think would speak more than ten words to him at a time. Wild-looking, with his thick eyebrows drawn together and long eyes focused intently on Eddy's, Henry Mak hovered over the long-haired young man.

"I don't care how much I have to pay you, I need your help like yesterday!" His English was so startlingly clear it took Eddy a moment to come to his correct senses.

Eddy blinked slowly and sat up, composing himself. "I don't really want your money, but--."

"Don't turn me down, please!"

The outright plea served to startle Eddy more than the sudden slamming of hands on his table.

"Alright," Eddy choked out, heart hammering behind his ribs. After alll, it wasn't every day that the object of your fantasies came to you specifically asking, no, begging for your help. "What do you need?"

"I need you to teach me Korean."

"Uh," Eddy began but was cut off by the sudden feel of muscular arms locking around his shoulders and an ecstatic 'Thank you' murmured into his ears that were swiftly beginning to heat up. To save face, Eddy pushed the other away from him, actually using his better judgment.

"Thank you so much, man," Henry positively beamed before turning around swiftly and headed out of the cafeteria. But not before nearly running into Simba who nearly lost his tray of food. Henry apologized profusely in English and it was almost painful to watch. Simba just nodded the boy away, a puzzled and almost disturbed look on his face. It wasn't long before he found his seat next to Eddy.

"Strange one, he is," the sleepy-eyed youth muttered.

"Yeah," Eddy almost whispered, his heart delightfully aflutter. "Strange..."

wow, so many of you are interested in this fic! It's going to take a bit since i have to learn basic korean as well to make this fic work ^^;


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