Pinky Promise

Can't Ever Replace You

Min Jong woke up from a dreamless sleep. The clock blared 1:30. The headache was gone, much to her relief, but only to be replaced with light headedness. She hobbled out of bed reluctantly to go seek a glass of water in the kitchen. She gulped it down thirstily to quench her thirst. The ticking of the clock could be heard.

She should be heading off to the university. Even though she was late, she could probably squeeze in a few classes that she hadn't slept in on. Walking back to her room, she dressed in the first thing she found in the closet. Inspecting herself closely in the mirror, she discovered that she was a complete mess. Dark circles under her eyes and that miserable look of a girl that had just been dumped. Hard.

But she was determined to continue her life normally, before she had met Kyuhyun. Before she had fallen for him. No good comes from dwelling in the past, best to look forward to the future. Grabbing her keys and purse, she headed for the door to start her life without Kyuhyun.


The walk towards the bus stop was plesasant: happy couples kissing, happy couples holding hands. Nothing could have made her felt more lonely. Despite that, Min Jong managed to pull herself together and smile to everyone she passed by, though some of them gave her weird looks. Maybe it was the fact that she was slightly dizzy from her overdose. Her feet walked unsteadily. Overdosing was definitely not a good idea.

A feeling of super confidence flowed through her veins. The pills were taking effect quickly. Who gives a damn about Kyuhyun? She could be fine on her own! She'll find a better guy than him! Hell yeah! One who looks better and treats her nicely and...and...and whatever else Kyuhyun isn't.

Everything around turned into a blur. The sidewalk and trees meshed together into a strange color. It felt like she was watching someone else's life, though she was in fact living her own life. She leaned on a nearby pole for support. The brisk walk to the bus stop seemed so long even though it was a few blocks away.

"Ugh. Screw it. Everything's screwed up." She said to herself. Another effect of the pills. Great.

"Min Jong! What's wrong? You don't look to good!" Someone grabbed her elbow gently. She struggled. A ert? But it if it was a ert, she was screwed at the condition she was in. She looked up at the taller person, but couldn't make out his face. Too blurry. Scrunching her eyes, her eyes came into focus.

"Oh, Kyuhyun. What do you want?" She said coldly.

"I'll tell you later! Are you sure you aren't sick or something? Lie down for a bit." He suggested.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you. I'm perfectly capable of walking by myself. If you excuse me, I'll be going to my university classes." Min Jong turned her back on him to walk towards the bus stop.

He grabbed her again. "Where do you think you're going? The bus stop's that way! But you shouldn't be going anywhere in your condition."

She yanked herself free from his grip. "Didn't I tell you last time? I don't ever want to see you again Kyuhyun."

"That's why I'm here! To make amends!"

"Pfft. Likely excuse. You don't even know my real name."

"I do it's-" But by then she had already walked away from him. He worriedly ran after her. He hadn't expected to see her like this. Heartbroken maybe, but this was the last thing he expected. She was tripping over her own two feet! What had happened?!

Min Jong was headed into the street. She didn't even pay attention to whether or not the cars had stopped, she just walked. A car speeded towards her. His heart stopped. He already knew it was too late to save her, but he ran towards her anyway. The car couldn't stop in time. He pumped his legs faster. A little bit further and he would be able to pull her away.

Just a bit further. He prayed that he would make it in time. Using all of his energy left, he sprang to her. Her warm fingers around his, he pulled her aside. From the force, they were pushed backwards onto each other.

"Min Jong, you idiot! You had me worried! What the hell were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed!" He yelled.

Her eyes were glazed over; she would pass out any second now. A big smile spread over her rosy llips. Cheeks flushed, she snuggled closer to him.

"What's this for?"

"You called me Min Jong." She replied happily.

"Uh huh. That's great news. Let's get you to a hospital." But her body was limp.

He sighed and shift her body so he could carry her piggy back. Hefting her up, he started walking towards the nearest hospital.

"You called me...Min Jong." She whispered.

"I'll call you that more often." He promised.

"Is that a promise?"


She pulled her pinky out to him. He was confused for a moment before slipping his pinky around hers. "It's a promise." He said.

"I'm sorry, Kyuhyun." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry too, Min Jong."

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omg that dude is such a douche! Min Jung shoulda hit him
sjlalalalalove #3
I'm a first time reader. :) Gosh! I really love your story. ♥ Please update frequently. :D
ladywcat #4
please min jong, stay away from money, money is the root of all evil and should be earned through hard work !!
misseusimple #5
Stupid Dongmin. :| Aiiisssh. :| Please update soon. :))
hooray u updated!!
update soon:)
ew dongmin xP <br />
yay kyu <333<br />