
String of Fate

“I don’t think we should be together anymore.” There were no emotions on his face as the words passed through his lips.

“What? Wh-what are you talking about? We love each other! Please don’t do this.” Tears were falling from my eyes. I need him to stay - he can’t do this to me.

“Well I don’t love you anymore.” He walked over to the door. Just before he erased himself from my life forever, he turned and whispered, “I’m sorry Daehyun.”



[3 Years Later]


“Yah Daehyun! Get up! You’re gonna be late again!” My roommate’s angry deep voice boomed through me, waking me from my deep sleep.

“I’m not going in today. Let me sleep, for god’s sake.” I hissed back. I haven’t been going to classes for about a year, but so far, I have yet to fail.

“Daehyun if you don’t get up now, I’m gonna come in there and beat the out of you!” I sighed, rolled out of bed and pulled open the door.

“Happy now?! I’m up, you .” He stared at me for a while, then flashed his gummy smile at me.

“Very. Himchan’s got breakfast ready so go and eat. Oh, and remember to be nice!” He walked off down the hallway towards the kitchen.


I started living with Yongguk about a year ago. We took the same classes, and he instantly warmed to me - but I can’t say the feeling was mutual. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, him included, and I never answered his questions, and never spoke to him unless absolutely necessary (e.g. to tell him that he set fire to his notebook). But he never gave up on me, even when I really wanted him to. When my parents kicked me out, I had nowhere to go, so I had no choice but to ask him if I could stay with him - considering he was the closest thing I had to a friend. I expected him to laugh at me and say no, but instead he welcomed me in with a loving hug (which was extremely one sided and extremely awkward).


“YAH JUNG DAEHYUN! GET IN HERE ALREADY!” Himchan yelled from the kitchen. Sighing again, I pulled on a sweater and sulked my way into the kitchen. I fell back into a chair, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

“So kind of you to join us, Jung, but I would appreciate it if you actually put some pants on.” Himchan smirked. I grimaced as his eyes traced up and down my bare legs.

“ off, Kim. Just give me my breakfast.” I mumbled. He huffed, and turned to continue cooking. Yongguk soon joined us, fresh from the shower, with his hair still damp. I would be lying if I said I didn’t find him attractive, but he was most definitely not my type. He walked straight up to Himchan, wrapped his arms around his waist and gave his neck a small kiss. Himchan giggled, emitting a weird noise from me - a noise that was a cross between an elephant farting and a dying cat.

“What’s your problem, Busan Boy? Got a little phobia of PDA? Is that why you haven’t gotten laid in what? 3 years? Come on Jung, show some love and get yourself a toyboy, yeah?” He smirked at me, making me even more furious. My knuckles were turning white as I gripped onto the edge of the table, trying to stop myself from lunging across and attacking him.

“That’s enough, Chan. No need to cross the line.” Yongguk growled, glancing at me worriedly.

“What? Why? I’m just trying to help the poor boy. He had a boyfriend once, right? What exactly happened with that, Busan? Did he try and kiss you and you ran away and left him?”

"Himchan! That's enough!" Yongguk yelled, shocking both me and the Devil. "Why do you always insist on crossing the line? There is no need for you to get so invasive and personal all the time! You need to apologise to Daehyun. Now." 
"N-no he doesn't, it's fine, hyung, honestly." I tried to reason, not wanting to make this situation any worse - Yongguk looked pretty terrifying at this moment.
"Of course he does! How is he supposed to learn? Unless you want to tell him the whole story of what happened between you and your ex, huh? Is that what you want?!" He turned his sudden anger onto me. Himchan just stood and stared, completely unsure on what to do. I sat there quiet, unable to answer his question (and completely unsure whether he actually wanted it answered or not..) before deciding to just get up and leave the table. I quickly retreated back to the safety of my room and shut the door as quietly as possible.
After sitting in silence for about 10 minutes, Yongguk comes into my room, sitting quietly at the end of my bed. He sighs, before placing his hand on my knee.
"Listen Dae, I'm really sorry for what happened - for what both me and Himchan said. We had no right to say any of that. I really am sorry." I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest, staring out to the dark corner of my room, focusing on nothing in particular.
"Dae, please speak to me. I know I was a complete , and I am beyond pissed at Himchan for everything he said back there, but please don't cut me out again." I shifted my gaze to him for a slight second, before turning back to the corner.
"It's okay, honestly. That thing out there will say anything to get a reaction from me, and you're just looking out for me. I get it. Don't worry." I mumbled quietly, just hoping he'd leave my room, and let me drown in my misery in peace.
"Okay... I uh, I'm gonna take Chan to class, so you can just relax here if you want - I'll pick up your notes for you. I am truly sorry, Dae." I nodded at him gently, lowering my head. I heard him sigh before he got up and left me finally. I listen closely for the front door to open and close, before I move at all.
I pull out a notebook from my top bedside drawer, and take the picture from the front page. I lay on my side, holding the picture out in front of me, my thumb caressing the face shown. My eyes started welling up with tears as my heart clenched with pain.
"What happened to us? We were so perfect, so right. But where are you now? I miss your voice, your touch, your smell. Please come back." I whispered to myself, afraid of the emotion that was starting to pour out.
"I miss you."



a/n.   ..... um, well this did not go as planned but hey! It's a start! Sorry it's so short, hopefully the next couple of chapters will be longer. I'm planning on making this 4 chapters max, but things never go to plan, so who knows!

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Bypirou #1
i like it;-; update soon please ^^