
Special birthdays

"Where are we going?" He asked curiously, giving cautious steps forward.

"You'll see when you get there." He said pushing Jinki slowly forward. "Watch your step."

Jinki lifted his foot and then the other, the smell of leaves and wood seeping into his nostrils, the cold air seeping into his clothes, a shiver ran through his body.

"We're almost there, I'm sorry you are so cold."

"That's okay, since that where we're going, be warmer." He murmured wanting more than anything takes off the scarf around his eyes.

Minho chuckled softly. "Yes, it will be warm there, everything is ready, don’t worry."

"I'm not." He said squeezing Minho's hand gently. "I'm anxious and curious though."

"I know, you can stop here."

"Are we there yet?"

Minho was silent and Jinki scratched himself to not to take the scarf off. "Minho-yah?"

"Just wait a little hyung."

Jinki crossed his fingers stiff from the cold and was shifting from one foot to the other nervously, anxiety was eating him alive and he could not wait any longer. When Minho asked to Jinki following him after they had eaten and tidy everything in the kitchen, he did not think they would come out of the dorm, but the strange thing was that from what he could see, they went up instead of down, is that they were in roof or something? But if they are on the roof, where's that smell of leaves? He would go crazy.

"Minho-yah!" He cried impatiently.

"Come on hyung, you can't wait even a few minutes?" He asked amused.

By the voice of Minho Jinki knew he was away, what Minho was doing anyway?

"Where are you?" He asked turning his face and trying to listen to something.

"I’m here." He whispered making Jinki jump with fright.

"Yah, don't do that."

Minho laughed and kissed Jinki's cheek that pouted. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, take this thing out of me."

"Okay, impatient man." He said untying the scarf.

Jinki felt the scarf slip from his face, he got a few more seconds with his eyes still closed and breathing deeply, he opened them, what he saw made him blink a few times thinking it was some kind of dream, some kind of mirage that he had only seen in tv shows, he could not believe his eyes.

Turning he looked at Minho who was smiling, the lights shining in his eyes making everything seem even more magical. "This... this is for me? You did this?"

Minho smiled even more. "Not exactly, the lights were already here, I just did the rest."

Jinki turned again looking at the trees and plants that were in front of them. They were inside a greenhouse made of glass, the stars twinkling outside on a cloudless sky, some plants had small Christmas balls and other small ribbons, the pine trees were decorated with white and bright ribbons and all the plants and trees had white tree lights. From the rafters fall small lights that lit up the whole place.

On the floor was a big and fluffy white blanked with two flutes, a bottle of champagne and a small cake decorated with a green ribbon and a rabbit and a reindeer on top, holding each other. It made Jinki laugh.

"That is us?" He asked approaching to the blanked.

Minho shrugged. "I think so."

Jinki laughed and turned to Minho cupping his face and bringing him closer. "Thanks, that's beautiful." He whispered against his lips and then leaned closing the space between them.

They shared a slow kiss as his hands slid over his shoulders and arms, bringing them even closer.

"I love you, thank you." He whispered hugging Minho even tighter.

Minho chuckled softly. "I love you too, now let's sit down."

Jinki nodded and sat on the blanked, Minho sat beside him and took the flutes, handing one at him. The sound of popping cork did Jinki giggle and then the liquid was poured into flutes, the clink of it was heard and they drank the champagne, the smile on the faces of the two.

Minho was lying in Jinki's thighs as he his hair slowly in a comfortable silence.

"I think it's time to give you my gift." He murmured eyes closed.

Jinki stopped moving his fingers through Minho's hair and looked down. "Oh."

Sitting Minho grabbed a box that was inside his coat's pocket, Jinki's eyes widened as he stared at the box that was now in his hand.

"W-what is this?"

"Open it." He said smiling.

Jinki slid the ribbon that was tied up and opened the box, there sat two brushed stainless steel rings, the word 'mine' written on the front, picking up one of them Jinki realized that was recorded 'yours' inside. His mouth dropped open as he stared at Minho.

"This... this is my gift?" He asked incredulously.

"It's a gift for both of us, I think." He said with a shrug. "Did you like it?"

"If I liked it? It's... it's just perfect, I... I don't know what to say."

Minho smiled and took the ring out of Jinki's hand. "You take me as your boyfriend?"

Jinki laughed rolling his eyes. "We are already boyfriends, idiot."

"Now we'll be boyfriends who use rings couple."

"Okay, just put this ring."

Minho chuckled sliding the ring on Jinki's finger that raised his hand inspecting the cold material against his finger, the lights shining against the surface.

"Thank you so much for that." He said still looking at the ring.

Minho suddenly cleared his throat and Jinki looked at him questioningly, Minho looked at the box that was on top of the blanked and the realization flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, sorry." He said chuckling.

Jinki took the other ring that was still in the box and took Minho's hand, slipping the ring on his finger. "Together forever?"

"Forever and ever." He said linking his fingers with Jinki's.

Minho pulled Jinki's hand and hugged him kissing his neck. "Happy birthday babe."

"Thank you, love you."

"I love you too." He whispered nuzzling his nose on Jinki's neck that smiled happy.

One of the best birthdays of all time.

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Chapter 3: so many fluff, looks so real
i love this
sabrina165 #2
This was so so cute! My favorite was Jinki's birthday. So romantic! Thank you for writing this. Jinkirella ~
chickenmaniaconew #3
Chapter 3: I loved Onew's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAH so fluffy!!!!!!!!!!!! (**///3///**)
flychicken97 #4
Chapter 3: AAAAAAA unniiiiiiiiii!! this is cold! i mean the setting is cold hahaha~ the rings, it was beautiful omg!
Chapter 1: I've been wishing for a story about that onho moment^^ gomawoo
Chapter 1: Kyaaa.... its really cute ......
Pls updat sooonnnn ^€
sabrina165 #7
Hi! I already read this on tumblr. It was so cute. Can't wait for the other chapters!
Bluecassy7 #8
Chapter 1: That was cute ~~~♡