
Let's Ignore the Part with the Sweating

English is not my first language and I only proof-read this once. Keep the mistakes and be happy with them. Cheers :D



“Good morning, class.”

“Good morning, teacher.”

Their new P.E. teacher, Lee Sungmin, smiled as he looked down at the students, which were sitting in various positions on the cold floor of the gym hall. Gossip had spread quickly upon the arrival of the young and handsome member of the teacher collegium. Some students said that Mr. Lee was only 19 years old, and wasn’t even legally allowed to be a teacher yet, but that he had slept with the principal to get the position. Rubbish, of course, their teacher may looked young, but he was at least 26 years old. And he was most definitely not sleeping with the 65 years old principal.

Other said, that Mr. Lee was a former martial arts fighter, who had joined illegal fights in the past to earn money. Again, mostly nonsense, apart from the fact that the man was indeed an expert in martial arts.

The part every student agreed on though, was the fact that P.E. teacher Lee Sungmin was as gay as rainbow-ting unicorns. And that was, according to most of the girls, the hottest thing ever. (The gay thing. Not the rainbow-ting unicorns.)

Now Cho Kyuhyun would probably never understand this special kind of logic of the female population of his school, but he definitely agreed with them in terms about his teacher’s uality. And while he normally despised P.E. class, he couldn’t help but think that he may make an exception this year.

The student let his eyes wander over his teacher’s body lazily, while the man explained this year’s topics. Deciding that he appreciated the view, he slowly looked up, just to meet the eyes of Mr. Lee. The later watched him with cold professionalism, and only a raised eyebrow signaled, that he had noticed Kyuhyun’s looks. The student hadn’t been exactly subtle about it anyways.

Kyuhyun leaned back and grinned widely, never breaking the eye contact with his teacher. The young teacher had to give himself a visible push to focus back on the class.

Oh yes. This year’s P.E. class would be fun.


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“So Lee Sungmin, huh?”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, but nodded. Both these actions were kind of pointless, since his whole face was hidden behind a ridiculously huge textbook about advanced calculus.

Kim Ryeowook, his best friend with an even sharper tongue than Kyuhyun himself, tilted his head. “Didn’t think you’d go for the big eyed bunny types.”

Kyuhyun sighed and let the book fall on the table between them. It wasn’t like there was anything new to learn for him, and now, during lunch time, it was too loud to concentrate anyways.

He smirked. “Believe me Wokkie, the big eyed, innocent looking guys are always the dirtiest.”

His words didn’t have the desired effect. Instead of being impressed, Ryeowook started to laugh. “Oh, and you would know all about it, would you? With all your experience and – oh no, wait. There is no experience.”

Kyuhyun had to actually fight an angry flush as he looked around nervously, to check if anybody could hear them.

“Shut up, you are just jealous!”. He was not happy with how defensive that has sounded.

“No, Kyuhyunnie. I am in a long-term relationship and I have regular . You, my dear friend, are an almost eighteen years old , who would piss himself, if any of you so-called ‘victims’ would actually take your flirting serious.”

Kyuhyun glared at him and grabbed his book again. He would get what he wanted. And he knew exactly what he wanted, thank you very much.


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“So are you actually participating in P.E. class this year?”

“Are you seriously asking that question?”


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“Where are your sport clothes?”. Mr. Lee sounded slightly irritated as he stopped in front of Kyuhyun.

Lifting his eyes from his cellphone, Kyuhyun smiled innocently. “Oh, did no one inform you, Sir? I am taking extra classes, more advanced courses than any of the other students, and the principal has allowed me to use the P.E. class to study and review the extra material.”

Mr. Lee furrowed his eyebrows. “No, no one told me about this agreement. And I am certainly not agreeing. Physical education is important for your health, and you should participate in this class like every other student. So please go back to the locker room and change into your sport clothes.”

Kyuhyun was still smiling, but it was now rather slyly instead of friendly. “But Mr. Lee, I had fully expected you to be informed about my situation. I don’t have any sport clothes with me.”

Knowing that he had to start the lesson, Mr. Lee sighed in annoyance. “Okay, Mr. Cho, I’ll let you sit this lesson out. But I expect you to be focused the whole time, and to pay attention to my instructions. Next week, you’ll have to participate like everyone else.”

Kyuhyun grinned. “While I doubt that, I’ll definitely listen to every word you’ll say, Mr. Lee.” He stared at his teacher’s lips rather obviously.

The P.E. teacher seemed to be speechless for a second, before he quickly forced the professional ‘I-am-a-teacher-and-you-are-a-student’ look on his face. Kyuhyun wondered how long it would take to receive the (for him) much more common look ‘I-am-a-teacher-and-you-are-a-pain-in-the-’ look.

He bowed slightly, making sure that the gesture looked as ironic as he had intended, and walked slowly towards the edge of the gym hall.

“And Mr. Cho?”

He turned around.

This time it was Mr. Lee, who smiled slyly. “If I see that cellphone of yours, I’ll make sure your parents will have to collect it from the principal.”

Kyuhyun huffed in annoyance. Damn it.


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“Cho Kyuhyun? Oh yes, of course, he was my student last year. Lazy little genius, isn’t he?”. Lee Hyukjae, a P.E. teacher like Sungmin and the supervisor of the dance club as well, laughed.

Sungmin frowned. “So he really takes more advanced classes than the rest of the students?”

“Yes, his schedule is insane.” Hyukjae took a sip of his coffee and looked at it, as if he doubted its right to exist. “I would be worried about him, but he seems to manage it without any problems. He got brains, that kid, definitely.”

“But even then I can’t see how skipping all the P.E. classes will do him any good. It may give him more time to study, but it takes away the opportunity to stop thinking for a second and just let his body work. Everybody needs these kind of breaks, especially a teenager who’s already working too hard.”

Sungmin really didn’t like this situation. Cho Kyuhyun’s appearance wasn’t sickly or weak at all, but the teenager war worryingly thin. And if he really worked as hard as everybody said, the body of the teenager needed some kind of compensation. He would have to speak with the principal about this.


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“How was your day?”

Kyuhyun answered his mother’s question with an incomprehensible grunt. His eyes focused purely on the biology textbook next to his plate, the teenager didn’t even realize if the spoon he was guiding to his mouth was full or empty.

He could hear his mother sighed. “As always then.”


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“Hey, Mr. Lee! How are you today?”

“Mr. Cho.”, the teacher nodded and then stopped abruptly in his step. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”

Kyuhyun shrugged sheepishly. “Nah, I got sent to the principal’s office.”

Mr. Lee crossed his arms in front of his chest, fighting a feeling of highly inappropriate amusement. “Is that so? And what would be the reason for that unexpected journey?”

Kyuhyun smirked, and the teacher had the fleeting thought, that the teenager was quite handsome… and that was not, what he should be thinking about!

“Yeah well, apparently correcting my advanced statistics teacher numerous times, and then calling her … well, apparently such behavior is nowadays seen as ‘disrespectful’.”

The older man’s lips twitched as he fought a smile. “Believe me, Mr. Cho, such behavior was already disrespectful in my days.”

Kyuhyun scoffed. “Please, you aren’t even ten years older than me. ‘Your days’ was the day before yesterday. And you should call me Kyuhyun.”

“You should go back to class, Mr. Cho.”

“Aye, aye, Sir. And call me Kyuhyun.”

“Good bye, Mr. Cho.”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, but his smile was genuine this time.

“See you, Mr. Lee.”


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“World of Warcraft.”

“With all due respect Sir, your taste in computer games is .”

Mr. Lee laughed loudly and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but grin. Wasting his time by staying during the P.E. class was definitely worth it, if he could continue making his teacher laugh like that. He was beautiful, all squinted eyes and hysteric giggles.


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“So what do you remember about last week’s class?”

Kyuhyun tore his eyes away from Mr. Lee’s really very fitting shirt and furrowed his brows. “Eh… you play basketball with your hands and football with your feet?”

The P.E. teacher rolled his eyes. “Mr. Cho, while I have to follow the principal’s decision and have to let you just sit around the whole class, you could at least pretend to be interested in my lesson.”

Kyuhyun blinked slowly and smiled sweetly. “But I’m really not. Interested in your lesson, that is. How about we talk about something I am interested in instead?”

Mr. Lee sighed, but didn’t try to cover his amusement. “And what are you interested in, Kyuhyun?”

The tall teenager grinned brightly at the use of his first name. “Oh, many thing. Math. Science. Music. You.”

His teacher winced and immediately put on his professional mask again. Kyuhyun cursed himself for moving forward way too fast, but he couldn’t take back his words. Instead he smiled cockily, hoping his teacher would take the words as the joke they were not.

Mr. Lee took a step back. “I should get back to rest of the class– just in case they forget who their teacher is. I trust you to keep your hands off your cellphone, Mr. Cho.”

Kyuhyun watched the man walk away and let his head fall back, wincing at the rather painful contact with the wall he was leaning on.

And he was back to being ‘Mr. Cho’. ing perfect.


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“… and then he called my taste in movies crappy, which is absolutely ridiculous because he loves those stupid science-fiction-trash-movies where everything is supposed to look like , and–“

“And then you made up and had a disgustingly cute cuddling session for the rest of the night.”, Kyuhyun interrupted his friend. “I don’t know if you noticed it yet Wookie, but I’m really not interested in your relationship with that creeper.”

“Yesung is not a creeper!”, protested Ryeowook while poking at his school lunch with a worried expression. “He’s special. Kyu, when was the last check of our cafeteria food by the health department? This looks like it may run away if I look at it threatingly enough.”

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Doesn’t work. Heechul, the drama teacher, tries that every day.”

Ryeowook still didn’t seem to be convinced about the safety of eating whatever the lump on his plate was supposed to be. He put away his chopsticks and squinted at his best friend.

“Talking about teachers, did you ‘seduce’ Mr. Lee yet?”

Kyuhyun stopped eating for a second (he never had problems with the lunch. On the other hand he rarely ever really noticed what he was eating anyways.). He quickly glanced over to where Mr. Lee was eating lunch with the other P.E. teacher, Lee Hyukjae.

“How about we don’t talk about that?”

Ryeowook’s voice lost all its humor. “Did something happen?”

 Again there was a pause of a second before Kyuhyun smirked. “Nah, but it’s still a work in progress. Soon, he won’t know what hit him.”

Ryeowook shook his head and laughed, but there was still a trace of concern in his eyes as he watched his friend returning to one of his countless textbooks.


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“Your father will come back tomorrow.”

“I know, mum.”

“He invited a few of his co-workers from Taiwan, so you’ll need formal clothes. How is your Mandarin?”

“Fluent, mom. I won’t embarrass you.”

Kyuhyun could feel the sigh of his mother more, than he could hear it.

“You could never embarrass us, Kyuhyun. You are our son and we are always proud of you.”

Kyuhyun pressed his lips together before he replied something unnecessarily cruel like Well, we both know that is not true, don’t we?. He loved his mother, and couldn’t forgive himself if he hurt her even more.

She asked him to stay downstairs a little bit longer to watch some award show with her. Kyuhyun couldn’t care less for that show. He stayed until the end anyways and gave his mother a long hug, before he went to his room to finish his homework.


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“How was your day?”



“So you like that new school?”

“Yes, yes I do. The students are well behaved.”

“Good. That’s good.”


A phone rang and a chair was quickly moved back from the table.

“Sorry honey, this is important.”

Sungmin nodded quietly and stared at the full plate his boyfriend had left behind. He closed his eyes and asked himself what the he was doing here.


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“Mr. Cho? Mr. Cho!”

“Huh? What?” Kyuhyun opened his eyes, startled. He looked up and winced as he saw Mr. Lee’s concerned face way too close to his own. He was still embarrassed about last week’s slip of his tongue, and freaking falling asleep in the library wouldn’t give him any points either.

“Kyuhyun, are you okay? You look too pale for my liking, and you must be horribly tired if you fall asleep like this.”

Kyuhyun tried to shrug, but his whole body seemed to ache after falling asleep in such an awkward position. He looked at his watch and cursed loudly. He had missed two entire classes and was already late for the last period of the day. Perfect.

“Kyuhyun!”. Mr. Lee’s voice was soft, but pressing, “Why did you fall asleep in the library?”

Kyuhyun looked in the other man’s eyes and couldn’t lie. “Just… long evening. Night. Whatever.”

Mr. Lee didn’t look very convinced and even sat down next to him. This was not what Kyuhyun had wished for, when he had dreamed about spending some more time with his teacher. There had been less clothes. And less audience.

“I can’t really believe you are the kind of kid to party at a school night.”

Kyuhyun scoffed. “First of all: me? Not a kid. I’m turning eighteen soon, that means adult and legal. And I wasn’t partying. Just… my father had invited some co-workers, and I had to stay up and play perfect son.”

His teacher suddenly seemed to be angry. “I think your parents should consider that you need sleep as well.”

“’A Cho doesn’t sleep, we work and succeed’.”, quoted Kyuhyun bitterly, before he could stop himself. With wide eyes he looked up to meet Mr. Lee’s worried eyes. The teenager quickly stood up and tried to fit all his textbooks in his arms.

“Kyuhyun, wait a moment, I think we should talk about this–“

“I’m sorry, Sir, but we really shouldn’t.”, Kyuhyun interrupted his teacher. Swaying a little bit under the weight of all those books, he quickly walked towards the exit.

“Bye, Mr. Lee.”


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“I’m sorry Hyukjae, what did you say?”

The red-haired teacher shook his head in fond exasperation. “Nothing Sungmin. For about two minutes I didn’t say a single word, but you didn’t even notice I stopped talking. And I’m pretty sure, you didn’t listen to a singly word I said.”

“I’m sorry.”, mumbled Sungmin. He liked Hyukjae, the slightly younger man was a good teacher and had become a good friend. He didn’t want him to think that Sungmin didn’t care about what the other had to say.

“It’s just… I’m worried about Kyuhyun.”

Hyukjae sat up a little bit straighter. “Cho Kyuhyun? Who did that brat insult this time?”

“No one.”, answered Sungmin, feeling oddly defensive in his student’s name. Everybody seemed to expect the teenager to either be a genius or an annoyance the whole time. It was difficult to find someone who spoke about Kyuhyun in good terms regarding something else than the boy’s intellect.

“I found him asleep in the library, completely exhausted. I think his parents put him under a lot pressure… I don’t know, I want to help him, but I also don’t want to intrude.”

“And you don’t want to encourage his adorable crush on you.”, Hyukjae added, smirking lightly, but also obviously concerned.

Sungmin blushed. “Yeah and – that. Is it really that obvious?”. He had planned to simply ignore the blatant looks and flirty remarks, until Kyuhyun would grow tired of it.

“That boy doesn’t really try to hide it, Min.”

Sungmin sighed. He had planned everything perfectly, and then Kyuhyun had happened. Now he worried about the tall, snarky teenager the whole time, and if he didn’t worry about him, he wondered what it would be like to kiss his student.

It was dangerous, it was illegal and he couldn’t bloody stop it.


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“Why are you a teacher?”

Mr. Lee didn’t lift his eyes from the basketball match on the field in front of them. He seemed to think for a moment before he answered: “I believe in education, and really think it should be our priority that the next generations learn everything they need to avoid making the same mistakes we are doing right now, or which we did in the past. And I love sports, so it was quite obvious for me which subject I wanted to teach.”

Kyuhyun watched the older man silently for a few seconds. “I understand what you mean, but I just can’t see how sports can save our future.”

The P.E. teacher laughed. “On the first view it seems pointless, I agree. But sports can teach you a lot. They teach you to work and survive as a team, they make you competitive, they teach you how to be a good winner and how to be a good loser. They make you fight yourself, and make you yearn for more. They can make your mind go blank for a moment and let you breathe freely.” He smiled. “Sports saved a lot of people, and I’m glad to be part of it.”

The student next to him was quiet for a long time. Then, as if he tried to defend himself, Kyuhyun drew his shoulders together and murmured: “Whatever, I just don’t like the whole sweating and stinking bit.”

Mr. Lee’s laugher could be heard over the whole field. Kyuhyun’s smile was brilliant.


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“It’s over.”


Sungmin stared at the white wall opposite to him as his ex-boyfriend left their flat – no, it was his flat now, his alone ­– cellphone already in his hand.

He wanted to scream, to break something. Instead he quietly started cleaning the dishes. Like so may times before they hadn’t managed to finish their dinner.


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“Don’t you dare to scream at me like that, Cho Kyuhyun.” The voice of his father was as steady and calm as always. It was maddening, and Kyuhyun had to force himself to take a deep breath.

“Father, please. I know it is not what you expected, but it was a very hard week for me. Still, I gave my best, and it is an A–“

“Son, I understand that you work hard. But if your best is barely an A–, then maybe you should rethink your ambitions. You know that there is always a place for you at the company, and–“

“No, please, father.”, Kyuhyun pleaded and winced as his father glared at him for interrupting him mid-sentence. “Forgive me. But father, we made an agreement. The agreement involved writing straight As, and an A– is still an A. So please understand why I won’t agree to annulling our deal.”

His father gave him a tired look. Somehow that was worse than anger. It felt as if his father had given up on him. “Kyuhyun, you would make your life much easier, if you would just give up that silly dream of yours. Working at the company has many advantages, and–“

“I. Don’t. Care.”, Kyuhyun gritted out. He turned around and snatched his cellphone and his earphones from the table. With quick steps he was at the front door and pulled on his shoes.

“Where do you think you are going?!”, his father’s voice started to sound angry.

“I’m going for a run!”, Kyuhyun snapped. “It’s good for you, you know, clears your mind and everything.”

“Those are hardly appropriate clothes to perform any kind of physical activity.”

Kyuhyun pulled the door open. “Yeah well, let’s hope I learn from my mistakes. Next time, I’ll know better.”


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“… and the way he laughs, it’s so adorable, and I’m freaking sick of it! It was nothing but a stupid crush, he’s gorgeous, of course I’d crush on him, half of the school crushes on him! But nooo, then he goes and is all worried about me, and if I eat enough and ‘how many hours did you sleep last night, Kyuhyun?’ and he even asked if my parents pressure me too much!”

“Well, your father definitely does.”, mumbles Ryeowook.

“Shut up, Wookie! Who even gives him the right to be gorgeous and nice?! And now I’m sitting here, and I’m not only thinking about giving him s in the locker room–“

“Urgh, gross, Kyu.”

“– I am also thinking about holding his stupid hand and going on stupid dates and buying him a stupid bunny and he’s my teacher and will never take me serious and my life is horrible.”

The tall teenager seemed close to tears, and his best friend looked at him helplessly.

“Oh Kyuhyunnie”, Ryeowook sighed sadly. “Why do you always take the painful way?”


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Maybe he should call in sick? Maybe he should swap that class with another teacher? Not Hyukjae, the red-head had enough senior classes already. But he needed to do something! This… thing with Kyuhyun was becoming alarmingly important to him. He cared about the teenager much more than he should. The last few days he had woken up wondering at which time the teenager had gone to bed last night. Making his breakfast he asked himself if the tall boy ever gave himself the rest to eat something in the morning.

It was even worse in school. If he wasn’t seeing the student, he at least could tell himself that he was only worried about Kyuhyun. That he was only caring about him in a safe and legal way. But standing in front of him or even just catching a glimpse of him in the hallway showed Sungmin drastically, that it was far more than that.

Cho Kyuhyun was exactly his type. Tall, somewhat lanky, but still with some muscles (the hell did Sungmin know where those came from). Wide eyes which could be overflowing with innocence, or sparkling with mischief. Plush lips which were oh so often drawn into a smirk. That smirk would be the end of Sungmin one day, he was absolutely sure.

If he was completely honest with himself, Sungmin wanted to take Kyuhyun, lock him up in his bedroom and do dirty, dirty things to him. And if he wasn’t his teacher, if he had met Kyuhyun in a café or in the supermarket, then he would just wait for the boy’s 18th birthday and do just that. Because one thing was pretty clear: Kyuhyun wouldn’t object.

But Sungmin was his teacher, and with that came a certain responsibility. He couldn’t imagine what would happen, if things would go wrong. Sungmin knew by now, that Kyuhyun didn’t have many people he could trust. And he would hate himself if he would hurt the teenager in any way.

It wasn’t about being scared of being fired and being shamed. It was about being afraid to hurt Kyuhyun, about making sure he could help him the best way he could. And if that meant he had to deny what could be between them… he really didn’t have a choice.


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“I’m going to tell you something really stupid now. I have an excuse, because I’m drunk, so just listen!”

“Hyukkie, I really don’t think…”

“Shuddup, Min, I’m talking. What I’m trying to say is: Go for it.”

Sungmin stared at his slightly swaying friend in confusion. “Go for what?”

Hyukjae thought about that for a few seconds, before he put his beer down with a heavy thud. “Kyuhyun!”

Sungmin winced and looked around quickly. It was Saturday night and there probably wasn’t anyone around them who knew both, him and Kyuhyun, but it still didn’t feel safe to talk about this in a public space.

“Are you completely mad?! And what the hell? Go for it? You do know that what you are suggesting is illegal, do you?”

Hyukjae shook his head vehemently. “’S the way you two look at each other. Like you really… really care about each other. He’s good for you, y’know. Not like that of ex you had. And, and you are good for him. He needs someone like you. Older, takes care of him.”

Sungmin tried to ignore the words of his friend, but it was hard to ignore it, when somebody told you exactly what you wanted to hear.


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Kyuhyun finished the last note, his eyes still closed. His fingers caressed the cold surface of the keyboard like the skin of a lover.


His body tensed and with a drowning feeling of panic he turned around and stared at Mr. Lee. The teacher stood close to him, very close to him, just beside the piano. And he looked at Kyuhyun with wonder and admiration in his eyes.

Ignoring the warm rush of affection, Kyuhyun tried to find a way to escape. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This was the reason he chose random music shops to play and practice his singing. The owners knew him, and his playing was good for their business, so they didn’t mind. But Sungmin, Mr. Lee, he wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t supposed to know about this.

Mr. Lee cleared his throat nervously. Kyuhyun’s eyes snapped towards him again and every thought of flight died.

“So… music, huh?”

“Yes.”, Kyuhyun answered in defeat. “Music.”

“Well, I’m not gonna lie – you are astonishingly talented. And your voice is… well, amazing. Really.” Sungmin, no, no, he was Mr. Lee, sounded completely honest, and it made Kyuhyun’s heart dance in joy. This was what he loved, this was why he worked himself into the ground every damn day: and Mr. Lee loved it.

The teacher shuffled a little bit closer, and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but think, that the other man actually appeared nervous.

“Soo, if I had a request, would you play me a song?”, the older man asked, his smile a little bit unsure.

Kyuhyun couldn’t help but grin happily. The man he was maybe kind of definitely falling for wanted him to play something! He wanted Kyuhyun to make music!

“Sure.”, he agreed, still grinning. “Which song would you like to hear, Mr. Lee?”

The teacher sat down next to him and smiled, this time completely open and carefree. “’At Gwanghwamun’, please. And we are not in school, Kyuhyun, my name is Sungmin.”

Kyuhyun didn’t think he was able to smile even wider, but somehow he managed just that.

“Okay… Sungmin.”

The name felt comfortable and right in his mouth.


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“Yes, mum?”

“I spoke with that P.E. teacher of yours, Mr. Lee.”

Kyuhyun gave his best to appear completely calm. “Why did you spoke with him? Is there a problem I don’t know about?”

His mother smiled. “Not as far as I know, honey. We met by accident. He’s such a nice young man, and he really cares a lot about you.”

Kyuhyun swallowed thickly. “Yes, he’s a very good teacher.”

His mother gave him a knowing look.  “And maybe even a… friend?”

Kyuhyun knew that lying to his mother was utterly pointless. “I would consider him a .. friend, yes.”

His mother nodded and turned back towards the TV. Kyuhyun took a deep breath and walked towards the door for his evening run.


He turned around. “Yes, mum?”

“I won’t tell your father.”


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“He never did that before, you know?”

Sungmin looked up from the homework he was correcting and turned towards Hyukjae. “Who never did what before?”

Hyukjae snickered. “You-know-who never stayed inside the gym during P.E. class before. He always used his special rights to study in the library. He never just sat there and talked with the P.E. teacher.”

Sungmin could almost see the small smile on his lips. “Well, it seems as if things have changed.”

Hyukjae nodded and grabbed a stable of homework to correct. “Yep, seems like you-know-who thinks this teacher is actually worth his time.”


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“So… what happens now?”

Sungmin smiled and tried not to find it adorable how nervous Kyuhyun looked. He failed.

“Well, I thought you’d just go inside that store and play your music.”

Kyuhyun looked happy at the aspect of playing again, but his body was still tensed. “And you just– what, sit there and listen?”

Sungmin grinned and nodded. “That is the plan, yes.”

Kyuhyun shook his head in wonder, but he finally smiled as well. “Okay, Sungmin.”


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“And after that we grabbed some coffee and he bought that stupid bagel just to feed the birds with it! Who even does that, except for eighty years old grandmas? He also did the most random as a student, there was that one time when he and his friend almost blew up the chemistry lap of their– are you listening to me?”

Ryeowook rolled his eyes and looked up from his cellphone. “As happy as I am, Kyuhyun, that your relationship is going great, I really don’t want to know every little detail about your boyfriend’s life.”

Kyuhyun opened and closed his mouth a few times, before he weakly answered: “He’s not my boyfriend. We are not… we are not dating, I mean, I want to, but we can’t, I mean…”

Ryeowook quickly grabbed one of his hands and squeezed it tightly. “Kyu, I’m sorry, that was stupid from me. I’m sorry, really. But…”, he hesitated before he continued with a serious look in his eyes. “Over the last few weeks you guys met each other countless times, you know his childhood stories better than you ever cared to know mine, it’s true, don’t pull that face on me, and from what you are telling me, you both care very deeply about each other. You. Are. In. A. Relationship.”

Kyuhyun broke down a little. He looked completely helpless. “I want that Wookie, God knows, I want that, but he’s… I don’t have the right to ask for that.”


The younger boy looked up and met his best friends eyes. “You have every right in the world.”


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“One month and thirteen days.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I’ll turn eighteen in one month and thirteen days.”


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“He said we are boyfriends!”

Ryeowook smiled as Kyuhyun let himself fall on his bed next to him, radiating happiness. “That’s great, Kyu! I’m really happy for you!”

Kyuhyun grinned and added: “You know he actually said that we ‘obviously’ were boyfriends and that I should have known because I was supposed to be the ‘intelligent one in our relationship’!”

Ryeowook laughed. “Sounds about right.”


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“I want to be a music teacher.”

Sungmin looked up from his book and stared at Kyuhyun in surprise. “Really?”.

Kyuhyun nodded. “My father wants me to follow him into his company, but I… I always waned to do the same as you do. I believe in education just like you do, and people are always looking down on musical education. They say it’s only something for dreamer. But… like you believe that sports can safe people, I believe music can do the same. And I want to be a part of that.”

Sungmin nodded, speechless. He looked at the boy in front of him, only mere weeks away from being a man, and he could see himself falling in love every day, again and again, for as long as Kyuhyun wanted him by his side.


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“Happy birthday.”

“Kiss me.”

Sungmin chuckled at the impatient order of his boyfriend, but he didn’t hesitate follow it.

Their first kiss was a little bit awkward. As cocky as Kyuhyun always acted, he obviously was completely inexperienced. He was definitely eager though, and with a steady grip on Kyuhyun’s chin, Sungmin guided him into a soft kiss. Slowly they got to know each other’s mouths, and the first hesitant tip of a tongue opened their lips to get to know their tastes as well.

It was a cold night in February, and they kissed for what felt forever. When they broke apart they looked at each other’s eyes and knew what the other wanted to say, without speaking it out loud.

I want this so much

I want this too.

I don’t want you to get into trouble…

You won’t. We won’t be able to make this official until after your graduation, but I want you to know that I’m always right here with you.

Kiss me again, you idiot.

With pleasure, you brat.


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“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes father, I am.”

“Well, I can’t stop you anymore, can I? After having graduated and everything. Just… make sure to give your best, son.”

“Always, father.” … “Thank you.”


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“You what?”

Kyuhyun laughed at the pure astonishment in his boyfriend’s face. “I go running. Every evening. Somebody told me it helps clearing your mind. He was right.”

Sungmin grinned. “But what about the sweating and stinking bit?”

Kyuhyun wrinkled his nose. “Yeah well, I generally try to ignore that there comes a sweating bit after the running.”

Sungmin’s grin turned into something much darker and very promising. “Well, how about I’ll show you something, where you’ll even enjoy the sweating bit?”

Kyuhyun’s eyes darkened and he nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, yes, I think I’d like that. What about the stinking part though?”

Sungmin grinned as he pulled Kyuhyun towards the bedroom. “Well, shared showers are a lot of fun, my love.”


I can't believe I wrote all this in one day, but I did it. Well, kind of, it's currently 1:42 am, but who's looking at the clock anyways, right?

So yes, I was away a long time, and because of previous experiences, I'm promising nothing. I have no idea if this and SS6 will open the doors to fanfictions again, or if I'll just... leave again? I don't know, but I do know that I loved writing this. It was inspired by a similar Destiel fanfic, and I always wanted to try this kind of writing stil.

So, tell me if you like it, and if you are in a good mood, please leave some upvotes or subscribe! :) (and if you are in a bad mood, do it anyways, so at least one of us is happy!)

Btw if someone is from Europe and is wondering about my blabbering about the time: I'm currently living in Taiwan instead of Germany.

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subtitler #1
Chapter 1: This is good.. i greatly enjoyed it...
Kyumin_ninja #2
Chapter 1: i like this..
but who is seme in this case?sweating because of other exercise..naughty kyumin..
Why did I just discover this now OTL
It was ssgjljfaasgkl I cant stop grinning and giggling. Gaaaaaaah Kyuhyun's so adorable here >.<
minniyah #4
Chapter 1: I love this! It's a nice long fic to read. LOL at Sungmin being as gay as rainbow-ting unicorns! :D
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 1: Like this... Cute~

Thanks for writing.. ^^
melygolightly #6
Chapter 1: The snippets format is refreshing :)) glad you decided to drop by, if only to ship a sinking ship (still not stopping with the shipping tho!!!)
Chapter 1: Loved this! Moe from you soon, hopefully! :)
MrsConito #8
Chapter 1: This was so sweet ;; And very easy to read and had me with a smile on my face the entire time! I've craving fluffy and angst-free KyuMin for a while now, so thank you <3333 Hope you had a good time at SS6 ^^
HinKyuMin #9
Aww so sweet ㅠ,ㅠ
It's a well written one shot.. As usual author-nim, thank u so much. i do really like it ^^
blurzpoo #10
Chapter 1: This was so cute
You-know-who was so damn effing adorable
Love it <3