
Stop Playing With My Heart



Nichkhun and Victoria hurriedly half-walked-half-ran to the Chemistry Laboratory and in no time, they reached the Chemistry Laboratory. They peeped inside and saw that the others were already sitting down.

“I’ll go in first” Nichkhun suggested.

Victoria nodded in approval.

“I’m sorry Ms. Faye. I came in late.”

“I’ts fine Mr. Horvejkul. Just find a seat so I can start the lesson.” Ms. Faye addressed Nichkhun.

                Nichkhun found a seat farthermost from the teacher and once he was seated, Victoria entered the Laboratory.

“I’m sorry I’m late, Ms Faye.”

“You too, Miss Song? I’ts fine. Since I don’t want you to write those long reflection essays that don’t even make you reflect, go find yourself a seat and I will begin the lesson in a minute.”

“Kamsahamnida!” Victoria searched the room for empty seats. One was beside Nichkhun and the other was directly at the front of the teacher. Since she didn’t want issues running after her, she chose the seat right in front of the teacher and there, she settled down and waited for the teacher to start the lesson.

Nichkhun secretly hoped that Victoria will take the seat beside him so he could administer the Operation PLAY-back easier. But Victoria took the seat right in front of the teacher. *I guess this woman will be hard to play with* he thought. He distracted himself and searched the room and to his shock, he saw rabbits in a cage. *I wonder what those are for* Nichkhun thought to himself.

He saw the teacher stand up so he diverted his attention.

“Ok class. Please listen. If you will notice, there are cute little rabbits in the lab. For the next two weeks I will be on leave so I will leave you this activity. This will be done by pair. . . ” Then low murmurs were heard “. . . ok settle down, people. Every morning you’ll have to feed them and inject them with the chemicals I will display there at the window. You'll have to  record their behavior for the rest of the day for two weeks. Understand?. OK. So find your partners now.” Everybody stood up and everybody excluded Victoria.

Nichkhun was surrounded by so many girls asking him to be their lab partner.

“Nichkhun, please be my lab partner”

“Nichkhun,  will you be my lab partner?”

“Nichkhun, lab partners?”

Nichkhun replied, “Sorry girls, I have these tied to someone else” pointing at his head and his chest. And Nichkhun walked away from the swarm of girls encircling him.

Victoria opened her Chemistry book. *Since one of us is absent, there will be one who wouldn’t have a partner. I’ll let that be myself * She thought happily. She continued reading her book when somebody called her name. She looked up and saw Nichkhun standing in front of her. He leaned in so their faces were an inch away from each other.

“Victoria” Nichkhun whispered. Then he kneeled down.

“Victoria Song. Will you be my lab partner?”

Victoria was shocked. She couldn’t say anything. Her heart fluttered to the way Nichkhun asked her to be his lab partner. He looked at him. *How can a handsome guy ask me like this? What did I do in my previous life to experience this? Did I save the world?*

“Yes” Victoria said still in shock.

“Yes? Yes? Yes! Yes!” Nichkhun stood up and scream in victory. He hugged her making her heart skip a beat.

*God please help me. What is this feeling? Why does he make me feel like this? Why must he make me feel like this?* Victoria thought

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Chapter 12: good story, please update soon
Chapter 13: Yeay~ an update! This story is really nice. Please update soon :D
pandamint #3
Did you give up on this fic?
ezwanie #4
Omo...hihi...knight it...
shidakyu #5
omooooo i love this chapter!!!!
aleixa #6
Oh what happened to Victoria?
Whooo she's starting to fall for him :D
Skaisha #8
Interesting... Looking forward to the next chapter :)
vianna18 #9
Clap Clap Clap. Nice one
aleixa #10
Lol over the title of the recent update XD