May I Have This Dance? Part 1

One Shot Collection

   Everything happens in the blink of an eye. Or at least that's how it feels for Minji who is now entering her senior year of high school. Senior year. The most wonderful and most terrifying year of high school. What could be more wonderful than knowing that all the years you spent studying (or maybe not) in high school were almost done. You were so close to obtaining freedom from there. You are going to become an adult and start to enjoy all the things that were then denied to you, your age or lack of being the reason given to you. But of course with adulthood freedom came adulthood responsibilities. That was probably the worst part of high school. The expectations that people have for you all of sudden become higher and the pressure to measure up, to prove that you can be responsible is nearly suffocating. Not to mention the fact that you have to say goodbye to your childhood and all the bonds of friendship you made in high school will be put to the test as one by one your group of friends will be separated by the course of life.

   Yes these were the thoughts that ran through Minji mind multiple times this summer. And even though she was excited for her senior year on the surface she couldn't escape the somber feeling and the nostalgia that seemed to creep up on her. She was in a bit of a trance when she entered school on the first day.

    "Minji…. Minji….Minji!" she was snapped out of her trance by someone calling her name.

   She looked around trying to find who was calling her name.

   "Over here you weirdo!" Minji turned to see her friend Luna waving to her. And standing next to Luna was their childhood friend Jongdae.

   Minji smiled knowing that even though she was nervous and excited she knew that she wasn't alone. Minji spent half of her summer listening to Luna complain about all the work they were going to have and how as Secretary of the Senior Class she was going have to help plan all the senior activities. And the other half she was listening to Jongdae complain about how he didn't want to date anymore, because girls were unfaithful (except Luna and Minji of course) and crazy (this time Luna and Minji were not exempt from this) and he didn't want to leave anyone behind because there was no way he wasn't going to leave the city for college. Minji complained all throughout the summer about her two best friends but she honestly wouldn't have had it any way.

   "Welcome to the first day of school spacey," Jongdae said to her once she reached them.    

   "Shut up," Minji said and she proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.

   "It's too early for this," Luna grumbled as the trio walked into their school. It was an impressive school, famous for it's music program, it's countless sports championships and over course it top academic standard. The building itself seemed like it was built to reflect the reputation. It was four floors of bright red brick and white cement accented it around the doorways and the windows. Though the building wasn't very tall, the land it took up was bigger than two soccer fields and this did not include the lawns around the school. The school was beautiful and it made the students proud to say they were students there. Everything was done bigger at .

   "Can you believe it? It's our last year here!" Minji gushed.

   "What I can't believe is that after three years here we still have to climb up to the fourth floor for homeroom! Why?! This is cruel and unusual punishment I tell you!" Luna exclaimed and then put her head on her desk. "There are too many stairs," she complains again.

   Jongdae shakes his head.

   "You complain too much sleepyhead," he says.

   Luna just lets a small whimper.

   "But anyway, yeah it's wonderful isn't? We can finally run this place," Jongdae says with a smirk.

   "Please, Jongdae you've been running this place since sophomore year," Minji said. "What's gonna be so different now?"

   "The difference is that now it will be undisputable. No one can deny my right to rule," He answered dramatically.

   Minji rolled her eyes. Her friend had always been a bit dramatic.

   She then took her time to look around to see who was in her homeroom this year. Most of them were familiar faces. She saw her friend Jieun texting, probably her boyfriend Sanghyun who graduated last year, next to her were Jongin and Sehun arguing about goodness knows what, she saw Naeun talking to her friends Namjoo, Eunji and Bomi and when she craned her neck a bit she saw Taemin staring at Naeun, he never was particularly great at subtlety. On the other side of the room she saw Woohyun and Kibum looking at something on Kibum's phone. With so many familiar faces surrounding her Minji thought to herself 'Maybe this year will be the best one yet' and turned to her teacher who had just walked into the classroom.

   "Good morning class and welcome back…"

   Minji couldn't believe how fast time went by. If it was blink of an eye to get to senior year, she couldn't even describe how fast things were happening now. It was Decemebr she had already sent four college applications, she needed to finish two more, she had taken her first midterm and she was already preparing for the annual winter festival with her dance team. Luna was running around trying to get the Winter Ball ready and Jongdae was busy preparing with his acapella group. Minji found herself staying at school more often than at home. The same was said of her two best friends, sometimes they would eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together.

   After practicing their full routine for what felt like the 50th time Minji looked at the clock placed on the wall. Their school had a wonderful dance studio. It was situated on the first floor so it was never too cold like some of the floors above it and they had many high windows allowing sunlight to come in and they were still able to open up the windows when it became to stuffy.

   "Hey guys it's almost seven, I think that's enough for today," Minji said.

   The dance team didn't have an official team captain but as the most senior member Minji feel responsible for the team. Minji made the team her freshman year and was the only freshman accepted that year. She was considered a bit of a prodigy but that did not mean she slacked off. She was often the first to get to the practice room and the last to leave, cleaning up just before she did. When she made a decision regarding the team she was rarely questioned. Everyone knew she always wanted the best for her teammates.

   "But noona, we still need to perfect the last 8 count," a sophomore named Hanbin said.

   "Yeah, noona maybe we should practice it again?" another sophomore named Jiwon agreed with him.

   Said boys didn't notice the other teammates giving them looks varying from 'Why would you say that? Aren't you tired?' to 'How dare they disagree with Minji? They're gonna get it' (Minji will be the first to admit that she did have a bit of a temper).

   But Minji just chuckled. These new teammates of her were perfectionists and she had dealt with enough of those before to know that even though they mean well you must be firm with them.

   "Yes, the last bit needs work but it's getting late and it's already dark out. I don't want one of you being mugged or jumped on the way home. We would be short members and then what do we do," Minji said somewhat seriously. "Besides, we've worked hard today and we need to rest. I don't one of you all to go all ironic on us and hurt yourself during practice when the festival is almost here."

   “Yeah kids, listen to Minji,” chimed in Hoya.

   “Aren’t you guys tired anyway?” Dongwoo asked.

   Hanbin and Jiwon just shrugged. Minji rolled her eyes before chuckling a little.

   “Okay guys, see you all tomorrow,” she said. “Get home safe.”

   The team cheered as they each went to gather their belongings. The doom room quickly emptied as the team members left in pairs and ind groups of three. Minji, like most days, lingered behind. She always liked to make sure to clean up a bit after everyone left. She didn’t want to give the custodians anymore extra work as they already had to wait till her team left to clean the studio and sometimes they did leave very late.

   On their way out Sohyun and Hyuna noticed Minji wandering about the room.  

  “Minji, shouldn’t you be going soon?” Sohyun asked.

   “Yeah, you said yourself that it was already dark out, you should be heading home too,” Hyuna added.

   Minji smiled at them. It always warmed her heart knowing that her teammates worried about her as well.

   “No, don’t worry about me,” Minji assured them. “I’m just waiting for Jongdae. He’s giving me a ride.”

   Hyuna and Sohyun exchanged a look and then giggled.

   “Of course,” Sohyun said. “We should have known.”

   “Yeah, of course Jongdae wouldn’t let this little lady go home unaccompanied,” Hyuna agreed. 

   Minji rolled her eyes. These two loved to pair people up. They would often talk during breaks about who would look good with who.

   “Sheesh, when you say it like that it makes sound like we’re going out or something,” Minji said not taking what the girls said to seriously.

   This sent the girls into a fit of giggles.

   “Ah, you know we’re just kidding Minji,” Sohyun said.

   “But you guys would look super cute together,” Hyuna said with a smirk.

   Minji just shook her head and raised her hands.

   “Aish, what am I going to do with these two,” she said to no one in particular. “Go on girls, get home.”

   With one last wave, the girls left Minji in the studio. Minji gathered her things and placed them near the door. She looked at the clock and saw she still had to wait 15 more minutes for her friend. She her music again and did what she did best. She let the music run through her and her body instinctively moved to the beats.

   As she was dancing she couldn’t help but think about what Hyuna and Sohyun had said. Sure she and Luna were kind of used to people assuming that one of them was going out with Jongdae, but it reminded her of the time her sophomore year that she did actually like Jongdae as more than a friend. She never told Luna, she just didn’t want things to get awkward between her best friends. She refused to say anything to anyone. She thought she was doing a good job at hiding her feelings from her friends, that is until Jongdae introduced them to his then girlfriend Liyin. Lyin was an international Chinese student a year their senior. She was very kind and humble, Minji couldn’t find any fault in her. So she did what any other friend would have done, she was happy for him. She was happy he had found someone that made him happy, even if it broke her heart to see him with someone else.

   Her solution? She dedicated her entire time to the dance team. Even though she never said anything out loud, her dancing told her story. There was a certain melancholy feeling to all her movements for weeks, always underlying all her powerful krumping and sensual body rolls. The audience could never quite find the words to describe her dancing but her fellow dance team members just knew she had suffered a heartbreak and they became her biggest support system. Hyoyeon, Yoona and Sooyoung especially made sure to cheer Minji up whenever they could. Wooyoung and Jokwon where the first to crack jokes to make her laugh. Taemin and Dongwoon always asked if she wanted to practice with them so she wouldn’t be a lone. Youngbae and Seunghyun often took her out to eat or walked her home after practice. Even Yunho, their most senior member had grown a soft spot for her and would slow down practice if she was having trouble with the choreography. She could go on and about how all her teammates for hours. They were the reason for her love for the team. They helped her in their own silent ways. She wasn’t heartbroken for too long because of them.They were her second family.

   The song she was dancing to was winding down when she heard clapping. She turned to see who it was and squealed in delight when she recognized him.

   “Kikwang oppa!” She exclaimed as she ran to him to give him a hug.

   He laughed as he enveloped her in a hug.

   “How are you Mingkki?” He asked smiling down at her. “It’s been too long.”

   “It has been,” she said to him. “What are you even doing here Oppa? And why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Did you not want to see me?” She asked with a pout.

   Kikwang smirked. “Ah you caught me Mingkki,” he said and dodged Minji’s hand as she swung at him.

   Kikwang was another reason she wasn’t heartbroken for too long.

   “No Mingkki, I wasn’t sure if I was going to come today or next week. But I swear I was going to call you,” he assured her. “I’ve missed you.”

   Minji blushed at his cheesy words.

   Minji met Kikwang on the dance team, he was a year older than her and a great dancer and exercise enthusiast. Kikwang was the first to pick up who was at fault for breaking Minji’s heart. He saw the way Minji would make excuses not to hangout with Jongdae. He was the first to notice Minji coming to the dance studio when there was no practice. And he was the only one to verbally ask her if she was okay on a day to day basis. Soon dancing together early before practice became staying after as well, Kikwang would walk Minji to and from practice and then to her classes. Soon they weren’t just dancing together. They could be found studying together in the library, walking in the park and going to the movies together.

   Everyone by then had assumed that they were a couple. The truth was that Kikwang did like Minji but he didn’t want to pressure her into a relationship.  He wanted to wait for her to be able to see him the same way he saw her, but he wanted her to do it on her own time. He didn’t want to be a rebound. But as February came, everyone got a little too excited for Valentine’s Day and it seemed as if everyone had been bitten by the love bug. Including Kikwang. He desperately wanted to tell Minji how he felt. There was so much love in the air, how could he resist. So when they met up to practice together on Valentines Day, instead of greeting Minji in sweats like he normally did, he was waiting for her in a navy blue long sleeved button down shirt and black slacks. To say Minji was surprised was an understatement. Kikwang took her to a small quaint cafe. As they were drinking their coffee, Kikwang became nervous and confessed suddenly. 

   “I like you,” he had said.

   It was quiet for a moment. Both realizing what he had said. Minji was flattered but didn’t know what to say. Kikwang couldn’t believe he had just said that. Blurting out his confession wasn't how he had planned to tell her. So he tried to salvage that moment.

   "I know you have been trying to get over Jongdae, but I have felt this way for a while now and I just wanted you to know that maybe he might not have been the right guy for you but there are other guys, myself included, who would love to take you out in dates, who would love to hear how your day has been, who love to be on the phone with you for hours without saying a single word and all the other stuff that congress with being your boyfriend," he said before continuing,

   "And I can understand if you say no right away, that you never felt anything for me or if you want time to think about it, but I just want you to know that I care for you and I just want you to be happy."

   Through out his speech Minji had gradually gotten reader. She blushed shades of red she didn't know were possible. But she was also reminded of all the sweet things Kikwang had done for her over the last couple of months and she realized that it wasn't just the words being spoken that were making her blush, but who was speaking them was a large contributor. Minji would be lying if she said she wasn't a little attracted to him (at the very least). So she she decided to take a chance.

   "Oppa, these last couple of months were bearable because of you. You taught me to smile again. You made sure I knew that there were loving people surrounding me. I want to thank you for that."

   Kikwang nodded, waiting for the 'but I only see you as a friend' line. 

   "If I was to say that I would like to date you as well, I have one condition," he perked up as she said this, but quite believing this was happening.


   "Can we not put this up on social media, at least for a little while?" She asked.

   "Of course, anything you want Mingkki."

   That was the beginning of their relationship. They were friends before they were boyfriend/ girlfriend. They would pay around as friends did and rarely showed much pda. They were very happy together. But unfortunately for them it didn't last as long as they had hoped. 

   Kikwang had to move away at the beginning of his senior year. When he told Minji he was moving away, she cried and cried. He told her that he stilled cared for her and if she wanted he would like to try a long distance relationship. But Minji couldn't see that happening. Call her selfish but to her she couldn't do it. It just wouldn't be the same. And she didn't want to hold him back if he found someone who he grew to love and care for. So in October of his senior year they broke up on good terms promising to keep in touch. She hadn't seen him in person since then. 

   "I've missed you too. But what are you doing here?" Minji asked.

   "I came by to pick up a few student records. I'm applying to a few colleges in the area and they wanted some paperwork from this school," he answered.

   "And you thought it was a good idea to just invade MY dance studio?" she asked teasingly.

   He chuckled.

   "Let me remind you that it was my room first young lady," he said as he poked her forehead.

   Minji stuck her tongue out at him.

   “Well what are you working on?” he asked.

   “I was just free dancing but can I show you the piece we’re preparing for the Winter Festival? It still needs a little polishing,” she asked him. 

   “Sure,” he responded.

   She gave him a smile and ran to change her music. She turned up the volume a little and took her place in front of the mirror, she counted to eight in her head and then moved. Her head snapped up, face adorned by an arrogant smirk and she lost herself in the music again. Her movements though practiced, her dance did not feel like a routine. It was if she was breathing life into every movement she made. The two dancers were so enchanted by the music and the dance they did not hear the knock on the door.

   “Mingkki, it’s time to go,” Jongdae said as he was opening the door.

   When he opened the door fully and noticed Minji was not alone his face became unreadable. And when he recognized who it was his mouth turned into a scowl. It would be an understatement to say he was not happy to see Kikwang with his best friend. 

   “Oh Jongdae,” Minji said as she stopped dancing. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

   “Well the music was loud,” Jongdae said. He turned to face Kikwang. “I didn’t know you were in town.” He then gave Minji a look, as if to ask if she knew he was coming to visit.

   “I’m just stopping by to get some paperwork,” Kikwang said.

   “Oppa’s applying to schools in the area,” Minji said. “Isnt that great?”

   “Yeah, great,”Jongdae grumbled out.

   Kikwang noticed that Jongdae was not happy to see him so he decided to make his exit.

   “Well Mingkki it is late, you guys should head out before it gets too dark,” he said. “As for your routine, your move at the chorus should be a bit more sharp but other than that I can’t wait to see the whole performance at the Winter Festival.”

   “You’ll be in town for that long? That’s great,”Minji exclaimed.

   Kikwang walked over and gave her a hug goodbye.

   “Message me, okay Mingkki,” Kikwang reminded her.

   “I will,” she said with a giggle. 

   Kikwang left the room after giving Jongdae a quick look. Jongdae never liked Kikwang and it was clear from the look Jongdae gave Kikwang that his feelings hadn’t changed.

   It was only when Kikwang had finally closed the door behind him did Jongdae look at Minji. He noticed that Minji still had a cheesy grin on her face. He didn’t like that.

   “Well come on Minji,” he said snapping her out of her daze. “It’s getting late.”

   “I’ll just get my bag,” Minji said before she started to gather her things.

   It was quiet as they walked to Jongdae’s car Jongdae was very obviously not in the mood to speak and even though Minji did not understand what made her friend this way, she didn’t want to push him to speak if he didn’t want to share. When they arrived at his car they wordlessly got in. The only noise heard was the radio Minji hoping to ease the tension but to no avail. It seemed as if Jongdae’s grip on the steering wheel only got stronger.

   “Did you know he was coming?” Jongdae asked suddenly.

   “W-w-what?” she stuttered.

   “Kikwang. Did you know he was coming?” he asked again.

   “No, he surprised me too,” she answered.

   There was a brief moment of silence. Minji didn’t know what her best friend would say next. Jongdae sighed. 

   “I don’t like that he’s here,” he said.

   Minji wasn’t surprised by his words. Jongdae never quite warmed up to the idea of Kikwang being her boyfriend. Jongdae never trusted the boy, insisting there was something “shady” about him. 

   “Well I just ran into him, it’s not like we were meeting up,” she said.

   “Oh yeah, well than what was that in there? Hmmm? Him asking you to message you,” Jongdae snapped.

   “He just wants to catch up. It’s been a year,”she reasoned.

   “Ha! He probably wants to get back with you,” Jongdae grumbled. “ He’s no good for you Minji.”

   “Ugh!” Minji grunted. “What is it about him that makes him so bad? You’ve always been this way when it came to him. He is a part of my past, I was happy with him. He made me happy, what do you have against that?” 

   “He broke your heart Minji. Don’t you remember how much you cried when he left? Don’t you remember how hurt you were? Because I do,” Jongdae retorted.

   Minji stayed silent as those memories came back to her. She had gone to Luna’s house to cry the day after Kikwang had left not knowing Jongdae was there as well. Minji ended up being consoled by her male best friend for most of her post breakup.

   “I remember how much he hurt you Mingkki and I’ll be damned if I let him do it again,” Jongdae said not taking his eyes off the road. 

  Minji could understand her friend. He was overprotective by nature. He always defended her from the older kids when they were in grade school, even though he was always one of the shorter boys.

   “Look, I understand why you may not trust him, but trust me,” she said to him. “I don’t want a boyfriend right now. I have so much going on and I’m only going to get busier. You don’t have to worry about him."

"If you say so Mingkki, I just don't want to see you hurt again.

"I know," she said. "Don't worry I'll be careful."

  The rest of the ride was silent. Neither wanted to upset the other unintentionally, so they opted to stay quiet. Minji thought of all the things they had gone through over the years and she realized just how much she was going to miss this. Driving home with Jongdae, talking to him on a day to day basis and being reminded that he does care for her.

  When they reached her house she came to the conclusion that no matter how busy she was she was going to hang out with her friends as much as possible. Yes graduation was something she looked forward to, but it also meant that her friends would have to choose a path for after high school and who knows where that would take them. She was going take advantage of the time they had.

  "Good night Mingkki," Jongdae said.

  As Minji was about to get out of the car, Jongdae reached over and grabbed her hand.

  "Please be careful Minji," he said to her.

  "I will," she replied.

  And with one last gentle squeeze he let go of her hand.

  As Minji walked into her house she wondered why she felt a small fluttery feeling when he had grabbed her hand. It was probably from the seriousness of their conversation.

Author's note: I'm super sorry about the wait for this chapter guys. It's not even the full story T.T But I really wanted to give you guys something. My goal is to finish this by next weekend, before my final exams start. I might come back and edit this again.

Well I hope all of you guys are well. I've been swamped with final projects and papers >.<

On a lighter note I now have a tumblr that i don't know how to use(, so if any of you want to follow me or educate me on how to use the tumblr it is very much appreciated. 

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ProbablyCool #1
Chapter 2: Love your stories <3

Oh please do Baekhyun and Minzy like a love hate relationship.
love your style of writing <3 very cute stories!! :-)
mairimzm #3
Chapter 2: this story was most cute, thanks

minzy x jongdae (^^)
Chapter 2: Ohhhh wow hehe dose Jong Dae like minzy can't wait for more ><
Chapter 2: huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Jongdae and Minji is unusual pair, but the way you write it, it looked really normal. The flow is really great. good job authornim, thumbs up!!
Wow can't wait to
LovelyLeAnn #7
Chapter 1: This was amazing written, I love it and thank you very much :]
Chapter 1: beak suho they have the same age
Missyouwannabe #9
Chapter 1: Soooooo cute!
mairimzm #10
Chapter 1: I found a cute story minzy x lay ......... the following may be luhan ??? aaa truth is not