Cold Night

Cold Night

It was a cold night for all but the two of them.


During promotions for a comeback, a free day—or night, was extremely rare. Finally one of those rare times had come. Being overworked and tired after countless schedules, the smart thing to do would be to use free time to rest. Which was what all the members planned to do. But he had something else in mind.

“Jaehwan-ah, do you…want to come along with me to get some ice-cream?”

Jaehwan was caught by surprise, a pleasant surprise. Taekwoon was asking him out on an ice-cream date.  Well, he hadn’t exactly worded it that way, but Jaehwan could catch the hidden message after knowing him and living together for more than two years.

“S-sure! Of c-course, hyung!” Jaehwan couldn’t help but stammer out of shock.

“Great! Quick go grab your coat and we can go to that ice-cream store” Taekwoon said and smiled one of his rare smiles, showing his many small teeth. (That smile was so rare to others, not to Jaehwan though.) Jaehwan was too cute, stammering with his red-tinted cheeks. The thing Taekwoon didn’t know was, he was blushing too.

That ice-cream store was just a street across VIXX’s dorm, so they opted to walk even though the weather was cold and chilly and a slight breeze was blowing. During the ten minute walk neither of the two said anything, only sneaky glances and small smiles were exchanged. Neither of them felt the cold, as their fingers intertwined, sharing the warmth that only the two of them could feel.

The tinkle of bells sounded as they entered the small ice-cream store, and the two were warmly welcomed by the staff at the store.

“Hello, what would you like to have?” the girl with the bright smile behind the counter asked.

“I’d have one vanilla and one chocolate ice-cream, please.” Taekwoon said with his soft gentle voice as he glanced at Jaehwan who smiled shyly. He still remembered.

“Thank you.” Taekwoon said as he collected the two cones of ice-cream and handed the chocolate flavored one to Jaehwan.

“See you next time!” they heard, before Jaehwan closed the door behind him. Both of them walked to the park beside the store, and headed for that bench. They still remembered.

“Finally…it’s been too long.” Taekwoon said as they both sat on the bench. Finally.

“It has,” Jaehwan sighs.

It was more than two years ago. When they both came to the same ice-cream store one night after training for the whole day in their practice room, preparing for debut. Ordered the same ice-cream. Headed to that same bench. Where he confessed, completely unaware and shocked that the other had felt the same way. They had decided to keep their relationship a secret. They knew secret relationships rarely lasted, but they had no other choice, and maybe, who knew, they could be an exception.

Both of them were so absorbed in memories, just reminiscing those times. Those times when they still had time for each other. They hadn’t realised that they were both just staring into space and eating their ice-cream, without saying a word, when suddenly the silence was interrupted by Taekwoon’s voice.

“Jaehwan-ah… are you starting to doubt my feelings towards you?”

Jaehwan’s eyes widened at the sudden question. He gulped nervously. It was as if Taekwoon had been reading his mind. He hesitated.

“Well…during the past few months I admit I doubted that we still shared the same feelings for each other…” he shifted nervously on the bench. “Like…we rarely ever spent time together anymore, it was always schedule after schedule and two to three hours of sleep before the same cycle repeated again and…we weren’t talking much—we weren’t even talking at all, so I thought...what’s so funny hyung?” Jaehwan pouted as he heard Taekwoon's laugh. Was Taekwoon even listening?

Taekwoon chuckled to himself. Cute Jaehwan was so absorbed in answering his question that he didn’t realise that he had (as usual) gotten some ice-cream on his nose.

“You have ice-cream on your nose, Jaehwan-ah” Taekwoon smiled as he whipped out a hankerchief from his jeans pocket.

“Oh.” Jaehwan felt embarrassed, and his cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink.

“Let me help you clean it up…”

Taekwoon brought one hand to Jaehwan’s chin and tilted his face slightly upwards, such that they were gazing into each others’ eyes. Jaehwan felt his cheeks burn as Taekwoon inched closer, and used his hankerchief to wipe the ice-cream off his nose.

Taekwoon wasn’t done, though, as he kept his hold on Jaehwan’s chin and inched even closer, such that their lips were almost touching. Jaehwan could swear his racing heartbeat was audible enough for Taekwoon to hear.

“Jaehwan-ah…I just want you to know one thing…my feelings for you have never changed one bit. I loved you, I love you, and I forever will…” Taekwoon whispered against his lips.

Jaehwan’s eyes fluttered shut as Taekwoon gave him a soft gentle peck on lips. The hand on his chin had moved to his nape, as Taekwoon tilted his head and deepened the kiss, tongue darting past Jaehwan’s parted lips. The kiss was just slow, sweet, passionate, full of feelings that couldn’t be expressed through words.

The two of them slowly pulled away from the kiss to catch their breath. Jaehwan shyly looked up into Taekwoon’s eyes where he saw the warmth and sincerity, and love. And Jaehwan realised, he never needed to doubt.


It was a chilly night and both of them were eating ice-cream, but neither felt cold.


A/N: Hope you guys liked it! OTL at all the cheesiness...


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a-topp #1
Chapter 1: Fluff , fluff everywhereeee
It's cute teakwoon ah~
Chapter 1: SPAZZES AT ALL THE MOMENTS HERE T-T Hihi they are so cute together
Kokechan #3
Chapter 1: Thanks for this sweet and peaceful story !
Chapter 1: I like it.It was short but it's good! c;
Thumbs up.