Part 7

Daes of Love

Still Fridae

Joonmyeon frowned concernly at me as I trudged to the front of the school. "Why so glum, chum?"


"Chum just saw something he'd rather not see," I responded dejectedly.


"Oh? Tell me about it."


I proceeded to explain the situation at hand. Joonmyeon nodded and nodded and expressed his sympathies while nodding some more.


After I had concluded my long and heroic tale, Joonmyeon only pondered for a brief moment before asking, "Well, you know what I think?"


I didn't know.


"I think Kyungsoo would never do that to you. I know he can be a little, um, crass sometimes, but do you really think he would go after Jongdae after hearing all about your established feelings for him?"


I didn't.


"So you have nothing to worry about. Anyway, we better hurry. Besides the campus, I'm supposed to go meet my roommate today and I'd rather not be late."


I understood, and we made our way to the train station that would take us to the train that would take us to the ferry that would take us to the bus that would take us to the university Joonmyeon would be attending. Except we took a shortcut and just decided to make our way to the train station that would take us to the train that would take us to the aforementioned university.


So, guess what happened there!




Hush, child. So, once Joonmyeon and I arrived at the university, the two of us got a little bit lost.

(And by a little bit, I mean much more than a little bit, but I want you, my preppy little notebook, to think that I am cool and do not get lost. Even at gigantic universities like the one in question.)


But alas, we eventually stumbled across the correct campus. Due to our lack of direction, we had to save the exploring for later and head straight to the dorms in which Joonmyeon would be living. Luckily, we did not get as lost this time. We arrived at the room we sought after and we wasted ten minutes arguing over who would gain the special privilage of ringing the doorbell.

(That ended up being me, by the way.)


I pressed the doorbell.

The door, in all its door-ness, swung open and there stood the second surprise of the day (dae).


An extremely tall boy of, I'm guessing, eighteen years, came to our calling. He was very tall, with quite an eyebrow defect. Although he had a rather...terrifying face, to say the least, he was very attractive and also very tall. He was extremely tall, as well; I really hope I mentioned that.


"Hello, you must be Kim Joonmyeon, or someboy else I'm expecting," said he.


Joonmyeon flashed Eyebrow Boy a bright smile. "I am Kim Joonmyeon. And that makes you-"


(Wait for it...)


"-that makes you Wu Yifan? Or at least somebody else I'm expecting."


Eyebrow Boy nodded. "Indeed."


Yes. It's what you think. Joonmyeon's new roommate is my old buddy who also happens to be my first kiss.


I forgot I was present. Yes, I'm aware of how weird that sounds. I only remembered I was there when Yifan looked to me and nodded with a "Hey."


Does he recognize me? I puzzledly smiled back. "Hi, I'm Yixing." He must now.


And he did. "I see," Yifan smirked slightly.


I tried to smirk back, but I'm certain it came out like a grimace. Or at the very least, it looked like I was trying to imitate him.


Joonmyeon just scratched his head in confusion.


Long story short, I panicked and quickly stuttered out an excuse. Something about how I "had to get going" because "my dog is sick". Or something. Unfortunately, Joonmyeon tilted his head to the side, even more confused and said somthing like "BUT Yixing you don't HAVE a DOG."

I shot him a half-glare and walked away.


"I bet he NEVER had a dog..." I heard Yifan say afterwords.


I was just calmly finishing some homework (yes, I'm not the type to leave it 'till the last minute on Sundae) when I heard a shaky knock-knock.

I looked around the room uncertainly.




The sound got louder.





Kyungsoo was trying to break into my house.


"No, I wasn't! Baekhyun was!"


Baekhyun was trying to break into my house.


"Kyungsoo was the one knocking! And really, neither of us were breaking in-we very politely knocked on your window. I think that was rather romantic, actually, don't you think so?"


No, I didn't think so, I told him.


"I wish you'd stop trying to get around to everybody already..." Kyungsoo muttered under his breath.


Baekhyun whipped his head around to look at him. "I'm not trying to get around to everybody! Wait-what does that mean?"


"You tell me!"


"How-how can I tell you if I don't know what it means?"

"I think you do!"


At that moment, I wnated to slap the two of them. Kyungsoo for not admitting what he was supposed to admit to himself by now (I'm not even going to tell you; you, a notebook, should know by now.


Since Kyungsoo obviously wouldn't. Come on, Kyungsoo).


And I wanted to slap Baekhyun for "getting around to everybody". Come on, Baekhyun.


So, I decided to say something.


"...What I want to know is, Kyungsoo-why were you hugging Jongdae yesterday?"




Kyungsoo blinked, perplexed. "What-"


"Yeah Kyunsoo-why were you hugging Jongdae yesterday?" Baekhyun demanded to know.


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. "Guys-Yixing-Jongdae and I are just friends. You don't think I'm-you don't think I'm into him or anything, do you? And he doesn't like me that way."


"Oh," simply said I, in a stupid manner. Well, that did cheer me up a bit.


Baekhyun just blushed and looked at the ground. My carpet is rather plain, so-


Come on, guys.


Of course, I have been giving Luhan the space he requested. There are still six other people sitting with us at lunch. And before last Thursdae, I ususally sat across from him. Today, we sat on opposite ends of the same bench. It makes me sad, but I know that if this is what he wanted, I should give him it. Until things got less...awkward.

Since I never found out why the break-in romantic knocking-on-my-window courtesy of Baek and Kyungsoo was necessary, I had to question it today, on this bright and sunny Mondae. I waited for a gap in the conversation at lunch before speaking.


"So Baek-"


But Chanyeol decided to say somthing at the same time. He was doing most of the speaking today (todae), anyway.


"Hey Kyungsoo, how's that beef patty?"


Kyungsoo glanced at his burger. "Um, I got the bacon one..."


Chanyeol grinned. "I know."


Kyungsoo started to widen his eyes, then somehow managed to stop himself and tried to look nonchalant.


Minseok cleared his throat. "Guys, so I kind of-"


But Jongdae had something to say. So everybody shut up!


Just kidding. But seriously, though.


"Hey, Baekhyun-where did you get that Sooshi?"


Baekhyun wasn't eating sushi.


Chanyeol smirked. Joonmyeon blinked innocently, while Luhan furrowed his brow, also confused. Minseok whispered, "Annnd this just got real, guys."


Well, Baekhyun looked pissed, let me tell you. "I don't know, Jongdae-do you want any?"


I let out a gasp. Beside me, Joonmyeon made a sound that told everybody he finally realized what was going on.


"Sooshi's nice but that's more of my brother's favourite," Jongdae snarked back.


That was when Baekhyun absolutely lost it. If everyone found him loud before, well...


"WELL THAT BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER WON'T GET ANY!" he screamed at Jongdae, standing up as he did so.


Kyungsoo, who was sitting beside Jongdae, had had enough.


"HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" he yelled, also standing up right as Baekhyun sat down. That was the loudest I've ever witnessed him be. He sat back down again, but his quiet mumble of "...You never seemed like Sooshi before..." didn't go unnoticed. "Not in that way..."


By now, nobody had to question what 'that way' meant.


Baekhyun didn't look at him. "Maybe in the last little while, I've started to notice how much I really-really w-want it..."


Luhan widened his eyes, finally getting it. Chanyeol opened his mouth, then thought better of it, and closed it again. 


Kyungsoo's gaze didn't stray from his burger. His bacon burger. "...Oh."


Baekhyun swallowed. "Yeah."


Kyungsoo glanced down to his lap. "I don't know if I want you to."


I very nearly gasped again but I realized that would be inappropriate for this situation.


Baekhyun's lower lip quivered. "You can't change how I feel."


"No, but you can," was all Kyungsoo had to say after that.


The atmosphere surrounding us got tenser and more awkward. Baekhyun promptly stood up again, for a different reason this time. "I've lost my appetite, " he said, grabbing his bag and leaving after pushing the rest of his lunch towards Chanyeol, who didn't seem sure whether or not this was a bad time to dig in.


"So have I." Kyungsoo got up as well. Luhan followed suit without saying anything. I wondered why he was leaving, then felt my throat tighten into a knot when I realized I was the reason. Hearts were being broken left and right these days (daes). Reminders were reminders.


"...Maybe you'll win the bet," Minseok said to me as Chanyeol talked over us all, trying to make the situation at hand less uncomfortable.




As I walked with Joonmyeon and Chanyeol out of the school, I came face-to-face with another difficult situation.


"Yifan hyung, what are you doing here?" Joonmyeon was surprised to see him while I was terrified.


"I have a car. You don't, I presume, as you told me your stories of getting lost around the campus," Yifan responded. Joonmyeon confirimed this while Chanyeol gave me a "Who's he?" look.

I tried shooting him a "That's Yifan and don't draw attention to us because I already feel really awkward around him" look but I don't think Chanyeol registered it because he poked Joonmyeon on the shoulder in confusion.


"Oh, right! Yifan, you've met Yixing before." 

Okay, thanks Joonmyeon.


"I have indeed met him before," Yifan snickered. I blushed profusely in response.

"And this is Chanyeol," Joonmyeon continued, "My boyfriend."


Yifan frowned a bit at this. Oh no, was this another unrequited crush?

"I see...Nice to meet you."




Oh no.


Yifan turned back to Joonmyeon. "So you need a ride, or..."


"That'd be great, thanks!"


Oh nooooo...


"But I just remembered I forgot something in my locker. Channie, can you come with me?"






But the two of them scampered off anyway, ignoring my cries for help. I'd like to think that the reason for that has nothing to do with the fact that they couldn't hear me.


"So..." Yifan continued to smirk.


At that moment, I bravely decided to try the straight-forward tactic instead.


"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" I practically shouted.


Yifan looked a little ataken back but quickly regained composure. "And I remember you."


"I know you do," I told him, "You don't need to put on the snickery act for me."


He finally stopped smirking, "'Kay, sorry." He put on his serious face and leaned against the hood of his car. "How've you been, anyway?"


"Fine," I replied. "Though I gotta say; I didn't know, you."


My old friend nodded. "But we were good, weren't we? I always thought the two of us made a great team."


I didn't disagree.


"Remember the time in the air vents?"


I did remember. Basically, there was a rumor going around that our school back in China had a secret washroom. This led to Yifan getting all, "Yo, let's try to find a way in!" I agreed and due to Yifan being not short, we made our way up to the air vents more easily than some other people could. However, we got ourselves locked inside when I accidentally caused the opening of the vent to stay blocked in a stationary position.

We were up there for two hours. It was dusty and gross and Yifan looked very attractive, even in the dark. His lips attached themselves to mine and I didn't mind at all.

We got ourselves out. Eventually. We never kissed again, though I always wondered if he wanted to. I always wondered if I wanted to. But Yifan always seemed to be interested in different guys every week, so I never thought I had a chance. I still knew he was a good guy nonetheless. Overly smirky sometimes, but he was a great friend. I don't know why I thought this meeting would be more awkward. But I'm glad it wasn't.


"So..." he began again.


"Yesss...?" I raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"


"Joonmyeon is not single."


Bingo. I so knew it. "No, he isn't. You interested?"


He shrugged. "Maybe. But I'll back off; I can tell he's happy with Chanyeol."




Yifan spread his arms across the car. "What about you? Seein' anybody right now?"


I so wish..."Not at the moment, no. But..."


"But what?"


I paused. Maybe Yifan could help me with this. "Well, I really like this one guy, and-"


"And you're not sure whether or not he likes you back?" he guessed correctly.




Yifan moved a hand over a slightly scratched spot on the passenger window. "Why don't you ask him?"


I widened my eyes. "What? Is that even, like legal?"


Yifan sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just because not too many people use that method doesn't mean it can't work." He looked past my shoulder and waved to Joonmyeon and Chanyeol, who were on their way back. "You never know. If you don't do this, you'll always wonder what would happen if you did, right?" Yifan walked to the other side and got into the driver's seat.


"Just ask him, Yixing."


Yeah, Yixing-just ask him.

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Almost at the end


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miaka07 #1
Chapter 13: ..still waiting for this..thank you..
Chapter 1: Yes Yixing I like Jongdae too XD I also like you too ;D
That end of the chapter cracked my heart tho T_T I know what it feels like
Chapter 13: I literally just read this in one go and I absolutely love it. Thanks for the updateee. Thanks for making this awesomely funny story. Bless your soul ❤(ӦvӦ。)
Sekitani #4
Chapter 13: xDDD Omg it's so funny
Omg omg omg an update ima cry!!!!
Thank you author-nim~~~~
Sooshi_luvs #6
Chapter 11: DUDeeeeeeeeeeee UPDATeEEEee
sikami #7
sikami #8
sikami #9
Chapter 1: My heart is crying