~YesterDae: Part 1~

Daes of Love

I'm back. It's been a while and I apologize; school was being school.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

It references a lot of things from the first few chapters, actually. Reading them briefly makes this chapter more understandable.

"So..." Baekhyun shifted from one foot to the other.

"Yes...?" Joonmyeon imitated his movement.

"What do we do now?"

Everyone else was thinking the same.

Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. "According to his last entry, you guys know where he is."

"That's not true," Kyungsoo shook his head wildly. "Yifan took us to a glow-in-the-dark laser bowling paintball capture-the-flag mini golf centre. I didn't even know there was a glow-in-the-dark laser bowling paintball capture-the-flag mini golf centre around here."

"Sounds like fun." someone else remarked.

"We can look there, I guess. But something tells me he took him somewhere else." Baekhyun shrugged.

Jongdae stood up aruptly, startling his friends. "There's nothing I want more than to find Yixing safe," he said, his voice shaky, "But before we embark on this search, there's something I want to show you guys..."



Well today was a normal day, a normal day it was...

"I don't get it" said Baekhyun, "I don't get it at all.

"Keep reading" replied Jongdae, his expression unappalled.

I met this new guy, Yixing. He seemed rad.

He was pretty cute. I liked his dimples.

K bye.

"That better not be it, Jongdae" Minseok shook his head.

"It's not" responded Jongdae, his cheeks cherry red.


I saw that Yixing guy again. Still cute. Good for him.

Kyungsoo was all over him. Hopefully not in that way,

Cuz I'm hoping I can get to know Yixing better.

K that's it for today.



I ran into Yixing in the halls today. Literally.

"Sorry, Yixing," I said, brushing my dull brown hair out of my eyes.

I should dye it a different colour. Like Sehun, he said he was going to dye his green.

I should do that. Maybe I'll get noticed more.

Yixing has nice hair. It looks soft and touchable. Wah.



Had choir today. Saw Baek, my choir buddy crush thing.

"Oooh, Jongdae likesss meee"

"Back then, so did you; I agree."

He's nice. Cute too. Now that Yixing is in the picture, I've forgotten about Baek.

"Well, okayyyy..." Baekhyun pouted.

"Just keep reading," Jongdae shouted.

If I ever had the courage to do anything about the people I like, then I, well, would.

Didn't see Yixing today.



I saw Yixing today.

He was comforting Do Kyungsoo, who was practically crying.

Wonder why. Maybe they got together?

I don't know. I have seen them together quite a bit.

Lucky Do Kyungsoo.



I caught a glimpse of Yixing dancing today, as I pranced around with Baek and Kyungsoo.

I think he made the dance team. He's so talented.

I wish I was talented. I mean, I guess I can sing. I don't know.

I don't have a lot of faith in myself.

Weirdly, Yixing seemed to spot us and he half ran away and half dove behind a cactus nearby.

Guess he didn't want Kyungsoo to see him sweaty? I don't know.



"I saw cute hyung today!" Chanyeol bounced up and down, excited.

He likes Kim Joonmyeon, this tiny little cute hyung. He's cool. He's also friends with Yixing. And Baek.

Little Jongin is dating green-haired Sehun. Good for him.

Baekhyun kept grinning at me today. It was like he knew something I didn't.

Maybe I should do something about him. It's not like Yixing ever smiles at me or anything.

Yeah, maybe Baekhyun likes me? I might as go for it. I'm really scared but I might actually have a chance.

But how do I approach him?


I have a plan. Yixing is friends with Baekhyun, I've seen.

Makes sense, cuz Yixing is dating Kyungsoo, who's friends with Baek.

I mean I think Yixing is dating him. I don't really want to be right.

I'll bring the Baekhyun thing up with Yixing. This way, I can tell if Yixing reciprocates any of my feelings for him.

Yeah, I would say

I like Yixing.



I told Yixing to meet me at the 'Frapp House' to both figure out if he acts any different around me and to ask him about Baek.

At the same time, I also asked him to tell Kyungsoo that my brother wants to ask him something.

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Jongin wanting help with his vocal skills.

So, when I asked him about Kyungsoo, he didn't act any different. Huh. You'd think he would, since I brought up his boyfriend and all.

I asked him if he could ask Joonmyeon if he liked Yeol, cuz Yeol wanted me to.


I asked Yixing if he could find out if Baekhyun liked me.

He was pretty nonchalant.

Guess Yixing doesn't like me.

Maybe Baek does.



I'm dating Byun Baekhyun. Yixing told me he thought he did but I should ask him to be certain.

I did. Turns out he does like me back. Though, he didn't seem as sure of himself as he usually did.

Wonder why.

Chanyeol got the guy too. Good for him. Idiot sewed himself to a sewing machine and Joonmyeon hyung helped him out of it.



Me and Baek went to the mall today. We saw some lovely snapbacks. I bought one.

We saw Yixing, Minseok hyung, and Joonmyeon hyung. Yixing looked at me with a strange look in his eyes.

Wonder why.

"Okay, okay, that's enough for now..." Jongdae shut the book closed. "Maybe more later but we've got to find Yixing and Yifan first."

Jongin sighed. "Where do we even start? We don't have any clues other than his last journal entry."

Luhan had a thoughtful look on his face. "Maybe they went to Hawaii? It sure seemed that way with the leis and the pina coladas."

"Luhan, that's pretty improbable. They're high school students, how can they afford that?"

"But Yifan is in university," Joonmyeon pointed out. "Still..."

Kyungsoo sighed. "So what do we do now?"


A gust of wind swam through the air, hitting Jongdae in the face first. He knew the others were looking to him for guidance. Usually he wasn't the leader. But when it came to Yixing, Jongdae wanted to be the one to take charge.

A sudden rush of adrenaline washed over him. Standing straighter, Jongdae addressed his friends.

"Minseok hyung, can you search up places that have leis and pina coladas. Besides Hawaii, of course."

"On it." Minseok quickly reached for his phone.

"Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, can you two please go back to the laser bowling centre?"

"You mean the glow-in-the-dark laser bowling paintball capture-the-flag mini golf centre?"

"...Yeah, whatever. Joonmyeon hyung, you know how to drive well. Can you take Chanyeol and Jongin with you and just drive out to the city? See if you spot anywhere Yifan or Yixing would likely be at. Tao-"

"Tao's not here," someone reminded him.

"Okay, so somebody should probably take care of that. Sehun, try to get a hold on him, please."


"Everyone good?"

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo nodded, ready to go to the glow-in-the-dark laser bowling paintball capture-the-flag mini golf centre. Joonmyeon gave Jongdae a thumbs-up, pulling Chanyeol and Jongin with him towards the bus station in order to get to his house in order to gain access to one of his many cars. Joonmyeon had a lot of cars.

While Minseok squinted at his phone, Luhan poked Jongdae on the shoulder. "What can I do?"

"I'm thinking. But you're sticking with me." Luhan nodded.

"Meanwhile, I'll show you some more of this..." Jongdae opened his journal again.



There's this new kid, Luhan. He seems nice. He's Chinese.

Yixing is Chinese too.

Anyway I told him the Chanyeol sewing story and he laughed.

Luhan's nice.

"Am I nice, do you think?" Luhan inferred.

"Yes, you are," said Jongdae. "Hope that doesn't sound absurd."


My brother and Sehun broke up. Crazy kids these days.

Speaking of break-ups, I'm starting to think me and Baekhyun aren't a good match.

He's very cute, but he's just so loud. I should have known; he was always loud even when we were just friends.

I'm pretty loud too, I'd say. Just loud enough to make me think that me and Baek's mutual loudness is grating.

We both need to see other, less loud people.



Yixing is still cute.



Yup, I still like him.



Baekhyun dumped me.

Thank goodness, I wasn't sure how to approach the subject myself.

He said he would be hurting someone else if we continued to go out.

Wonder who that could be. Maybe Kyungsoo? I know Baekhyun used to like him a long time ago.

But I thought Kyungsoo was with Yixing? I'm so disconnected.



Something weird happened.

Yixing came to my house and said that me and Baek had to get back together.

Well, that confirms that there's no way Yixing likes me that way.

I told him the break-up was for the best.



Does Jongin like Kyungsoo? Crazy Kyungsoo, with Yixing, Baekhyun, and Jongin all interested in him.

Luhan likes Yixing too, I can tell.

I feel weird.

That is all.




I'm invited to a party by the one and only Byun Baekhyun.

We remain friends, which is awesome, because he's still funny and I like hanging out with him.

It's a going-away party for Joonmyeon hyung.

That sounds like fun. Yixing is going too.



Things went down at the party.

This is going to be a long entry.


Anyway, it started out fine. Jongin was invited to a party, which just happened to be the same party I was invited to.

When we got there, I spotted Yixing. He looked as cute as usual, which is very, really, very, extremely, totally, very cute.

"Hi Yixing!" I shouted, hurrying up the steps.

He looked scared when he saw me. Uh oh, that's not good.

I tried smiling gently at him. He still looked terrified.

"Are you okay, Yixing?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm just kind of surprised to see you."

"But you were there when Baek invited me...?"


I didn't push the issue further. "Let's head inside, I want to say hi to Joonmyeon hyung."

"Hey Yixing..." I turned around and noticed Luhan.

"Hi, ge." Yixing looked uncomfortable.

Could he tell that I liked him? Could he tell that Luhan liked him?

Luhan saw me and narrowed his eyes. "Who's this?"

Guess he forgot we met before. "I'm Kim Jongdae. And you are?"

I knew who he was. I was jealous.


We shook hands awkardly and went inside.


Some other things happened. Um. Sehun was there and he got soda all over himself. His buddy Tao laughed at him.

Uhhh, there was cake. It was good cake.

Oh, something weird happened.

At some point, Sehun whined about being hungry and everyone left the room, except for those who didn't .

Those being Joonmyeon, Chanyeol, Luhan, Yixing, and I.

I thought Joonmyeon was pretty innocent but he proved me wrong as he started vacuuming Chanyeol's mouth.

With his own mouth. Not an actual vacuum. That'd be weird.

But it was awkward for the rest of us, because Yixing turned to Luhan and started talking really fast.

He didn't even seem to notice I was there too.


Later on, we played a game of Truth and Dare. I think it was supposed to be Truth or Dare, but whatever.

Anyway, eventually it was my turn.

Jongin, my stupid brother Jongin, dared me to kiss three people that I wanted to kiss the most in the room.

I analyzed my options. Not my brother, probably not Sehun or Tao, as they seem too wild. I saw Minseok.

So I kissed him, because why not?

Next kiss-

Jongin said I couldn't kiss anyone I had kissed before. But whatever.

So I kissed Baek. Fun times.

Next to Baek sat Joonmyeon. Not the best idea to kiss someone in a relationship. So not Chanyeol, either, naturally.

Then I saw Yixing.

At that moment, I wanted to kiss him more than I ever have before.

So I leaned in towards him

Closer and closer

Until the space between our lips was gone.


"You did really like him, didn't you?" Luhan sounded a bit out of breath.

"And I still do. And I always have..." Jongdae stared at his feet. "No matter who else was in the picture, he was always going to be there. I never thought he could ever like me back."

"Reading from his journal, I saw him fall for the person I never thought I could be. He thought I was cute, I think I'm average. He thought I was nice, I think I'm just polite as the next person. I'm really not as great as he thinks I am."

Luhan patted him on the back sympathetically. "I don't think that's true. He never gave up on you, as cheesy as it sounds. Even when he considered me, even when you dated Baek- don't you think there must be a reason why you never faltered in his books?"

"I don't know, Luhan. I just don't know anymore."















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Almost at the end


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miaka07 #1
Chapter 13: ..still waiting for this..thank you..
Chapter 1: Yes Yixing I like Jongdae too XD I also like you too ;D
That end of the chapter cracked my heart tho T_T I know what it feels like
Chapter 13: I literally just read this in one go and I absolutely love it. Thanks for the updateee. Thanks for making this awesomely funny story. Bless your soul ❤(ӦvӦ。)
Sekitani #4
Chapter 13: xDDD Omg it's so funny
Omg omg omg an update ima cry!!!!
Thank you author-nim~~~~
Sooshi_luvs #6
Chapter 11: DUDeeeeeeeeeeee UPDATeEEEee
sikami #7
sikami #8
sikami #9
Chapter 1: My heart is crying